He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1005 Dead City and Switch

Chapter 1005 Dead City and Switch

"Clang~ Arrived at Xin Zijin~!"

As the smart announcement sounded, the elevator door opened.

The three of Ash, who were completely aroused by curiosity, hurried out of the elevator, trying to see the legendary "New Purple Viola".

It was just an eye-catching scene that made the three of them froze in place.

"Hey, turtle.!"

He sucked in a breath of cold air, his expression shocked.

There is no secret underground base in front of you.
This is an extremely wide place, and it is impossible to see the end at a glance, and there are countless high-rise buildings around.

Streets, buildings, and plants have all kinds of elements.

This is a complete underground city! !
Not only that, the architectural style of this underground city is very novel and fashionable, and there are even overhead vehicle tracks built in mid-air.
So the so-called new Viola is a new Viola city! ?
Although they are only in the corner of the city, they can't see the end at a glance. But the visual area may not be smaller than the Zijin City above.

At the top of the sky, there is a cloud-like ceiling rock wall that separates it from the world on the ground.

"It's incredible."

"Mr. Tie Xuan, is this the city you built.?!"

Ash was completely dizzy, and even forgot his Gym Challenge for a while.

In the position of hundreds of meters underground in the city, another city was built. This is simply unimaginable!

"Ahaha!! This is not a miracle I can build"

Tie Xuan just laughed and waved his hand.

However, the shocked expressions on the faces of the three people made him very satisfied.

"Then let me tell you, in fact, this "New Purple Viola" is a dream city built by ancient ancestors!"


The three were stunned for a moment, how did the style of painting suddenly become metaphysical again?
Next, under the leadership of Tie Xuan, the three of them slowly walked towards the center of the city.

Along the way, Tie Xuan was also explaining the origin of the city to several people.

"Actually, I used to be an employee of Da Zijin Enterprise. Well, although this enterprise closed down later."

Speaking of this, Tie Xuan sighed a little, as if he was still in vivid memory of the desperate situation of competition with Dewen Company at that time.

Although he is from Da Zijin, I have to say that this company is completely stunned in the later stage.
"And the project I'm in charge of is this "New Viola"."

The three of Xiaozhi were stunned for a moment, but they didn't expect that this incident would be related to the Da Zijin company again.

"So is this an underground city built by Da Zijin Company? This is also very incredible."

Xiaogang couldn't help but said.

But from just now, he was very surprised that the city of Nuoda was completely empty and extremely silent.

Even the surface of the building with a sense of fashion and technology is covered with a thick layer of dust.

Obviously, it is a lifeless dead city.

It's not just that there are no humans or Pokémon inhabited. It's another peculiar sense of silence, with a depressing vibe.

"I think too much, if Da Zijin can build such an underground city, it will not be defeated in the hands of Dewen Company."

Tie Xuan shook his head, such a city, the manpower, material resources, and even technology, cannot be supported by modern people.

Of course, given the full strength of a region, it may be barely able to create it.

"Actually, this is a legend that has been circulating in the Fangyuan area since ancient times. The great ancients built a dream city underground for some purpose."

Tie Xuan spoke slowly as if telling a story.

"So Da Zijin will search for this underground fantasy city and name it "New Zijin"."

It is also ironic. If Da Zijin Company had found this dream city back then, maybe it would have been able to survive in a desperate situation, and it would not have been so completely defeated.

But years of searching have been wasted.

And when Tie Xuan, who resigned from the company, wandered around the outskirts of Zijin City the day after Da Zijin Company went bankrupt, it was so easy to find a dream city below his hometown.

So he named the city after New Viola.

"So this is the product of the ancients? Incredible"

Xiaogang circled around and looked at this tech-savvy city.

This is too unbelievable, how could the ancients have such technology and action!
And what is the purpose? "Perhaps to avoid the disaster on the surface? Or simply to avoid the world? I don't know."

Tie Xuan shook his head. The interior of the city was empty, without even any written records. It was as clean as a blank sheet of paper.

It would be great if he could travel through time and space, and he would be able to see the world of this group of ancient people with technologies beyond modern times.
After some conversation, everyone probably knew the origin of the city.

However, Tie Xuan chose the challenge location of the gym here, which made people puzzled again.

"Come with me, you'll know when you get there."

Tie Xuan just quickened his pace, it seemed to be the center direction of this new purple violet.

After ten minutes, everyone came to the central park of a new purple violet.

The strange thing is that there is no sun at the bottom, but there are still green trees and vegetation here, which can be said to be the only vitality of the city.

"Not a single Pokemon."

Along the way, Xiao Zhi found that there was not even a bug or mouse here, which was very strange.

"Because this city has not been opened yet."

Tie Xuan said a riddle, and a few people were taken aback when they heard it.

A city is a city, how can there be any reason for the switch to be turned on and off?

Until everyone came to the square of the park, it was a spacious square with nothing else but a huge rock statue standing on the edge, which was quite strange.

This is a gray stone statue with only the upper body, and it can be seen that it is a half-human silhouette.

Two mud strips that looked like arms crossed in front of him.

The head and body are lined with incomprehensible dot matrix marks.

"This is.?"

The three of Xiaozhi looked at the rock sculpture with bewildered expressions, and couldn't tell what kind of Pokemon it was.

"This is the switch for the city!"

Tie Xuan just said so solemnly.

New Violet is now a dead city, and even if it is announced to the public, it is completely uninhabitable by humans.
The ancients built such a dream city. Naturally, they also prepared energy for it.

After so many years of research, Tie Xuan has roughly known that the energy used in this city is still electricity, not any new energy.

And the rock sculpture in front of it is the key switch that can completely turn on the electricity of the whole city and make the city run normally!
"I have been researching for years and have no clue, but ten days ago, this rock sculpture suddenly moved by itself!"

Tie Xuan's expression gradually revealed a touch of ecstasy.

The three of Xiaozhi calculated the time for a while. 10 days ago, they probably left Wudou Town and went to the sea in Kaina City.
"Speaking of which, what did Mr. Dawu do in Mushui Town at that time?"

Ash murmured quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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