He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1032 Fuyan Gym, vs Asha!

Chapter 1032 Fuyan Gym, vs Asha!
Whoosh! !
The golden-white fiery beam, without the slightest charge, just slanted down from the sky.

It was like an attack coming directly from the sun.


Feeling the great danger coming, the lobster soldier struggled instinctively.

In order to let the flames of sunlight hit the former, the lava snail deliberately exposed half of its body. But even so, the lobster soldier still couldn't break free, and in the end he could only struggle out a pair of crab claws that were barely able to move.

"Lobster soldier, use the digging trick!!"

At this time, hearing the instructions next to him, the panicked lobster soldier suddenly came back to his senses, his eyes narrowed.

Yes, now it can't escape forward, backward, left or right, but the ground below is completely empty.

Whoa whoa whoa! !

The lobster soldier's double claws waved downward for a while, and he dived into the depths of the ground in an instant.

Boom boom! !

The Sunshine Flame, which was one step later, just failed to bombard the lava snail and hit a large dirt pit, but it did not hit the entity.

"Damn, just a little bit!"

Asha frowned, and the lobster was blown away even if it didn't die.

"In that case, be careful of its second-stage burrowing attack, and always be ready to launch the flames of sunshine!!"

Asha hurriedly instructed, waiting for her.


The lava snails are also constantly looking at the surrounding ground. As long as there is any change, the flames of sunlight can be blasted out instantly.

However, such a situation is what the lobster soldiers want to see.

Whoa whoa whoa! !

The next moment, the figure of the lobster soldier could not be seen at all, but the ground around the lava snail's body continued to bulge and slide the dirt bag and moved quickly.

Whoa whoa whoa! !

Whoa whoa whoa! !

The trajectories of the earthbags are irregular, and they are completely chaotic.

At this moment, the lobster soldiers were running at full power, and instead of going up to the ground, they ran around underground for a while, turning the entire field into a mess of soil.


This kind of scene made the lava snails on the ground start to mess up.

His eyes swept around, as if he wanted to capture the trajectory of the latter's movement, sending a predictable flame of sunshine.

It's just a brainless lobster soldier, and even it doesn't know where it will go next, let alone being discovered.


There was a series of excited laughter from the lobster soldiers around, as if mocking, which made the lava snail's mentality continue to be messy.

Especially with the blessing of the underground echo, there will be lobster soldiers everywhere.


In the end, it was the lava snail who couldn't hold back first, and finally stared at the latter's trajectory and launched an attack.

Whoosh! !

The flames of the sun shot out, directly blasting a raised earth bag into a big pit.

It's just that there is no lobster in the big pit.


The next moment, a fiery red figure had already emerged from the ground and appeared not far from the lava snail.

It is still the familiar big pliers that lift up and hit the target straight.

On a sunny day, Sunshine Flame does not need to charge. But you always need cd between Sunshine Flame and Sunshine Flame.

Whoosh pounds! !
The digging and pincer hammer was hitting the back of the lava snail, and the strong force immediately knocked the latter out a few meters away.

The effect is outstanding!

"It's over, use foam rays!!"

While the latter was flying backwards, the lobster soldier wielding its heavy pincers suddenly opened the gap between the pincers.

Da da da! !

In an instant, countless blue bubbles roared out, shooting and bursting on the lava snail like a machine gun.

Boom! !
Finally, it exploded again, and the smoke filled the air.

The lava snail also quickly fell from the air, and fell to the ground with dizziness on the spot.

"The lava snail is incapacitated, the lobster minion wins!"

Mura said in a deep voice.

But at this moment, Mu La's expression gradually became serious. It could be seen that the level of this lobster soldier was constantly too high, but he kept pressing and beating Asha.

"Another incredible trainer."

Turning his gaze to Ash who was behind, Mura raised his eyebrows, and he couldn't help recalling the previous scene of Yushu and Xiaoyao coming to challenge.

It's because he hasn't been out for a long time, and the outside world has changed. How come three such genius-level trainers have come in a row?

As the former fire-attribute king, Mura still has some eyesight.

Well, it's not that Yasha is too disheartened, but the opponent is too strong.

But as a referee, it is impossible for him to come forward with a smile to comfort him when he sees Asha being worn three times. The nepotism is too obvious!

So Mura could only choose to watch with a serious face.

In my heart, I silently cheer for my granddaughter.

"But today."

Although Mura didn't want to say it, it seemed that today, it was very likely that Asha was going to be worn three times again.

"Tsk, can't I have a trainer with a little dish?"

Mura frowned deeply.

When he was still the gym owner and accepted the challenge, the level of the challengers was obviously uneven.

"Come back, lava snail."

Yasha's complexion was ashen. Similarly, she also noticed her grandfather's changing face, and her heart was even more chaotic.

"Damn, I specifically mentioned to Xiaozhi before that I've already been slapped through three times. Does this person not understand what he means at all?!"

Asha couldn't help but put her shame and anger on the boy opposite.

Although it is shameful to release water
But since you obviously have the strength to get the badge, at least you have to give a new owner a little face!

But at the moment, Xiao Zhi's thoughts are also very simple.

"Well, I can't be worse than Yuuki anyway."

As for the mentality, he is just a passing trainer, and the gym owner is not familiar with it.

These are all training to become a great gym owner in the future.

But in the end, Asha clenched her fists and her face tightened.

"No, I still have one, and I can make a comeback!!"

She still has an ace that hasn't appeared. And with the blessing of the surrounding volcanoes, this sunny day can last for a while.
"Come out, Coal Turtle!!"

Asha flipped her palm, and finally released a heavy coal turtle.

The size is similar to that of Ash, the only difference is that there is a black hole in the center of the turtle shell for puffing smoke instead of being forcibly transformed into the shape of Groudon's head.

"Oh~ Coal Turtle?"

Seeing this, Ash's eyes lit up, and he was just able to learn the fighting style of the Coal Turtle.


The coal turtle in the stands also had a similar expression, full of expectations.


The lobster soldiers standing on the field are constantly shaking their two big pincers, showing off their might.

Others will not talk about it, anyway, it is completely full today!

(End of this chapter)

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