He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1003 Wild Thunder Lord!

Chapter 1003 Wild Thunder Lord!
Don't look at the big mouth baby is a fairy-type and steel-type Pokémon
But cold knowledge, among all the moves that Dazuiwa can learn, the evil attribute moves are the most numerous.

The power of tit-for-tat broke out, and the strange big mouth of the big mouth baby gathered all the power, and finally bombarded the strong chicken who was close at hand in front of him.

Boom! !
After a violent explosion, the whole body of Lizhuang Chicken quickly retreated like a cannonball, all the way to the end of the stage, which shows the terribleness of this attack.


It's just that even with an eye for a tooth, it still didn't make this strong chicken completely lose its fighting ability.

With both hands on the ground, it is necessary to support and stand up again.

"Enough, strong chicken."

However, Xiaoyao next to him sighed and called softly.

At this moment on the electronic screen, Xiaoyao's blood bar has come to the end.

"Appeared!! This time, the winner of the Kaina City Gorgeous Competition is the little blue player from Zhenxin Town!!"

With the voice of the host Vivian, the whole arena burst into cheers.

Even Xiaolan was stunned for a while, and when he reacted, he hurried forward and hugged Dazuiwa.

"You did a great job~!!"

She originally wanted to use all her strength to try out Big Mouth Baby's mega evolution. It seems that she doesn't need it.


At the moment, the big mouth baby does not have that dangerous and cunning atmosphere, it is really like a girl Pokémon that is harmless to humans and animals.

"Tsk tsk, what a big change."

Seeing this, Xiaoyao could only helplessly smile, applauding and congratulating like everyone off the field.

The girl in front of her seemed to have two faces, which was completely unpredictable.

And this gorgeous competition, Xiaolan also won a luxurious ribbon medal, officially came to an end.

On the other hand, Xiao Zhi off the field also gained a lot.

"DiDi, Lizhuang Chicken has mastered new moves and stored energy for flame attack."

The map suggests.

It's a pity that he didn't steal the flame fist, but he still made money.

Next time if I encounter a gorgeous contest again
Hmph, Xiao Zhi doesn't plan to take another round tour, just to be a crowd of onlookers.


Xiaoyao said goodbye to several people and left Kaina City one step ahead of schedule.

"This bike redeems a lottery ticket."

But unexpectedly, Xiaoyao did not accept the redemption ticket.

Although her car was turned into coke by Pikachu's electricity, it can still be repaired, but there is no need to replace it with a new one.

After hearing this, Xiao Zhi no longer insisted. After the three spent the last comfortable night in the President Hotel, they returned to the road full of energy.
Route 110.

This is a field lawn with lake water on both sides, and the shape is quite long and narrow.

All the way to the end, the water on both sides disappeared, the field gradually widened, and the appearance of Viola City had already appeared in the sight of Ash and his party.

"Finally I'm in a city again~!"

Xiaolan said softly, she still misses the big bed in the presidential suite at the Kaina City Hotel.

"It's not a big problem. Zijin City is the central city of the entire Fangyuan area. We can have a good rest again."

Xiaogang said while holding the travel guide.

Although Zijin City is not as prosperous as Manjin City or Jinhuang City, it is still a big modern city.

After all, Zeng Jin, as the home city of the largest enterprise in the Fangyuan area, Da Zijin Enterprise, has dipped a lot of light.

After that, the company went bankrupt. Although the company went bankrupt, the city was exceptionally prosperous.

"We are trainers, adventure and battle are our goals, not rest!"

Xiao Zhi shouted in high spirits, walking backwards all the way, constantly boosting the morale of his two lazy friends.

He had been looking forward to the Zijin Gym in Zijin City for a long time.


Just before he walked for a while, Xiao Zhi suddenly heard a sound of electric crackling behind him.

Xiaolan and Xiaogang's expressions changed even more.


Xiaozhi didn't realize it, so he turned his head again.

I saw a Pokémon appearing on the field in front of the three of them.

It has a huge beast-shaped body, a majestic tiger-headed head, and sharp saber teeth around its mouth.

The yellow body has black lines like lightning, and the back is a few purple clouds swaying.

The whole body, the current is even more crackling sound.
"Lord Rai?!"

Xiaozhi's expression froze, this is his old acquaintance.

Now, he has Lei Gong's brother, Emperor Yan.

No, the Three Sacred Beasts have ethnic groups, and they are not the only individuals, so they may not necessarily know each other.

But why are there three holy beasts in the Fangyuan area?
And this look
For no reason, Xiao Zhi always felt that the Lei Gong in front of him was somewhat inconsistent with the Lei Gong in his memory?

Soon, this "Lei Gong" roared, and the whole body was filled with lightning and sprinted towards the crowd.

"But if it's an active attack, I won't stop!"

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi instead raised his hand and pointed.

"It's up to you, Pikachu!! Use the Iron Tail!"


Pikachu just followed Ash's arm all the way out, and finally jumped.

The metal tail at the end shone with a cold light, and it was smashing down towards the head of Lei Gong in front of him.

Bang Bang! !
It's just that there was a metal collision sound at the junction, as if Pikachu's iron tail hit some steel.


I saw this "Lei Gong" raised his head, and just so abruptly flew the top of Pikachu into the air.

"In that case, it is to use [-] volts!!"

Pikachu understood, his figure tensed in mid-air, and then the surging lightning bolts roared out like this, all of which landed on the Raikou.

It was only after a burst of electricity that there was nothing unusual about this Thunder Lord.

A few wisps of lightning flashed through his body from time to time, seemingly completely absorbing Pikachu's electric shock.

Xiaozhi frowned, this special effect looks like an electric engine, but as far as he knows, Rai Gong should not have this characteristic of being immune to electric shock, right?

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi also felt a sense of comparison.

"That being the case, Pikachu, use the thunder trick with all your might!!"

It's rare to encounter a wild thunder, then see if my electric shock is stronger, or your power storage level is higher! !
Pikachu understood and fell on all fours, his back fully arched.

"Pika, Chuu!!"

As he drank lowly, a bolt of lightning flew from his body into the sky.

next moment.

Boom! !

An incomparably thick thunder and electric shock just roared down from the nine-day cloud layer, just right on the body of the Thunder Lord.

The terrifying lightning pressure even completely crushed and cracked the ground around Lei Gong's body.

And Lei Gong, who was completely in the center of the lightning strike, started to twitch inexplicably at this time.

In the end, it exploded in situ, and the smoke billowed
Xiaozhi: "?"

This look made him stunned.——
(cold knowledge, a thousand chapters~)

 Thanks for the 100-coin reward of Snail House Gourd!Thanks to Gujar for the 100-coin reward!
(End of this chapter)

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