He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1052 Tianwang Huayue!

Chapter 1052 Tianwang Huayue!

This young man had dark skin and was dressed differently from normal people. He nodded slightly towards the two of them.

"Both of you are here to participate in the Dragon God Trial, please come with me."

Without further ado, he turned around and walked in a direction in the village.

In my heart, the prophecy of the elders of the dark path is really powerful. I didn't expect that two outsiders really came today.

The way they communicated with the outside world in Meteor Village was intricate and complicated, and only the adults in the village knew the correct path, not to mention the great waterfall that stood in the way.

Either a trainer with dragon-type Pokémon, or a special dragon scale fragment from their Meteor, or they will never be able to cross the waterfall in their entire life.

As for Dr. Solens, who owns the Crustacean, why was he blocked? He is not a trainer, and his relationship with the Crustacean is more like having a pet.

More of them are locals going out, and almost no incidents of foreigners coming in.

"I didn't expect three foreigners to come in at once?"

The young boy who led the way did not dare to be careless and led the way in front of him seriously.

The two behind Xiaozhi Yushu are also secretly looking at the former.

It looks like an ancient person?

It is the way of speaking and the tone, which is also different from modern people.
However, the two of them didn't think about it any longer, and quickly followed up, obviously both of them were interested in the mysterious Meteor and Trial.

Soon, the two officially entered the village in the Meteor.

The houses here are all made of wooden huts and thatch, which makes Xiao Zhi secretly wonder, where did the trees and thatch come from in such a cave?


The sudden arrival of two foreigners attracted the attention of many locals along the way.

Like this young man, they are all wearing ancient and crude robes, and their skin is dark.

"Is this the human outside?"

"Are all the electric rats out there so fat, they're all grease?"

"And now the children outside are all white-haired?"

The crowd pointed and pointed.

Yuuki: "."

Maybe it's time for a hat
Following the directions, Xiao Zhi and the two walked all the way to the square in the center of the village, where there was another huge square stone room.

Walking down the stairs, Ash couldn't help but feel like he was returning to the cave of the stone cave.
It seems that the Fangyuan area is full of such ancient ruins.

Entering it, it is still an empty and spacious stone room, and there are not too many utensils.

The first thing that caught my eye was a rather short old woman, with short pale hair hanging down, and her half-pressed eyes looking rather serious.

The body below the neck is hidden under the wide cloak and cloak, standing there, only a head is exposed.

On the innermost wall of the stone room, there is also a huge mural of different shades.

A slender dragon Pokémon hovered and danced in the air, and the head position was strangely replaced by a "triangle"-shaped mark, occupying most of the mural.

There are countless falling meteor meteorites in the sky.

Below, there are several erupting volcanoes and the rolling sea, each occupying a corner below.

If you look closely, you can also see the appearance of a small hunchbacked beast and a small fish in the volcano and the ocean respectively.

"Groudor, Kyogre, and Rift Seat?"

Xiao Zhi couldn't help muttering.

He is not a young child who has just arrived in the Fangyuan area, and he has a certain understanding of the three ancient gods in the local area.

The contents of the frescoes seen in the Stone Caves were similar to this fresco.
However, the protagonists of that mural were Groudon and Kyogre, who painted Sky Ripper as a little bug.

And here it is just the opposite, it is the former's turn to be painted as a small bug.

"Ancient people's black blowing party disputes."

Xiaozhi didn't dare to be careless, shook his head and looked around Shishi.

Aside from this old woman and the boy who led the way, Xiao Zhi discovered that there was a person in the stone room for a long time.

This is a bald man, with only a bunch of pink pointed hair on his head, as if a small flame was ignited on a bald eggshell.

Wearing a black shirt, the neckline is opened to form a V shape, and the sleeves are turned up to reveal the golden pattern inside the shirt, which is quite arrogant.

Wearing a big gold watch on the wrist, a pair of dark red cropped trousers, and a pair of black beanie shoes on the feet. A full street second-rate style.

This looks like a foreigner like them, probably a hairdresser.

At this moment, this little bastard is sitting on a small bench, looking at Erlang's legs, he looks very arrogant and sits on his back.

Noticing that Xiao Zhi and the two entered the stone room, the man turned his head, and then his mouth crooked, with a bit of provocation in his expression. "Hey! So these are the two people who participated in the trial with this uncle? Just two little devils?! Eh, it's really funny haha~!!"

He stood up and laughed unabashedly.

The figure is quite slender, much taller than the two of Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi was about to come forward to make a theory, but Yushu quickly pulled him back.

"This guy."

Yushu's eyes narrowed. If he remembered correctly, this man who looked like a second-rate street boy should be one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Fangyuan Alliance.

Evil Attribute Heavenly King - Huayue!
"Does it exist the same as Pear Flower?"

Hearing this, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but recall the elegant woman he fought at the Silver Conference.

"Pear Flower? Heavenly King Pear Flower? Hmph, the kid knows a lot of people~"

Hearing the keyword, Tianwang Kayue couldn't help but teased.

It seems that the mouth of this man with mixed hair is naturally crooked, and one side of his mouth is always curved, making a provocative and arrogant expression.

"Cough, since all three are here"

At this time, the old woman who had been silent for a while suddenly coughed a few times, interrupting the conversation of several people.

She seemed to have anticipated the arrival of the two of them today, and she deliberately called Kayuki, the king of the stars, who had come a few days in advance to their altar stone room to wait.

The dragon scale fragments of Xiaozhi and Yushu are from Tianwang Genji and Qianli respectively, and Tianwang Kayue is from Mickley.

Or maybe it's from Daigo.

As the former league champion and the strongest in the Fangyuan area on the bright side, Dawu naturally also obtained a token dragon scale from Meteor.

However, he was not interested in dragon scales, and when the championship was handed over, he gave it to the current league champion Mikeley.

But the latter, as a trainer specializing in the water attribute, and a part-time coordination trainer, is also not interested in the trial of the dragon attribute.

So Mickley could only ask in their "Fangyuan Tianwang Champion Group" to see who was interested.

The Dragon-type Heavenly King Genji already has fragments, so he is not very interested.
With nothing to do, the evil king Kayue accepted the token and came to the Meteor.

(End of this chapter)

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