He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1038 Divine Speed ​​Flame Emperor

Chapter 1038 Divine Speed ​​Flame Emperor

After introducing the rules, the dogfighting competition started quickly.

"Look at the trick, coyote!!"

The first contestant immediately threw the Frisbee in his hand vigorously at the signal of Miss Junsha.

This is a full-fledged Frisbee that can already record the flight distance back and forth by itself.

Whoosh! !
The frisbee shot out immediately, and the coyote in front of him rushed up like a cat smelling fishy.

Just because the throwing force of the trainer was too great, the Frisbee even flew out of the top square of Chimney Mountain.


But this coyote's brain is not very good, the whole body just volleyed out
The next moment, under the action of gravity, the coyote fell straight towards the mountainside.

Fortunately, there was still a mountainside platform supporting it, but there was no accident.

However, this player scored 0 and was immediately eliminated.

"Oh, cold knowledge, contestants should pay attention to the strength of throwing the Frisbee and whether their dog has enough speed to catch it"

The commentator, Miss Junsha, reminded quickly.

A Pokémon that hasn't evolved like a coyote has a limited running speed, and if the Frisbee flies too fast, it can't catch it at all.

Under the wrong demonstration of contestant No. [-], the contestants began to appear one after another.

It was only the first round. Most of the players were seeking stability and did not throw the Frisbee too quickly. They were purely relying on their dog's speed to increase the score.

"Please, Bruce!!"

When it was Xiao Lan's turn to appear, she naturally trusted her very much in Bru, and immediately exerted all her strength to throw the frisbee out.

"Ow, Ow!!"

Blume picked up the little girl and ran, with a fierce face showing teeth, biting and roaring and chasing.

It's just that a puppy like Bru is one of the few dogs that runs on two legs, and even has two short legs, and the running speed is touching.

Xiao Lan's strength is not weak, and the Frisbee flew directly out of the square platform of Chimney Mountain.

And Bruce didn't want to be as mindless as the coyote at the beginning, but just stayed on the edge of the platform in time.


He stuck his head out and looked down, as if hesitating if he wanted to jump off.

In the end, Bruce shook his head and returned to Xiaolan, and gave the latter a helpless look.

"No. 25 player has zero points."

Although Bruce's appearance is very cute, Miss Junsha still gave a zero score.

Xiaolan: "."

She frowned, clutching the star-shaped pendant at her neckline tightly in her hand.

Didn't Xiaozhi say that this shining talisman can bring you a long way, why is there no reaction at all? !
"Hey, where's the little country girl~! Take a good look at this uncle's performance!"

At this time, Di of the Ocean Team came up slowly, looking arrogant.

With the force of his palm, he threw the Frisbee fiercely, and commanded at the same time:
"Right now, use a slam move!!"


The big wolf dog next to him immediately rushed out in white light, with a terrifying momentum, and the speed also increased a lot.

Before the frisbee completely flew out of the square, it took a firm bite, followed by a chic backflip to the ground.


After landing, the big wolf dog turned into a sharp arrow and recoiled again, and handed the Frisbee into Di's hands.

A set of actions is smooth and smooth, which is praised.

"Appeared, the current highest score!!"

Even Miss Junsha, who didn't have a good impression of Team Ocean, had to praise her.

This coyote is still as handsome as last year, and he deserves to be the champion of the previous session.

"Hmph, this is the strength of our ocean team!"

Drop just akimbo laughing.

Although this year's competition is different from last year, the first round of last year's competition was to let the dog reach out and sit down and roll. Even if it is now changed to catching a Frisbee, it is still difficult for his great wolf dog.

"That's it? Take a good look at the power of this uncle!"

Soon, the flames of the Lava team also came on stage, and the brightly furred Great Wolf also rushed out, still the familiar routine of slamming and speeding up.

In the end, the results of the flame and the drop were evenly matched, and they were both at the highest point.

The competition was in full swing, and the first round of the Frisbee event was simple and straightforward, and it came to the end in no time.

Finally, a huge figure appeared on the stage.

"Oh, it's Trainer C and his Wind Speed ​​Dog! Just now, they beat the legendary Emperor Yan!"

A young lady Junsha couldn't help but explained in a loud voice.

Yandi and Fengsugou were the only two large dogs in this group of dogs.

In any case, for Miss Junsha, Katie and Fengsudog are definitely the only gods in their police dog world, and they still expect this domineering Fengsudog to win the championship.

"Hmph, Emperor Yan? It's just a little wind speed dog~"

Jia Bing smiled smugly, and then he used his arms to throw the Frisbee out of his hand with all his strength. After a few breaths, he was about to rush out of the edge of the high platform.


The wind speed dog roared lowly, and stomped on the ground with its forelegs, and disappeared in place in an instant.

In an instant, the figure of the wind speed dog has actually caught up with the frisbee, and the body with a strange blue light jumped high, and firmly bit the frisbee.

After adjusting his body shape in the air, he landed, and the moment he stepped on the ground, he disappeared in place.

When everyone blinked again, the wind speed dog had already handed the Frisbee back to Jia Cing's hands.

"Come on, the current highest score is the combination of Trainer C and Wind Speed ​​Dog!!"

Miss Junsha hurriedly pronounced the verdict.


This wind speed dog did not forget to cast a provocative look in the direction of Emperor Yan.

"Hmph, it's just a little faster."

"no big deal."

However, the sudden insertion of the amateur made the two of the Ocean Team and Lava Team unhappy.

However, the results of the first round of the dogfighting competition have nothing to do with the latter.

"Is it a super speed trick? It's really fast."

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but sigh.

However, although it is super speed, the speed of this wind speed dog is only a little faster than the lightning flash of his own Pikachu, which belongs to the lowest quality super speed.

And then, naturally, it was Xiaozhi and Yandi's turn to appear.

Holding the Frisbee tightly in his hand, Ash exerted force on his arm, and immediately threw it vigorously in a baseball throwing pose!

But at the moment of letting go, he deliberately dissipated [-]% of the strength.

Whoosh! !
Even so, the frisbee shot out still turned into a blur of lightning, and even bursts of air-breaking sounds were heard in mid-air as it ran fast, and the faces of the shocked people changed.

Wait, is this a Frisbee that humans can throw? !

And at this speed, do you want the dog to pick up the frisbee, or do you want the frisbee to rush out of the universe.

However, the Yan Emperor who was standing beside Xiao Zhi had the same expression, he kicked his forelimbs forward and disappeared in place in the next instant.


This front waist action made the wind speed dog widen its eyes, how did it look so familiar.

And Emperor Yan, who was wearing a strange blue light, also chased after the Frisbee in the next blink of an eye.
Cold Knowledge, Emperor Yan, Duke Lei, and the three beasts of Suijun can actually master the speed of death.

(End of this chapter)

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