He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1040 Mental power, intimidation

Chapter 1040 Mental power, intimidation
In the end, Emperor Yan did not open his mouth.

"Wang hoo!!" "Wang hoo!!"

Amid the noisy barking around, Emperor Yan just slowly opened his eyes.

Those eyes covered by the sharp-horned hard-shell mask, the rainbow-colored pupils contain a strange power.

"!" "!" "!"

And the momentum released from Emperor Yan's body shocked the three canine Pokémon in front of him at the same time.

It was clear that Emperor Yan did not threaten or roar at all, but they seemed to be suppressed by a giant mountain. The three dogs actually closed their mouths and lowered their heads quite obediently.

Domineering side show!

A look scared the three dogs too much to speak.


Even Xiao Zhi coughed twice in embarrassment subconsciously.

Well, it seems that I still have to give Yan Di a little more face in the future.

I haven't seen my best friend Xiaomao for many days, and I seem to have contracted his little problem recently.
"Uh, that, Emperor Yan entered the semi-finals!"

Miss Junsha was stunned for a while before speaking.

This Yandi is far more imposing than any dog ​​she has ever seen
If their police station also has such a Yandi in charge, they can completely deter junior criminals with just one look.

In the end, the semi-finalists were the two great wolf dogs from the Lava team and the Ocean team, the amateur Fengsugou, and the four Yandi from Xiaozhi.

"Then the item to be tested in the third round is pressure!"

Miss Junsha stood in the middle of the four and continued to introduce:

"You cannot use attribute energy moves. Simply use physical strength to completely suppress the opponent for 10 seconds!"

In addition to barking and intimidating, police dogs naturally arrest thieves.

Before you know it, the dog fighting contest has become a police dog contest.

According to random grouping, Xiaozhi's Yandi and Lava Team's Great Wolf Dog became opponents, while Wind Speed ​​Dog became an opponent with Ocean Team.

The group of the wind speed dogs appeared first. The two dogs were divided and opposed, and the difference in body size was somewhat different.

"Hmph, let this ignorant dog see your power, Great Wolf Dog!!"

The Ocean team sneered disdainfully and took the initiative to attack.


The big wolf dog understood, and immediately rushed up with his limbs.

When he was about to collide, his figure flashed cunningly and came to the side of the wind speed dog.

Clap! !
Immediately, he sprinted vigorously, and hit the wind speed dog's back waist directly with a headbutt.


The waist is the weak point of most canine and wolf Pokémon, and the strong pain caused the wind speed dog to let out a whimper, and its body went backwards.

But in the end, the wind speed dog still suffered this blow.

Even the figure swivels sharply, towards the big wolf dog counterattack!

In the face of the absolute size and weight gap, skills have become a joke.

I saw the two huge paws of the wind speed dog pressing the front limbs of the coyote, and the huge body sat directly on the body of the wolf dog.

One up and down, the two dogs put on a very traditional breeding position.


Like a lion, its head covered with brown-yellow mane was lowered, and the wind speed dog grinned, threatening the dog below him fiercely.

But the two dogs are both male dogs, and they confronted each other nervously in such a posture, which produced an extremely subtle feeling unconsciously.



The wind speed dog, who was still grinning and biting the threat, and the big wolf dog that was pressed down suddenly turned red, and turned their heads to the sides at the same time.

"10s time is up, the wind speed dog wins!"

Miss Junsha's voice ended this awkward fencing situation.

"Damn. It's a goddamn dog!"

But the drop of last year's champion seemed unusually angry.

The sinister eyes stared at the trainer C and the wind speed dog, and the eyes were red.

After a while, I'll find a chance to put on a sack and beat up these two arrogant people and a dog!
Hmph, the fire-type wind speed dog still wants to hold a cup in front of their ocean team?
How unlucky!
As for the other end, the match between Yandi and Lava Team Great Wolfhound has already begun.


The cunning Great Wolfdog roared again and again, pacing back and forth around the Emperor Yan with a fierce expression, looking for any opportunity to attack.

It's just that Emperor Yan was clearly on the spot, even with his eyes closed, as if his entire body was full of flaws.
But the great wolf dog was sweating profusely for a while, and he didn't dare to jump up and take the initiative to attack.

And as Emperor Yan opened his eyes again, the terrifying aura surged out again like a mountain torrent and tsunami!


This made the Great Wolfdog immediately retreat back and forth, arching his back, trembling all over.

The single-body deterrent that Yandi concentrated on himself was too strong!

Dog Pokémon are naturally sensitive, and the Great Wolf can feel that the latter is like a real volcano.
No, it's even scarier than a volcano!

It seems that as long as you get a little closer, even the bones may be completely burned into slag?
Not to mention Yandi's mental power characteristic, which is the natural nemesis of the intimidation characteristic, and even has the effect of anti-intimidation.


In the end, the Great Wolf Dog whined with its tail tucked, and voluntarily fell to the ground in a gesture of surrender. The scene seemed a bit funny.


His face turned red, and in the roar of laughter, he quickly took back his great wolf dog.

Damn, why is this stupid dog so cowardly today! ?

But then the flame looked at Emperor Yan, as if looking at a treasure, without concealing the naked greed and fanaticism in his eyes.

The legendary fire-type Pokémon is also the most representative volcano Pokémon.
Not only the appearance is domineering, but the strength seems to be extraordinary.

Now that the god of the earth, Groudon, is unreliable, making Yandi the mascot of their lava team temporarily seems to be a good choice?

Thinking of this, the flame went straight to Xiaozhi and Emperor Yan, and asked with a smile:
"How about it, boy, do you want to join our lava team?"

However, Xiao Zhi quickly rejected Sanlian on the spot, and pulled Emperor Yan back to the rear.

It seems that the lava team is something very unlucky.


Ash's expression like stepping on dog shit made the flame look sullen.

If you don't eat toast, then find an opportunity to rob this kid's Emperor Yan.

Looking at Yandi's expression, it is estimated that he has long wanted to kill his own trainer, just in time to cooperate with their lava team!
I don't know how the two boys' explosives are installed.
Counting the time, it should have been completed, right?
While everyone's attention was on Emperor Yan, the flames, who had already been out of the dogfighting competition, approached the other direction of Chimney Mountain intentionally or unintentionally.

"Huh? What is this fat bastard going to do?"

And Di, who was always staring at the flame, also noticed the latter's small movements, and then quietly followed without expression.
(End of this chapter)

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