He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1028 Conquering the Coal Turtle

Chapter 1028 Conquering the Coal Turtle

Puyan Town.

This is a small town at the foot of Chimney Hill.

The proximity to the volcano has led to the existence of many hot springs in this town, which has become a famous tourist and leisure city. However, there are not many young and middle-aged people in the city.

"Miss Joy! You save this coal turtle!"

Carrying the coal tortoise that suffered huge internal injuries all the way, Ash and his party finally reached the spirit center of Puyan Town.

"The Coal Turtle"

And Miss Joy seems to recognize the latter, next to Geely Egg pushing the cart, quickly brought the coal turtle into the internal first aid.

After a while, the emergency light turned from red to green, which made Xiao Zhi and the three breathe a sigh of relief.

Miss Joy can always be trusted.

"It's not a big deal, just rest for a while later."

Through the transparent glass door of the ward, Miss Joy warned several people.

"But if I remember correctly, this coal turtle should be the one who was bullied by the Lava Team, right?"

This sentence immediately caught Xiao Zhi's attention and hurriedly asked.

"Actually, I don't know much about it. Back then, a few lava team gangsters forcibly carved the mark of the god of the earth Groudon on the shell of this coal turtle, and they swaggered around in Fuyan Town."

Miss Joy tried to recall.

The Lava Team belongs to an extremist organization that worships Groudon, the god of the earth, and wishes to paint Groudon's head portrait everywhere.

"So if you have Groudon's mark, will you be disliked by other wild Pokémon?"

Xiaogang frowned secretly.

In wild Pokémon, there is indeed a phenomenon of discrimination and exclusion of special individuals.

For example, a fat Pikachu, if he doesn't come out, he may never have a girlfriend in the cluster.

"Uh, the problem isn't this mark. There seems to be some kind of problem with this coal turtle, but I don't know much about it. You can ask at the Fire-type Gym."

Miss Joy began.

Xiaozhi: "?"

The former riddle made Xiao Zhi and the others bewildered.

Apart from crying, there seems to be no other problem, right?
"After that, the lava team was driven away by Mr. Mulla, and the coal turtle returned to Chimney Hill alone. Until today, you sent it over."

"Mr. Mulla?"

It's another name I've never heard of before, Ash asks again.

"Oh~ Mr. Mura, this is a big man, but you kids don't know it~"

However, an old grandmother who was enjoying the coolness in the center of the elf suddenly interjected.

The three of Xiaozhi: "?"

Looking at the puzzled looks of several people, Miss Joy continued to explain:

"Mr. Mura is the owner of the Fuyan Gym. Eh, but I heard that half a month ago, the Gym was entrusted to her granddaughter."

In fact, many of the succession of gymnasiums are hereditary.

The former gym masters usually choose their juniors or cronies in advance and inherit their own will. If they can't find anyone, they will be assigned by the official airborne.

Seeing a few people look like "this is it", Miss Joy continued:
"Not only that, Mr. Mura was the king of the alliance in our Fangyuan area when he was young. However, he retired more than ten years ago, so the current trainers don't know much about his name."

"The former Alliance King?!"

Sure enough, Xiao Zhi's eyes lit up after saying this.

It seems that this Fuyan Gym is not simple, and it even hides the masters of the king level.

I just don't know if this Heavenly King is still inside the gymnasium.

Posing Xiaozhi couldn't wait to set off to challenge the Fire-type Gym. This time, his lobster minions were able to show their skills!


Just looking at the coal turtle still wilting on the bed in the ward, Xiao Zhi sighed again, but forcibly deflated the urge.

You can't just leave this tortoise here, right?

"Miss Joy, by the way, help me recover my other Pokémon."

Entrusting his Pokémon to Miss Joy, Xiao Zhi gently opened the door and walked in.


Seeing someone coming in, the Coal Turtle raised his head slightly.

Unlike the turtle that has no neck at all like the jenny turtle, the coal turtle has a slender neck with a ring of iron nested on it.

There are also iron rings on each of the thick limbs and ankles, which seem to be devices used to assist in power generation.

"Are you all right, Coal Turtle?"

Xiao Zhi touched the latter's head with his hands. Although this guy is Fire-type, he doesn't have the irritability that Fire-type Pokémon is used to. Instead, his temper is very gentle, and he doesn't resist his actions in the slightest.

Instead, it was his original jenny turtle, which had already been bitten by one bite.

"Wow wow!!"

After feeling the kindness from Xiao Zhi, the coal turtle started to cry again, tears like a spring.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi slowly took out one of his Poké Balls and held it in front of the Coal Turtle.

"How about it, since the Pokémon here don't like you, let's go on a trip with me."

Hearing this, Coal Turtle's half-closed eyes like an old man suddenly opened, obviously quite moved.


Just next, it shrank its head again, as if it was hesitating about something.

"I've heard that there seems to be something wrong with your body. But I don't care about it. As long as we fight side by side, we can overcome any difficulties!"

Ash shouted in a low voice, his voice very infectious.

He hadn't heard of a big problem with dangerous Pokémon. If there was a big problem, then there was only one possibility.

There is some incredible power hidden in this coal turtle!
Feeling the heat radiating from the shell of the latter, it gave Ash a feeling of sunlight.

"Wow wow!!"

And after hearing what Ash said, the coal turtle burst into tears again, and the fountain of tears spurted Pikachu almost slipping.

But in the end, it forcibly stopped the tears and nodded to Xiaozhi with courage.

Kazuo stuck his head out and touched the Pokeball in Ash's hand.

The next moment, the coal tortoise turned into a red light like this, was sucked into the ball, and even completed the subduing without shaking.

Obviously, whether it was Xiao Zhi's previous operation of carrying it to the center of the elf, or the words he said to it now, the Coal Turtle's favorability for the former was directly full.

"The Coal Turtle, I conquered it!!"

Ash held the Poké Ball tightly, his eyes firm.

If there is really any question, the next Fuyan Gym should give him an answer.——
(An update today.)
(End of this chapter)

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