He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1007 Violet Gym, vs Thunder Beast!

Chapter 1007 Violet Gym, vs Thunder Beast!
Boom! !

While dodging in a panic, this time, the discharge trick was a head-on hit!
In an instant, the light of the blue lightning rose sharply, and the scattered currents gathered together and exploded on Aoguyan's body.

The terrifying current pressure dragged Aoguyan down from the air, and pressed it to the ground, unable to move.


It's just that in the blue electric light, Aoguyan screamed again and again, and her deeply wrinkled eyes gradually opened.

The unyielding fighting intent in his eyes made it completely stand up to this move.


Finally, with a high-pitched cry, he slammed his wings open, breaking the blue lightning.

"What a strong will."

Even the well-informed Tie Xuan couldn't help being surprised.

If it is said that it is the evolutionary King Yan, it is almost the same to withstand the electric shock of his three-in-one magnet monster.
However, at this moment, Aoguyan's figure was emitting white smoke, and her body trembled even more, obviously it had reached the residual candle in the wind.

"Is the imposing cloak?"

Tie Xuan noticed the red headband tied around Aoguyan's forehead.

"It's this momentum, use Yan Hui!!"

Xiaozhi said, and Aoguyan turned into a sharp white light and rushed towards the target.

"Use the gyro ball to block it!"

However, the three-in-one magnetite just spins in place at high speed, defends in all directions, and easily deflects Yan Hui's attack.

"The next step is to use metallic sounds!!"

The three-in-one magnet monster at the end of the gyro ball swings the magnets on both sides of the body, spreading out high-frequency sound waves.

Buzz! !

Being completely hit by the metal sound, Aoguyan's body trembled, and her own defense power dropped.

"Right now, use Discharge!!"

Tie Xuan intends to fight quickly.
It doesn't make any sense for a house bird to fight in his electric gym, he is more interested in Ash's electric mouse.

However, the next moment, Xiao Zhi actually shouted loudly:
"We use parrots!!"


In the next moment, Aoguyan tightened his body, and violent blue lightning burst out from his body, slamming into the incoming discharge moves in unison.

In Kaina City, Aoguyan mastered this move only by competing with the old seniors.

Boom! !

The two discharge moves collided in the center of the arena, and finally exploded violently into countless electric aftermaths, which canceled out the invisible.

However, the rock statue next to it trembled even more.

"What a powerful current."

Tie Xuan was secretly surprised. Even a parrot can't usually imitate a discharge move with the same power. It should be a small power shock, right?

But it's just offset, it's impossible for this arrogant swallow
"Right now, use the brute force trick!!"

At this moment, Ash suddenly growled loudly.

When the words fell, Aoguyan's body surface burst into a turbulent red light in an instant, and the figure turned into a shock wave of red light, rushing straight to the target.

"What. Hurry up and use the spinning ball!!"

Tie Xuan's face was startled, why is there such a move? !
Whoosh whoosh! !

The three-in-one magnetic monster spun quickly, trying to block Aoguyan's move.

Boom! !
However, it was Aoguyan, who was bathed in red light and carried majestic and mighty power, and crashed directly from mid-air to the ground.


Even after this blow, the three-in-one magnetite could not even stand up and levitate, and floated in a random shape.

Reckless, this is a move that forcibly weakens the opponent's physical strength to the same as his own.

And Aogu Yan, who ate a discharge move, was left in the wind on the spot, which made the three-in-one Magneto, who ate a reckless attack, also came to the end of the stamina value.

Don't look at the reckless cooperation with the flash of electric light, it seems that it has always been the signature move of Qi Yao Xiao Lada.
But cold knowledge, reckless is the first move found in Fangyuan area.

And the Pokémon used by the trainer who first created this strategy is the evolution of Aoguyan - Dawangyan.

Aoguyan and Dawangyan are the signature Pokémon of reckless moves!

"It's over, use the lightning flash!"

Xiao Zhi naturally took the last move of the combination punch.


In the next moment, Aoguyan rushed out instantly, taking away the last stamina of the three-in-one magnetic monster.

The speed is so fast that the turtle-speed three-in-one magnetic monster can't resist.

Victory and defeat.


Looking at the three-in-one magnetite lying in front of him, Tie Xuan's expression was messy.

I didn't expect that, but I was beaten by myself?

"Don't be careless, this young man is by no means a simple person!"

Thinking of this, Tie Xuan quickly put away his carelessness and put the three-in-one magnet monster into the ball.

Yes, this young man is a trainer of the Heavenly King. It must have a deep meaning to touch their electric gym with a proud swallow, not like a novice Muggle trainer.

"Then let's decide the next one, Ash!!"

Tie Xuan's hand has been replaced with a new Poké Ball, and he shouted loudly.

Rarely, he also played the blood.

"Come back, Aoguyan."

However, Xiaozhi's side also decisively took back Aoguyan.

Aoguyan's perseverance pays attention to one go, and then switches to the opponent in the second match. At this moment, Aoguyan's strength has been weakened a lot.

And the protagonist of today is the collision of electricity.

"Come on, Pikachu!!"

With a command, Ash sent his own general, Pikachu.

When he came to the Fangyuan area, he faced the Gym Challenge. Before, he always played the newly conquered Pokémon. Today is Pikachu's first Gym Challenge.


Pikachu naturally walked on the side of the field.

Although it was slashed by this area, its strength is still strong, especially in the face of general gym challenges
It can kill!

"Come out, my ace!!"

With a flash of red light, I saw that there was already a beast-shaped Pokémon in front of Tie Xuan.

Medium sized body, pale blue body, ending in a lightning bolt tail.

The ankles, abdomen, and head are full of yellow spiky fur, especially on the head. The yellow spiky fur protrudes upwards, like a second-rate guy who just had a sky-high hairstyle in the barber shop.

The majestic eyes glanced in front of him, but they were like the same soldier.

"Are there electric dogs in the Fangyuan area?"

This is the first time I have seen this kind of Pokémon, so I quickly took out the illustrated book to investigate.

"DiDi. Thunder Beast, Killer Pokémon, with powerful electricity gathered in its hair, has the ability to trigger thunder, and is often used as Miss Junsha's partner Pokémon in some places."

The map suggests.

In general, dog-type Pokémon have many friends who have become Miss Junsha's, not just the wind speed dog and the catty dog.
 Thanks to the book friend 0210822* for the 600-coin reward!
  Thanks for the 100 coins reward that will become stronger by charging money!
  Thanks for the disillusioned 100 coins reward!
  Thanks to the book friend 20190316* for the 100-coin reward!
(End of this chapter)

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