I am the king of the dead

Chapter 978 Ask Qu how clear it is?For the source of living water

Zhu Qiyu had long been prepared for Hu Min's death, but when things came to an end, he still felt a little powerless. A happy funeral is indeed a happy funeral, but the loss of a teacher and father in the imperial court still made Zhu Qiyu full of emotion. Hu Shangshu, who looks like a dragon walking like a tiger, and behaves with etiquette, has left the world after all.

Five days after leaving court, Zhu Qiyu came to the Wenhua Palace again and started the daily court meeting.

Yao Kui, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, is a bit out of his mind. It stands to reason that the uncrowned king in his head and the master of etiquette, Hu Wei, passed away. Yao Kui should set off three firecrackers, but Yao Kui doesn't think so. If you don’t have an idea, you can still go to Hu Wei for help. This is the way out. If you can’t solve the problem by yourself, you can definitely solve it by looking for Hu Wei. This is the backer, and the backer is the one who can be relied on.

The content of the court meeting was backlogged for five days, and it seemed extremely large, but there were three things that were difficult to deal with.

The first one is the promotion of culture and education. Regarding the promotion of papermaking and ink related issues, the main controversy regarding this proposal is the patent royalty. If the Ming court uses it, should the patent royalty be required?The imperial court has always been used to plundering and plundering, and there are many voices of opposition to such a sudden payment of such a sum of money.

"The Qin Tianjian, the ten major calendar bureaus, and the astronomical students are all supported by the Ming Dynasty. Their daily necessities, food, housing and transportation are all supported by the Ming Dynasty. Now that they have achieved some results, they will become auspicious. That is their obedience. What kind of auspicious authorization fee do you want to pay?"

"It's unheard of for the major government offices to use this technology to actually ask for money. It's the first time I've heard that the imperial court collects taxes."

"I also think that this auspiciousness is divided into five grades. The technology to promote production is indeed a country's most important weapon. Why not pay the five grades of auspiciousness directly by the court? In this way, there will not be so many cumbersome things .”

"If it is necessary to monitor Xiangrui's authorization fee and establish a government office, then there will be a bunch of famous people. It is not clear whether they will do something or not. Anyway, they will be recruited by officials to do it. Wouldn't it be troublesome then?"


Amidst the divergent opinions, Yao Kui looked at his memo, and said solemnly: "When the half-acre square pond is opened, the sky, clouds and shadows are lingering. How clear is the canal? It is because there is flowing water from the source."

"The half-acre square pond is not too big, but it is as clear and clear as a mirror. The sky and clouds are shining and floating, and the mood is full. On the contrary, if it is dirty, how can it have such a scene?"

"Why the water in this half-acre square pond is so clean, you have to ask the ditch, because the source of this ditch has a constant flow of running water."

"Whether it's the new papermaking technique or the ink-making technique, this half-acre Fangtang, everyone opposes the auspicious authorization fee. How can this Fangtang without its source be clear and transparent? Or do you think that, These ten calendar bureaus don’t need money to maintain, don’t need running water, can they last forever?”

After Yao Kui's words, the people who asked were speechless. Yao Kui was using the scene as a metaphor. The pond without the source will dry up. The top ten calendars without the source will take the initiative to be short-lived and support the Qin Tianjian. The top ten calendar bureaus and many astronomers are not a small number, and the fee for patent authorization is one of the sources.

Shen Yi, Minister of the Household Department, frowned and said: "What Yao Shangshu said is reasonable, but in the current Ming Dynasty, I think it is more appropriate to pay the auspicious authorization fee in one go. Once this technology is spread, it will be extremely troublesome to monitor it. , without mentioning the increase in redundant officials, supervision is even more difficult."

Shen Yi is very willing to pay for technology, because technology is an important part of productivity, and skilled industrial craftsmen are another important part. The two are indispensable to promote the development of productivity together. Paying for technology can improve productivity , It is a great thing for the Ministry of household affairs.

To put it bluntly, even if His Majesty's New Deal is abolished, as long as there is a city ship department to pay taxes on merchant ships and a military bureau to cast silver coins, Ming can at least say that he can continue his life for 100 years or even longer.

The system of the Ming Dynasty only lacked financial affairs.

Even if the Ming Dynasty's capital camp is abolished, as long as the Ming Dynasty's frontier army is given enough food and wages, is there any opponent in the world?


Shen Yi's meaning is very clear, even if it is to spend a little more money and pay clearly at one time, don't add redundant staff, too many officials and too scattered power will be detrimental to Daming.

Shen Yi, the old party of the old party, the conservative among the conservatives, the emperor issued a national debt, Shen Yi dared to slap the table to halve the emperor's tens of millions of silver national debt, and got 500 million silver, and the 500 million silver national debt was paid Afterwards, Shen Bulou confronted the emperor even more, and finally blocked the national debt system.

The fundamental reason why national debt cannot be shaped is that the Ming Dynasty's money management method does not work with the banknote method.

