He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1071 Citizens of Meteors, Sigana!

Chapter 1071 Citizens of Meteors, Sigana!

One dragon and one mouse are still fighting in front of them. I didn't expect that any Pokémon that I encounter on the road will have the strength of a Pikachu that can compete head-on with them.
You must know that the current Pikachu, the strength has come to the silver conference, and the success power of 8.5 when fighting the king of pear flowers.


It was just the next moment that Xiao Zhi suddenly felt a chill of fascination, which made the hairs on his whole body stand up.

There seems to be something terrifying behind him
Xiaozhi turned his head sharply, but saw behind him, not knowing when, there was also a huge figure.

This is a large-bodied Pokémon with a sky-blue body and limbs that stand on the ground like beasts.

The extended slender head has six bifurcated spurs, which look majestic and fierce, and there are a pair of broad blood-colored wings on the back.
At this moment, the end of the sickle-shaped blood-colored wings had already touched Xiao Zhi's neck, with a bit of a metal blade texture.

No doubt, as long as Xiao Zhi moved forward an inch, there would be a bloodstain on his neck.

"Blood, Flying Dragon?! When...?!"

Xiao Zhi was surprised.

It is the quasi-god Pokémon in the Fangyuan area!

The back was sweating profusely, Xiao Zhi held his breath, didn't dare to move at all, and out of the corner of his light looked over the wide back of the Flying Dragon, and there seemed to be a figure standing there.

When I looked closely, I saw that it was a woman in a white-collar uniform, with beautiful facial features and a bit of an exotic aura, and her skin was a healthy wheat color.

"Xiao Na?!"

Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows, and the person who came was the secretary Xiaona who was behind President Zvqi at that moment.

It's just that the latter's expression is extremely cold at this moment, and there is an aloof indifference in his dark eyes.

There is none of the gentle and meticulous look of employees in the company building during the day.

For a while, Xiao Zhi even flashed the idea of ​​whether President Zvqi was going to kill someone.

But the next moment, he also fully understood the whole story.

Control two powerful Dragon-type Pokémon and are hostile to yourself
"If my guess is correct, you are the one who defected from the Meteor, right?"

Xiao Zhi said in a low voice.

At this moment, a quasi-god with intimidation characteristics put the blade on his neck, and Xiao Zhi was actually quite flustered.

It's been a long time since he's experienced this kind of thing, and it makes the skin expression on his face a little stiff.
But in the eyes of outsiders, it is a very heavy and profound expression.

"Hehe, you're pretty smart.!"

Stepping on the dragon's back, the secretary Xiaona grabbed her collar clothes with one hand, and then yanked it to one side.

Just like Team Rocket's disguise, Xiaona's appearance has completely changed in the blink of an eye.

Wearing black short-sleeves and brown tight shorts, he showed a dark figure, and behind him was a worn gray cloak, like a recluse.

He was wearing the unique shoes of the Meteor People, and his right foot was wrapped in a spiral of blue ornaments from the ankle to below the knee, like a coiled snake.

"My name is Sigana. Oh, and one more thing, I've always been a meteor citizen and didn't defect."

She said in a gentle tone, with a proud expression, as if everything was in her hands.


Pikachu saw that Xiaozhi was put on the neck by a knife, and wanted to rescue him. But in the face of this violent strange-jawed dragon, it was difficult to pull away.

But after the initial panic, Xiao Zhi gradually calmed down.

"It's all my own, no need to use a knife!"

He said with a smile, just looking at Sigana's expressionless face, Ash's laughter gradually solidified.

So what is this woman doing? !
"So it's you, have you passed that Dragon God trial?"

Finally, Sigana said in a deep voice.

When he said this, his brows furrowed inadvertently, as if he was quite concerned about this matter.

"Oh, do you want the Dragon God scroll? It's easy to say."

Xiaozhi flipped his palm and took out a green scroll, and then without hesitation, he just threw it away.

When he left Meteor's Land, the eldest woman once warned him that if he encounters Sigana, she will give it to her directly to break her obsession.

Anyway, it was blank inside, and Xiao Zhi handed it over very simply.


Raising her hand and then the scroll, she just looked at the delicate green scroll in her hand, but Sigana's expression began to change continuously.

There is fanaticism, possession, and hesitation and entanglement.

Since she was very young, she has longed to be the inheritor of Meteor.

Pull out the scrolls and fight with the Rift Seat to complete the mission
Especially after the death of her mother, this thought has become an almost morbid obsession.

It's just that with her strength, it can't be unplugged no matter what.
"I'm not that inheritor!"

I don't want to admit it, but that seems to be the case.

This made Sigana, in anger, choose to leave the meteor directly.

"I have to rely on my own method to summon Risakuza! Complete the mission of the Meteor Citizens!!"

This is also what she has been steadfast in her heart since she left Meteor Falls.

But now, an inexplicable inheritor suddenly appeared, and even pulled out the scroll she dreamed of with ease. Now is it so simple to give it to herself?

"Hmph, this kind of thing, I don't need it anymore!"

Sigana's expression had become gloomy, and she didn't even look at it, and threw the scroll back to Ash.

Such a gift is tantamount to eating food, which is the greatest humiliation to her! !
Besides, now she has found a way to summon Rift Seat, so she doesn't need any scrolls!

But this boy in front of me.
After three years undercover in Devon Company, he was successfully promoted to the personal secretary of President Zvqi, which also gave Sigana a lot of information.

For example, this seemingly ordinary boy in front of him is actually an extremely powerful Heavenly King trainer.

"Hmph, he's just a heavenly king, how can he be recognized by Lord Dragon God!"

Sigana looked at Ash's expression, with visible hatred.

As the strongest player in the Meteor, Sigana's strength is naturally not inferior to the outside world's Alliance King.

"The mission of the people of the meteor, I will complete it next, if you are, just lie down obediently!"

Finally, Sigana's face froze, and she snapped her fingers. "Whoa!!!"

This also caused the Flying Dragon below him to let out a roar, and the terrifying sonic boom pressure, forcing the entire Chenghua Forest beside him to be quiet, like a cicada.

Bao Feilong leaned forward even more, slammed his blood-winged blade forward, and was about to slash Xiao Zhi's neck.

Of course, Sigana didn't intend to kill Ash. At least he bleeds the whole person.

In the next few months, I will lie on the hospital bed and watch her fight side by side with Rikongza on TV!
Just the next moment, the bloody wings like sharp metal blades protruded forward, and after touching Ash's skin, they made a strange sound like a spring.

The texture of the wings of the Storm Flying Dragon also seemed to have become some kind of plastic, not only did not cut the flesh and blood, but even bent upwards directly.

Sigana: "?"

Xiaozhi touched the position of his neck, except for a white mark, there was no other wound.

Like scraping.

(End of this chapter)

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