He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 106 It's just a minor illness, just pay more attention in the next life

Chapter 106 It's just a minor illness, just pay more attention in the next life
The four looked at each other, silent for a while.

In the end, Apollo was the first to break the peace, and greeted the two new boys and girls gracefully and easily.

"Another two big men who joined the WTO"

He was secretly startled.

Back then, on the San Annu, the Yu Sanjia of these three people were so frightened that they almost made him kneel, which was really terrifying.

But if at this moment, you can pull these three people into your own camp
Humph, the Rockets will be able to change their surname next year!
Thinking of this, his eyes suddenly lit up and he smiled.

The so-called people who don't reach out to smile, Xiaolan Xiaomao also lost interest when he saw this, and he didn't have much hostility to Apollo.

So after negotiating the Rainbow Group's move out of the Golden City, the three of them left the Silver Building.

Apollo also arranged everything and went downstairs, ready to use his mouth to persuade the other two to take the initiative.

But it will not reveal that he is a wolf.

Soon after, the 40th floor of the Silver Tower.

He saw a purple-haired man and a red-haired woman, looking confused.

There was a big bag on Lambda's head, as if he was riding on his face by something heavy.

And Athena blushed, biting her lip, as if she was humiliated by someone.

"Ahem, colleagues, I got up today and made a fortune. The fortune-telling says that a major disaster may happen in the golden market in the near future, so I propose"

Apollo hadn't spoken yet, when the other two directly interrupted him.

Lambda: "The golden city is lost, the dark city."

Athena: "Let's evacuate with the Rainbow Group tomorrow, this city really makes me sick."

Apollo: "?"

Why do these two seem to be more anxious than themselves?
Immediately, the three of them looked at each other, and they collectively agreed to the demolition ceremony of the Rainbow Group.

Anyway, it was originally an empty shell on the Silver Company, and he could leave at any time if he wanted to.

Even the lost profits are not too big.

All they want is Silver's technology - Poké Ball manufacturing and space teleportation devices.

Now they have already stolen seventy-seven-eighty-eight, and it doesn't matter what the funds are.

the other end.

Ash and the three returned to the Spirit Center.

In addition to his paddling for a long time, the other two people fought with people far more powerful than themselves, and the Pokémon was in poor condition.

"Miss Joy, please."

Xiaolan Xiaomao handed her Poke Ball to Miss Joy.

Bored, just watching Xiao Zhi walk towards a corner of the table, he became interested and followed him.

"Fellow, what about catching mice?"

Xiaozhi gave the two of them a blank look, then looked at Xiaoxia next to him, and asked worriedly:

"This little guy, how is it now?"

It has been almost ten hours since he left the Pokémon Center for Silver, and then came back.

Xiaoxia was a little relieved when she saw that he came back safely, but her brows still did not stretch.

"Miss Joy has treated Ibrahimovic's injuries, but she is a little malnourished, and her health is not serious, but she still refuses to communicate with anyone."

Relying on the hypnosis of auspicious eggs, it can be safely treated.


The little blue next to him immediately became interested.

You must know that Eevee is on the list of the top ten cutest Pokémon.

She hurriedly bent down and looked at the corner of the table, and sure enough, she saw a Pokémon that looked like a small brown beast.

But with his back to her, there was no movement.

"Autistic Ibrahimovic?"

Xiao Mao next to him gave a little meow, and his tone was surprisingly not yin and yang.

After thinking for a while, he suddenly threw his Pokeball.


Another Eevee.

It's just that this Ibrahimovic is very good in terms of coat color and mental state.

The eyes are clear and full, obviously a Pokémon that has been carefully cultivated.

"Oh, it's Eevee~"

Xiaolan took it into his arms, and the passers-by instantly became fans.

"Hey Xiaomao, I have a precious golden unicorn, exchange Ibrahimovic with you~"

she asked expectantly.

Xiaomao: "."

Are unicorns still gold?

"Humph! Ibrahimovic, leave this woman alone."

As he snorted coldly, Ibrahimovic in Xiaolan's arms understood and broke free, and then his dexterous body followed under the corner of the table.