Accounting currency is not a banknote method, but an emergency measure to deal with money shortage, and the effect is actually mediocre.

Nianfu, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, immediately waved his hand and said: "Shangshu Shen's words are wrong. Only with the authorization fee from Xiangrui can partial fairness be realized. It cannot be done across the board. For example, the one-horsepower steam engine produced by His Majesty, up to now, all steam engines in Daming It all stems from this, so what level of auspiciousness is this steam engine of Your Majesty?"

"The highest is only Jiarui, but obviously, there are still differences between Jiarui and Jiarui. Therefore, the one-time payment for the auspicious authorization fee is one size fits all. It is a lazy policy among lazy policies."

Shen Yi immediately asked back: "Since the Minister of the Year mentioned the steam engine, is His Majesty's steam engine Jiarui? Should there be a fee? The courtiers are rewarded and given for technological breakthroughs, and there is auspicious authorization fee. Why doesn't Your Majesty have one?"

The whole world belongs to Lao Zhu's family, so if you want the money or not, isn't that the same?

Of course they are different. If they are the same, what kind of national and domestic funds are there?If Zhu Qiyu needed money, he might as well not allocate it from the state treasury.

How could Emperor Jiajing have been arguing with courtiers for more than ten years for 200 million taels of silver?
Zhu Qiyu also said with a smile when he heard it: "I am as rich as a country, and the steam engine is Jiarui, and it will be used by anyone in Ming Dynasty for free. Shen Shangshu, don't worry about it."

Shen Yi hastily bowed his head and said: "Your Majesty's holy grace is surrounded by all things, and one person can go on the road alone, Your Majesty is holy."

Zhu Qiyu was taken aback for a moment, this Shen Bulou was playing tricks here!As soon as this statement came out, the supreme emperor of the Ming Dynasty was willing to use it for the people of the Ming Dynasty for free, so why couldn't the doctors of the top ten calendar bureaus talk about dedication!
Shen Yi skillfully bypassed Yao Kui's question and asked Qu how clear it was, then went around and turned the topic back to the question of whether he should pay or not.

"Shangshu Shen." Zhu Qiyu knocked on the table and said: "I know that Governor Xu asks for another one million silver every year, and the national coffers are under pressure, but some money should be spent, and only after spending it can we earn more , What does Shen Shangshu think?"

"Then pay in a fixed amount." Shen Yi is well aware of the principle of opening windows if you can't lift the house. He is willing to pay for the technology, but this kind of papermaking and ink-making techniques that involve people's livelihood, how many workshops does Daming need to satisfy Daming's thirst for knowledge? ?
What kind of astronomical sum will this sum of money be?

How many moths will the household officials in various places take charge of such power?
The corruption that breeds has to be procuratorate and the Ministry of officials; how much effort is spent?

Li Binyan said tentatively: "Your Majesty, I think what Shen Shangshu said is reasonable, and redundant officials and waste of money are old diseases of the Song Dynasty, so we must guard against them."

Yu Qian looked at Li Binyan. This straightforward Li Binyan finally understood the art of detours. When he mentioned the accumulated disadvantages of the two Song Dynasties, even the wealthy young man who had always insisted on charging authorization fees according to the number of workshops seemed hesitant.

"I also think what Shen Shangshu said is reasonable." Nianfu finally gave up his plan to collect patent fees according to the number of workshops. Procedures, every additional procedure, the person who handles it has to touch a big hand, maybe it hasn't been paid more than one time.

Originally a good system, because ossification breeds corruption, and then corrupts the official administration, wouldn't it be a happy event or a funeral?

"Yes." Zhu Qiyu pondered for a moment and said, "Then pay it all at once."

Zhu Qiyu is a very realistic person, Xiangrui, more precisely speaking about patents, it is already great to be able to pay for technology. Meals are eaten one bite at a time, and the road is one step at a time. If the court is willing to pay for technology, then Even if it is successful.

The system is changing little by little according to the general trend. At present, the Ming court does not have enough energy and ability to ensure that the patent licensing fee can flow smoothly into the Qin Tianjian and the ten calendar bureaus.Isn't it just for these places to collect so much tax?
Zhu Qiyu had no dissatisfaction with Yao Kui, he was indeed inferior to Hu Min, but Hu Min had already left, and Yao Kui was enough, and it wasn't such a big event as the emperor personally killing King Ji Li, Yao Kui's ability and talent were more than enough .

The second thing that was more difficult for the court was the matter of the second batch of relocations. They moved to Liaodong and Jilong Island. The number of people in Liaodong was 80, and that of Jilong Island was 100 million. This adds up to 180 million people. , This is not a trivial matter. It’s okay to go to Jilong Island. After all, the climate is much better than the three provinces of Liaodong. Moreover, Chen Yi, the Ryukyu governor of Jilong Island, has laid the foundation for the development of Jilong Island. Buried in the big and small Ryukyu.

Shang Ren, the governor of the three provinces of Liaodong, has just taken office, and the development of Liaodong has just begun.

