He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1024 Xiaozhi vs. God's Generation!

Chapter 1024 Xiaozhi vs. God's Generation!

Moisture characteristics, directly ban Regilock's big explosion trick.

It was as if the blood had reached its peak, and at the last moment was suddenly pinched, which made Yanshenzhu feel extremely aggrieved.

"The wave of water!!"

The catfish king seized the opportunity, and a wave of water accurately hit the rock god cylinder door again, achieving flowering on the bar.


Continuously being hit by highly effective moves, even the legendary Pokémon finally couldn't hold on anymore, and his figure finally collapsed.

Jindai also threw the Poké Ball at the same moment, and it was easy to get it into the ball.

Three God Pillars progress, 2/3.

"Who is this guy?"

And Xiao Zhi, who completely saw this scene in his eyes, had a big change in his face.

Accurately obtain the location of a legendary Pokémon, and successfully encounter it, and then tactically suppress it in all aspects, so that the opponent can't catch it at all.
Although Ash only knows about the second half of the Age of God, this is already quite exaggerated.

"He's not a king either, who is he?!"

Just now, Xiao Zhi has taken the time to use the illustrated book to check the champion of the heavenly king in the Fangyuan area. The champion of the alliance is a rather enchanting and gorgeous man.

And the Four Heavenly Kings, apart from Genji and Bonnie, who he had already seen, also had a man who looked like a bad gangster, and a dark girl who looked younger than him. .


Suddenly, realizing that he was being targeted by some hunter, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but shuddered.

I saw that the generation of the gods, who had conquered the rock god pillar, had already cast a dangerous look at him.

wearing ocean team clothes
"Iron Ninja, kill it!"

The gods attacked the road directly, without showing any mercy.


This iron-faced ninja, who was flashing in the air, waved his claws, his eyes dangerous.

"Wait a minute, I'm just passing by."

However, before Xiao Zhi's words were finished, the iron-faced ninja had already raised the white light claws, and lightning sprinted.

Although the age of God does not kill people, at least the degree of stun is to be achieved.


However, in the next instant, a low voice sounded.

Bang Bang! !
A flash of yellow light flashed, followed by a bent metal tail, which not only captured the iron-faced ninja's attack trajectory, but even sent it backwards with one tail.

Pikachu flexibly fell back to Ash's shoulder.

"Oh, electric rats in other regions?"

Kamidai was stunned for a moment, this young man really didn't look like a member of the Ocean Team.

But the suit of the marine team on his body can't be the clothes that he picked up at random, right?

"So do you have to fight?"

Seeing that Jindai had walked straight to a position a few meters away from him, which was the standard distance between two trainers, Ash's eyes gradually became hot.

Don't care, if you can fight against such a master, let's fight it.

This time, it was Ash who was staring at the gods.

"It's up to you, strong chicken!!"

However, Xiaozhi did not send Pikachu, but replaced the hot sand under the strong chicken. Although it was not impossible to stand, Pikachu was probably going to act.

The strong chicken with the fire attribute can adapt to such a temperature very well.

"Preemptive strike, use jet flame!!"

Even Ash took the lead in launching the attack.


Seeing that the opponent was instantly forced into a fighting state, the gods secretly raised their eyebrows.

Hmph, in front of me, you dare to attack first?
Whoa! !
The iron-faced ninja's white light claws fell vertically, directly smashing the violent flame column into two halves.

"That's it, use the flame vortex!!"

However, Ash kept shouting.


Lizhuang Chicken understood, and his figure began to run again and again on the sandy ground in the stone room, and in the process, the output of the flames in his mouth continued to increase.

Puff puff bang.! !
The flames that were split into two by the Iron Faced Ninja continued to spread out on both sides, and then entangled together, turning into a huge flame tornado, completely wrapping the Iron Faced Ninja.

"Use the sword dance!"

Whoa whoa whoa! !

In the flames in the sky, only a high-speed rotation sound was heard.

Then came the sharp sword dance and knife light, which actually smashed the surrounding flames into pieces, extremely fierce.

However, when the flames dissipated, the strong chicken had already jumped high and sprinted to the front of the iron-faced ninja.

On the raised fist of a sharp claw, a raging flame has already ignited.
Fire fist! !

This move was stolen from Xiaoyao's strong chicken before.

"What a fierce attack."

This set of cover combination punches made Jindai couldn't help but admire in his heart.

Although this strong chicken is obviously still in the formative stage, this trainer's command is extremely old-fashioned.

Isn't he really from the ocean team?

Although there were thousands of thoughts in his mind, the gods did not stop commanding.

"Iron Ninja, use Yanhui!"

The flaming fist of the strong chicken slammed out, but it directly penetrated the body of the iron-faced ninja and completely failed.

In the next moment, the iron-faced ninja appeared under the body of Lizhuang Chicken like a ghost, and his two sharp claws were raised forward and sprinted rapidly.

Whoosh! !
Yan Hui hit Lizhuang Chicken head-on, knocking the latter's body into the air and throwing it out. After landing on the ground, he drew a long distance before he could barely stabilize his movement.

The effect is outstanding!

Two Pokémon are in a state of mutual restraint.



Before waiting for the two to command the next step, a fierce red light rose from the bodies of Iron Ninja and Lizhuang Chicken at the same time, making their movements more flexible.

"Is it also an acceleration feature?"

"Is it also an acceleration feature?"

Ash and Shindai said in unison.

But it was Ash who reacted first and shouted loudly towards the opposite side:

"No matter who you are, Uncle Mountaineering, since the battle is over, I will never lose Xiaozhi from Xinzhen!"

God's gaze remained unchanged, and the iron-faced ninja in front of him threw a shadow ball straight away.

"Use bodybuilding to block it!!"

Ash responded quickly, using the move skill machine obtained from the martial arts gym.


The strong chicken swung its claws in place, tensed its whole body, and the visible bulge of the muscles of its body and arms made its physical defense power reach its peak for a while.


The shadow ball that bombarded Lizhuang Chicken exploded directly into a burst of energy, which spread.

"Strong chicken, use bounce next"

Rumble.! !
But just as the battle between the two was about to heat up, the entire rock room suddenly began to vibrate violently.

The movement is bigger than before, and even the rock wall above the ceiling has begun to fall down the gravel.When the Rock God Pillar was captured, the stone chamber should have collapsed, and it has been very difficult to support it now.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi hurriedly took back the strong chicken, held Pikachu and ran towards the door of the stone room, not forgetting to turn back and shout along the way:

"Hey, uncle mountaineering man, we will fight later, go out first!!"

God: "."

Seeing this, he also resolutely retracted the iron-faced ninja and ran towards the entrance of the cave.
(End of this chapter)

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