He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1026 Little Grado

Chapter 1026 Little Grado
Chimney Hill, the southern foot of the mountain.

A narrow cave path from east to west, today there are three more figures.

"Is this the flame trail next to the core magma? It's really hot enough."

Ash took the lead and walked in the forefront, and Pikachu kept sticking out his tongue and breathing in the heat.

At this moment, they are actually already at the inner edge of Chimney Mountain. The temperature is abnormally high, and the scene in front of them seems to be covered with a dim red filter.

On the surrounding rock walls, white smoke was emitting from time to time.

However, this Chimney Mountain is also very strange. Although the temperature here is high, it is not like the desert they passed by before. Even stepping on the sand is unbearable.

"Well, this is the fastest route to Buyan Town."

Buyan Town is at the other end of Chimney Mountain, surrounded by dense forests and mountains, as if it is isolated from the world, only the road of Chimney Mountain can pass through.

You can take the inner flame trail or the mountain road directly on the surface. But the distance of the former is shorter.

"Speaking of which, this volcano. Really won't erupt?"

Walking in the blazing trail, seeing the hot air from time to time, Xiaolan panicked for a while.

I was deeply afraid that the other end of the rock wall was the incomparably hot tumbling magma.

"It's not a big problem, the geologists here have said that there is no chance of any eruption at Chimney Mountain for at least 50 years."

Xiaogang's words made Xiaolan heave a sigh of relief.

However, Xiao Zhi next to him frowned.

He remembered that when he was still in his hometown, some experts seemed to have said that Honglian Volcano could not erupt for decades. As a result, the super-large-scale volcanic eruption even sent Groudon, who was sleeping in the core magma, into the sky.

Those experts, it seems that they are still from Nibi City?

But it really is not a big problem, he has the fire-fighting captain Yandi on him.

Even if the magma was really pouring back now, Emperor Yan could protect the three of them from leaving unharmed.

"That's all right."

Hearing this, Xiao Lan was completely relieved, and the pace gradually became the situation.

However, inside this flame trail, the cave trajectory is intricate, and every ten meters, there are paths extending to both sides.

"Just keep walking along this main road."

Xiaogang copied the map and said unhurriedly.

A few figures crawled around from time to time, and even in this unusually hot environment, wild Pokémon still inhabited.

Most of them are fire attributes, but Liuwei, Lizhuang Chicken can't stand the heat of flames all year round
There are more like lava snails, dead fire camels, duck-billed fire dragons, and even heat-resistant existences that can bathe in magma.

The three of them walked for more than an hour, about a hundred meters before they reached the exit, and the width of the cave suddenly increased a lot, like a small square inside a volcano.


At this time, Xiao Zhi suddenly heard a burst of crying from the front.

This voice appeared in this flame trail, and even echoes came from the surrounding area, which seemed quite curious.

The three looked at each other and hurriedly stepped forward.

It's just that the source of the crying is not a human being. It's a turtle.

A black-shelled orange turtle.

The orange-brown body, the limbs stomping on the ground steadily, and the puffy eyes like an old man.

The back is covered with a thick black-gray tortoise shell like stainless steel, and hollowed out in it, forming five fiery red depressions, spitting heat outward.

Whoa whoa whoa!
It's just that the turtle didn't sense how many people were approaching, and was still crying, with two water jets coming from the corner of his eyes like a fountain.

It was the first time that Xiao Zhi saw this kind of Pokemon, so he quickly took out the picture book.

"DiDi. Coal Turtle, Fire-type Pokémon, also known as Little Groudon, burns coal in its body and can produce powerful heat."

Xiaozhi: "?"

What does little Grado mean?
Whoa whoa whoa! !

And the fountain tears of the coal turtle, this water output, is more like a water-type Pokémon.


Ash is about to approach and ask why the latter is crying.

When he walked in, Xiao Zhi also noticed that on the back of the pitted turtle's back, the hollow marks were not the neat five pentagons in the official portrait given in the picture book.

In the middle, there is a depression shaped like a beast's head. It seems to be a trace dug out by humans.

"And this looks a bit familiar.?"

I don't know if it's an illusion, Xiao Zhi always feels that the depression in the middle looks like


It's just that Ash hadn't fully approached yet, and suddenly there were several scolding sounds from the other side of the cave.

Xiao Zhi took a closer look, but saw that there were already several wild Pokémon on the other side.

Lava snails, gas bombs and a yellow camel with green humps with its eyes closed.

Xiao Zhi hurriedly took out the illustrated book to investigate.

"DiDi. Duohuo, a dull Pokémon, even if it is beaten, it won't notice it. It stores boiling magma in its body, but the lame camel that hasn't evolved can't trigger its own volcanic eruption."

In the center of several wild Pokémon, there is an upright flame Pokémon, the yellow body is covered with red flame-like patterns, and the end of the slender tail and the eyebrows of the head are a few wisps of flames rising.

"Duck-billed fire dragon?"

Ash's eyes narrowed, this Pokémon seemed to be the leader of the wild Pokémon.



The duck-billed fire dragon and a group of Pokémon kept scolding the coal turtle, and the latter was also crying more exaggeratedly in the scolding.

The three of Xiaozhi: "?"

They don't understand Pokémon at all, they don't know what they're scolding.

But it looks like they are jointly excluding a certain Pokémon?


Even the eldest duck-billed fire dragon opened his mouth and spit out a column of fiery flames, blasting straight at the coal turtle.


It's just that the flame effect is not good, and the bombardment on the coal turtle just exploded and spread out around.

Coupled with the weight of the coal turtle itself, it was not a big problem if the latter was only forced back by half a meter.


This scene also made the duck-billed fire dragon completely angry, and immediately flew forward, and a flame was already ignited on the raised fist.

Fire fist! !

The duck-billed fire dragon smashed straight into the coal turtle's head, but the latter's movements were slow, but the speed of shrinking its shell was extremely fast.

The soft head was empty, but the duck-billed fire dragon couldn't stop, so the punch continued to move forward, hitting the hard shell of the coal turtle.



After a blunt sound, the duck-billed fire dragon let out a rather tragic wailing, clenching his fist and turning blue.

"Great durability!"

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but admire.

But why are these guys attacking the latter?
And this coal turtle also looked hesitant, with half-squinted eyes dodging.

Wanted to resist, but dared not take action.


The Coal Turtle looked at the duck-billed fire dragon in front of him in a panic, and let out a low cry.

really let your head down
(End of this chapter)

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