In the end, the 80 people who moved to Liaodong were extended from one year to three years, which posed a big problem for the merchants engaged in development in Liaodong.

The third matter discussed by the court was about the re-opening of the Western Regions Capital Division in the Western Regions, and the construction of official roads and post roads was not smooth.

The south of the Tianshan Mountains is okay, but the north of the Tianshan Mountains has a vast land and few people, and the Oirats are active. The Long March athletes stationed in Luntai City fought against the Oirats several times, drove the Oirats out of the Alashan Pass, and in Alashankou The establishment of the Chengguan meant that all the north of the Tianshan Mountains had been brought under the rule of the Ming Dynasty.

Wang Ao, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, suggested that in the future all the exiled prisoners would be exiled to farm in the north of the Tianshan Mountains. After being criticized for a while, this poisonous policy was finally passed by the court.

If you don't eat sand for a few years, you don't know that a stable life is hard-won. Any official who can be charged with exile, exile to Alashankou can not only increase the degree of Sinicization of the Western Regions, but also increase the stability of the rule of the Western Regions.

So far, there are three places of exile in Ming Dynasty. One is the northernmost Gebut Island, at 55° north latitude. There are only two seasons in a year, winter and spring. Winter lasts for nine months, and spring only lasts for three short months. , the most bitter cold; the second is Xiguan, the westernmost town of Alashankou, far north of the Tianshan Mountains, about 7160 miles away from the capital of the Ming Dynasty; With the existence of Weisi, exile in Java is much more comfortable than exile in Gebut Islands and Alashankou Town Xiguan.

"His Royal Highness King Xiang asks to go to the Western Regions and transform the Western Regions." Shi Heng, the Minister of the Clan's Fu, raised the last topic of the court discussion.

Zhu Qiyu shook his head and said, "I'm going to tour the south this autumn, who will supervise the country when he leaves?"

The reason why Zhu Zhanqian wanted to go to the Western Regions was that he didn't want to supervise the country, but the emperor refused, so Zhu Zhanqian could only stay in the capital.

"Your Majesty, urgent report from the Western Regions." Xing'an placed the Tang report in front of Zhu Qiyu.

Zhu Qiyu opened it, and handed the pond newspaper to Yu Qian with some doubts, saying: "Kang Guo built a grand pass opposite to Xiguan in Alashankou Town, and it is face to face with Xiguan in Daming Town."

"Huh?" After reading the Tang newspaper, Yu Qian also looked confused. The most difficult thing to deal with is that the whereabouts of the prairie people are uncertain. They can run faster than rabbits on horseback. There is nowhere to run. , was blocked in Ala and Lin by Daming's efforts in military, political, economic, diplomatic and other fields.

The Huns and the Turks were like this. They ran so fast that the Tang Dynasty chased them all the way to Persia, but they didn't catch up with these guys in the end.Emperor Zhu Di of the Ming Dynasty made five northern expeditions, but returned without success three times, because no one was found.

The prairie people have never built city gates, and they built them in vain, because the prairie people have never had the experience of defending the city. What is the point of building this thing?
"Probably Kang Guogong wants to give Kang Guo an explanation. After all, the north of Tianshan Mountain was lost in his hands." Yu Qian found a reasonable explanation. They are not in Helin, so they don't know the inside story.

Zhu Qiyu thought for a while and said, "Probably so."

To the north of Tianshan Mountain, if you don't defend Luntai, it will be a matter of time before you lose the north of Tianshan Mountain. Back then, it was only a matter of time before you let Luntai City go. Wang Fu was probably just pretending.

Zhu Qiyu didn't know what kind of crisis Wang Fu encountered.

Wang Fu once proposed the establishment of the Second Advisory Council in the dome auditorium. The selection, number, power, and purpose of the establishment were all clear, but his proposal was not passed in the auditorium.

Under the urgent threat of losing the external crisis, domestic contradictions began to tear the entire Kang country apart. The retreat in the north of the Tianshan Mountains happened to be the best reason to unite all forces. This is an external threat, a real danger of destroying the country .

However, Wang Fu only built a dispensable city gate outside Zhenxi Pass as an explanation, and did not mention the issue of setting up a second court.

It's not that Wang Fu wants to see the Kang country he created by himself destroyed, but that he is powerless, and the opportunity to fight is fleeting. The window period to correct the shortcomings is also pitifully short. If he missed it at that time, he really missed it.

Wang Fu stood at the highest Wenhua Building in Kanggong Palace, looked in the direction of Samarkandlan Palace, and said to Ashinayi quietly: "It's a mess, it's good to be a mess. The Ming Dynasty wants to transform the Western Regions, and there is a lack of A reason to send troops, it’s good to make a mess.”


I gave Kang Guo's powerful and powerful people the opportunity to correct their mistakes, but they didn't cherish it themselves. Kang's instability is due to the lack of a piece of sky, and this piece of sky is Daming. ——The King of Kang Guofu.

Ask for a monthly ticket, woo! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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