He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1057 Violent Inverse Scales, Two Axes Fighting Dragons!

Chapter 1057 Violent Inverse Scales, Two Axes Fighting Dragons!

At this time, a violent dragon roar not far away attracted Xiao Zhi's attention.

There is a strong aggressiveness in the voice, and it even cuts the air like a Kama Itachi wind blade, which is very sharp.

"Encountered a big deal!"

Xiao Zhi had a conjecture in his heart, his eyes suddenly brightened, and he hurriedly ran in the direction of the sound source.

This place is already very far away from the place where He Yushu and Huayue were separated, and these two guys should not be able to cut off their beards.

When Xiao Zhi reached his destination, he saw that it was an empty rocky field.

In front of a protruding stone pillar, stood a dark golden upright dragon beast.

Unlike ordinary dragon-type Pokémon, it has no wings, and its slender body stands there, with a strong tail and lower limbs.

The whole body is covered with dark golden dragon scales, and the abdomen is dark gray.

Sections of armored heads, huge axe blades with ferocious red edges extending on both sides of the corners of the mouth, just shaking their heads at will, they can already make a penetrating cutting sound.

"Hey, so arrogant!"

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but blurt out.

The dark-gold axe dragon in front of him was undoubtedly the most domineering dragon beast he had ever seen. Even the blood-winged flying dragon of the Heavenly King Genji was slightly inferior in appearance.

He hurriedly took out the illustrated book to investigate.

"DiDi. Double Axe Fighting Dragon, Hezhong area Pokémon, dragon attribute, mild personality, but in the face of intruders will use iron-sharp axe teeth to completely cut and destroy the opponent, among all dragon attribute Pokémon , has the strongest attack power on the panel."

The sound of the picture book made Ash refreshed.

"A Pokémon in the Uzhong area!"

It doesn't seem to be in the category of quasi-gods, but it can get the ranking of the strongest attack.

"Pikachu, prepare to fight!"

Xiao Zhi immediately spoke up.

The changing appearance of Latias made Ash subconsciously think that the latter is a human who cannot fight while watching a play.


Pikachu looked at the ferocious axe dragon in front of him hesitantly. The huge figure was about 2 meters high.

Such a guy with a strong appearance and good strength, Pikachu usually goes to the theater.

Today, it is not appropriate to fight.

And this wild two-axe dragon also found Ash and his group who suddenly appeared.

It was originally using the rock to grind its teeth, but it didn't expect to suddenly break into the human beings. And it was completely different from the breath of the group of people in the meteor.

After all, having lived together in this "closed" world for so long, the dragon-type Pokémon here still have some sense of the locals.

The latter also live in harmony with them, and even often feed high-level dragon-type food.

But Xiao Zhi is an obvious outsider, and belongs to the "invader" in the eyes of the two-axe dragon.


In an instant, the pupils of this wild double-axe fighting dragon shrank, it was blood red and was about to drip blood.

A burst of fiery red energy arrogance erupted from the whole body, but it was several times stronger than the power of the flame!
The next moment, the double-axe dragon charged wildly, with an incomparably majestic power, and even the air seemed to be suppressed by it.

That huge riotous figure can break through everything!
Reverse scale! !
Xiaozhi: "?!"

He didn't expect to directly open the big move when he came up.

The big move of the dragon attribute made Latias, who wanted to help, immediately retract his head.

"Pika. Chupi!!"

Unpredictable, Pikachu could only temporarily fly a steel tail, intending to forcibly block the blow.

The steel tail swivels horizontally and whips out fiercely!

The two moves collided violently, but at this moment, the momentum of the double-axe fighting dragon reached its peak. Under the wrapping of the fire-red dragon breath, the physical strength was even more terrifying and scary.

Bang Bang! !
Pikachu was ejected immediately, like a small sandbag, and flew towards Ash.

"Hey, so strong.!?"

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but blurt out.

Wait a minute, all the wild Pokémon in Meteor's Land are of this level? !

However, this two-axe fighting dragon had completely lost its mind, swung its head in place, kept roaring and roaring, and the rocky ground around its body was trampled into countless rubble.

This appearance does not match the "gentleness" mentioned in the pictorial book.

Immediately, the golden-white dragon's arrogance erupted again, and the two-axe dragon charged violently again! !
Reverse Scale is a mandatory continuous move, without the slightest pause.

Pikachu is even flying backwards!

Upon seeing this, Latias immediately returned to his original form, one paw firmly followed the flying Pikachu, and the other paw grabbed Ash's back collar.

Boom boom.!!
There was a violent explosion of air from the plane's engine.

The air under Latias was swept away and shaken, and the latter, with one person and one mouse, rushed into the air in an instant, and only by chance did he escape the blow.


And the wingless double-axe fighting dragon failed, and could only roar incompetently at the sky in situ.

The forced two-round end of Reverse Scale also made it enter a state of complete chaos.

The next moment, the double-axe dragon shook its head, and the scales made a vigorous sound.

Whoosh! !Whoosh! !Whoosh! !
One after another, kamaitachi energy sharp blades flew out from the sharp double axe on both sides of its mouth, cutting through the air.

"And remote moves?!"

Xiao Zhi, who was caught in mid-air, was in a panic.

It's just the chaotic state, and the double axe dragon is completely out of focus, and most of the sharp blades are shot into the air.

And the rest of the attack was easily dodged by Latias, and with one person and one mouse, he flew into the distance.
After flying for nearly 10 minutes, Latias landed slowly.


She once again transformed into the appearance of a human maid, and let out a sigh of relief.

"Hey, I feel like my head was almost cut off."

Even Xiao Zhi can't help but feel a little scalp tingling.

That wild two-axe fighting dragon definitely has the combat power of the king of heaven.

It is estimated that he has lived in the Meteor for a long time, and is an old dragon.

Especially this kind of disagreement, the direct violent and anti-scale stance, makes it difficult to resist

Pikachu also said after the fact that he had made a great contribution.

If it hadn't blocked the first inverse scale, the three of them would have been completely blown up now.

However, such a powerful dragon beast, Xiao Zhi naturally took a fancy to it.

After all, the old lady also said that as long as there are wild Pokémon here, they can be caught.

"Have to think of a way."

This time, Xiao Zhi didn't dare to jump directly to the opponent's face in a daze, planning to choose a suitable strategy.

Just turning around with Pikachu and Latias, intending to go back the same way.

"Hey, this thing."

Xiao Zhi suddenly discovered that the location where they landed was actually a huge brown-yellow rock statue standing there.

"A little familiar."

Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but lean in front of the sculpture.

(End of this chapter)

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