Special Ibrahimovic shook his ears, his eyes dull.

Just glanced at the little Maui Boom, and quickly fell down again.


After calling a few times, Xiaozhi Ibrahimovic didn't give any feedback. The Ibrahimovic could only jump out of the corner of the table again and shook his head towards Xiaomao.

"Thanks a lot."

So Xiaomao took Ibrahimovic back and shook his head.

"Wounds can be treated, but mental wounds are probably not so easy to heal. Let's work hard."

Perhaps because he also has an Ibrahimovic, Xiao Mao did not say anything to escape, but said it very seriously.

But maybe only Xiao Zhi's stunned character can open this Ibrahimovic's heart, right?

He patted Xiao Zhi on the shoulder, then walked to the side, closed his eyes, and didn't say any more.

This is also the first time that everyone has the feeling that this person is still the grandson of the erudite Dr. Damu.

"Is the world going to end tomorrow?"

Xiaolan rubbed her buns round face in disbelief.

The bouncing flea, one day I told you to cheer up?
She sat on the chair with a bit of a trance, feeling lost.

Then he suddenly took out the three incense candles he had prepared from his bag and began to incense in the direction of Xiao Mao.

Xiaomao: "?"

Xiao Zhi stayed where he was, looking at his Ibrahimovic with a headache.

In the end, he could only shake his head and take one step at a time.

In a few days, let's see what second trick Chi Chi has.
The three chatted and nibbled melon seeds.

Xiaolan suddenly looked around and asked curiously:
"Hey, why didn't you see Teacher Gang? Is it too dark here?"

Four missing one, just one person missing to play Pai Gow, she didn't want to play with Xiao Mao.

Xiao Zhi suddenly reacted.

They were drinking tea, eating melon seeds and chatting, but Xiaogang was still trapped in the Golden Yellow Taoist Hall in dire straits!

Saying that, he is about to rush out the door and save Teacher Gang.

"Wait a minute! That boy."

A clear drink stopped him, and Xiao Zhi subconsciously looked back and saw that it was Miss Joy at the center of the elf.

"You were bitten by a dog just now, right?"

Miss Joy asked softly, holding the syringe in her hand.

Xiaozhi: "."

He shuddered suddenly and looked at his palm covered with gauze.

The gauze was torn open, and the wound inside had already scabbed over, even the previous blood was blurred into a ball, and it looked a little scary now.

If you treat it later, you will be cured.

For him, it was definitely more than just talking.

"Wow, fellow, you were even bitten by a dog!"

Xiao Lan smiled and leaned over.

Xiaozhi's face became a little stiff, and he turned to look at Xiaoxia:

"Hehe. I just came back from going out. How long did it take in total?"

Xiaoxia patted her chest and said to herself:
"Don't worry, I'll forget it for you. It took you just 20 hours to come back, and then we chatted for another 2 hours. Now you have 3 hours left. It's okay, you won't become a rabid dog."

Hearing that, Xiaozhi breathed a sigh of relief, and followed Miss Joy to get the rabies vaccine obediently.

As for Xiaogang, um, definitely next time.

Soon, Miss Joy gave his unicorn arm a shot.

"Okay, please wait here for 3 hours. If your body is fine, you can start the rabies vaccine."

Ash nodded, now his body is fine
and many more!

He stood up abruptly and said with a look of surprise:

"Isn't your shot a rabies vaccine?"

"Of course not. This is the serum tested to see if your body will be resistant to the vaccine. You can start the rabies vaccine only after you pass the test."

Miss Joy replied as a matter of course.

Xiaozhi: "?"

Waiting for three hours before getting vaccinated, it seems like a day has passed.?

Hearing that, Xiaolan and Xiaoxia also came up and comforted softly:
"It's alright, rabies is a minor illness, let's eat something good these two days."

"Well, just be careful in the next life."

Seeing this, Xiao Mao, who had been closing his eyes and resting at the side, finally couldn't help but come up.

He patted his shoulder again and said with a smirk:
"The first crazy puppy in Zhenxin Town, you are the future."

Xiaozhi: "."

(End of this chapter)

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