He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1017 Ocean Team, Water Indus

Chapter 1017 Ocean Team, Water Indus


However, when Xiaogang turned around, one of the Marine Corps soldiers directly stretched out the tiger's claws and grabbed Xiaogang's buttocks.

He even rubbed vigorously.

The touch from the buttocks made Xiaogang shudder immediately, and hurriedly flew back.

"Hey, the three of you are...!!"

Xiaogang's dark face turned red, showing a look of shame and anger.

If it is a normal fight, Xiaogang will not be cowardly, but if it is this kind of butt touching
Wait a minute, you won't have to ride in today, will you? !
"Hehe~ young man, your butt is quite upturned~"

The Marine Corps soldier holding his claw laughed, licking his lips and looking at Xiaogang maliciously.

"The skin is quite dark, are you interested in joining our ocean team~?"

The instructions the three of them received were to harass the King Bonnie with words.
But if it is a passerby like Xiaogang, then he can do it casually.

Bonnie: "."

Seeing that the situation seemed to be developing in a strange direction, she finally stood up slowly.

This is not the first time the Ocean Team has harassed her, there is no reason for a passerby to help block the gun.

The long lavender dress concealed Bonnie's figure, but she exuded an elegant and intellectual temperament in her gestures.

Even as she frowned, the air seemed to have a touch of coldness in it.
"It's the Four Heavenly King Bonnie!!"

"Ah, so beautiful!!"

After taking off her wide sun hat, she revealed short golden hair, which was slightly curled in front of her forehead, and three small braids fell down, which also allowed everyone around to recognize Bonnie's identity.

To know the Fang Yuan League, let's not talk about the two league champions of Dawu and Mikeley.

Among the remaining four kings, there is a bad gangster, an old man and the sea, and a three-year term. They are not idols.

In addition to the King Bonnie who is good at ice attributes, with his outstanding appearance and gorgeous temperament, he has attracted countless fans.

"Four Heavenly Kings?"


The appearance of King Boni also caused Xiao Zhizhe, who was still fighting on the field, to temporarily interrupt the battle, and cast his eyes at the same time.

Xiao Zhi also saw the noble woman with outstanding temperament, and suddenly showed a curious look.

Just when the King Bonnie was about to do something.

"Hey! The three of you, who are you, who dare to pretend to be our ocean team!?"

I saw a tall, dark-skinned man walking slowly from the entrance of the square, with a majestic low voice from his mouth.

The man was wearing a black and blue bodysuit that looked more like a diving suit.

A gold-locked belt hung around his waist, and a half-tattered cloak fell from the back.

The neckline is open with a deep V, revealing the chest muscles, and the golden anchor necklace.

He has a beard around his face, a fierce face, and he also wears the turban of the Marine Corps on his head.

Next to it, there was a tall woman with a body like a water snake, with black hair falling down, and her dark skin with a wild charm.

"It's the leader of the ocean team!"

Around, many people immediately recognized the identity of the tall man.

It is Shui Wutong, the boss of the ocean team, and Quan, the senior cadre of the ocean team.

The two walked all the way to Bonnie, and then they turned their heads and looked at the three thugs in front of them.

"Hey! The three of you, how dare you pretend to be members of our ocean team? How dare you harass the King Bonnie!"

Shui Wutong shouted sharply.

With his tall stature and ferocious face, it is no less than the characteristic of coercion.

"This guy is completely different from the boss of the lava team.?"

Little Lan, who was watching the play among the passersby, sighed secretly.

The guy in the lava team is completely dressed as a thin scholar, and he likes to push his eyes to pretend to be an intellectual when he has nothing to do.

But the leader of the ocean team is dressed as a bully, like a vicious pirate galloping in the sea.

This also made the three Marine Corps soldiers tremble with fear.

"Boss, we are indeed from the Ocean Team."

"But the one who just came in a few days ago is from the outsourcing department."

"Uh, I'm from Team Lava."

The three people's words trembled, but Shui Wutong immediately looked around and said loudly:

"Everyone has heard, they are all temporary workers, and even the lava team! Please don't associate these guys with our great ocean team!"

The water phoenix tree is like giving a speech, full of emotion and emotion.

"You must know that our marine team is the most people-friendly organization. Recently, it has also provided funds and assistance for scholars to study underwater monuments for free~!"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Bonnie, the king of heaven, and gracefully gave a gentleman's salute.

It's just that he is a bit nondescript when he puts on this action.

"Boni, please don't misunderstand our ocean team because of these guys."

Bonnie: "."

I believe you are a ghost.

So today, I deliberately put it on the double reed, right?

The Ocean Team is the same as the Lava Team. They pay great attention to their corporate image among the masses. Every few days, they will make these awkward operations in front of everyone.

The earthy taste returns to the earthy taste, as long as it can be used.


Seeing this, Bonnie just snorted and did not respond to the latter.

After harassing her for so many days, this organization has only one purpose.

"So the King Bonnie, are you willing to be a partner of our ocean team? Ice and water are not separated from each other. You, who have ice attributes, are completely compatible with our ocean team."

Shui Wutong drank the three temporary workers who took the blame, and then sent an olive branch to Bonnie.

Although the current league champion is good at water attributes
Well, the problem is that he can't beat it!

Shui Wutong didn't dare to touch the Porcelain League champion directly, but if it was just a heavenly king, it wouldn't matter.

Keep harassing until the guy is willing to join!

The current Ocean Team and Lava Team are constantly absorbing talents from all over the world. Naturally, a strong trainer is the most important object of competition.

However, the King Bonnie just sat back in her seat and did not look at Shui Wutong directly.

After a while, Bonnie said suddenly, rejecting the latter quite directly.

"I'm not going to join any organization, don't play my mind again."

The Ocean Team and the Lava Team are dog-eat-dog, and she doesn't have a good impression of either organization.

Not to mention that she has no interest in competing for power, she just drinks a cup of coffee and reads the newspaper when she has nothing to do.

"Oh, and also."

At this time, Bonnie suddenly raised her head again, glanced at Shui Wutong, and emphasized:

"Water is water, ice is ice, don't mix it up."

Seeing the latter's outright refusal, Shui Wutong suddenly felt annoyed.

Convincing people with virtue or something, this is the advice given to him by his subordinates, but he himself is more inclined to see what he sees, just grab it and finish it.

Just this kind of old lady, put on the big net and drag it back to the boat, how can there be no rejection.

"In short, the door of our ocean team is always open to you."

In the end, after Shui Wutong left this sentence, he left with everyone.

Hmph, then the infinite harassment will be over, it depends on whether you agree or not!

 Thank you for the 200-coin reward from Dimensional Travelers!
  Thanks for the 100-coin reward from Otakuman!
(End of this chapter)

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