He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1074 See No Evil

Chapter 1074 See No Evil
This human face suddenly turned in a direction, and suddenly dived towards Sijana's position.

Puff puff.!

The petite bird's body turned into a pool of pink ooze, and it continued to expand and grow, like some kind of monster.

Even Sigana, who has always been well-informed, was stunned and did not respond for a long time.

"So it's you little girl who ruined my reputation, right?!"

A roar full of anger came from the ooze.

The action was so fast that the Flying Dragon below him didn't react, and a pair of blood-colored wings fluttered and started to take off.

However, the next moment, the pink ooze was fully formed and transformed into the appearance of an adult woman.

His long dark brown hair was scattered down, and his face was pretty and moving, just like Bobo's facial features before.

This face, for a Bobo, does seem a bit curious.
But put it on the face of a normal human at this moment, that is another kind of stunning.

It's blue!

Transformed into a human form, Bi Lan grabbed Sijana's neck with one hand, and dragged her down from the back of the Flying Dragon.


Only after flying halfway through the Flying Dragon, did he realize that his younger generation had no trainers.

while on the ground.

Sigana's entire body was just falling on the ground, and the uneven gravel ground hit her spine, causing her to let out a groan.

Just about to struggle to get up.

Bi Lan sat heavily on Sigana's belly.

The two slender thighs bent forward, and then pressed the soles of their feet, stepping heavily on Sijana's wrist, making it difficult for her to break free.

In the end, the fair-skinned jade hand protruded suddenly, and tightly clamped Sijana's mouth and cheeks like claws.

"Pengci met my aunt here, I don't know why the flowers are so red, right?!"

Bi Lan scolded and arrested Sijana on the spot.

Others may be gentle with girls, but she is not a good stubborn, so she directly pressed Sijana's head into the soil!


The Flying Dragon, which took off halfway, saw his trainer being pinned to the ground, and immediately roared furiously.

On the sharp claws raised by the forelimbs, surging and sharp cyan claws have been extended.

Dragon Claw! !
Storm Flying Dragon launched an attack directly against Bi Lan.

However, without waiting for Bi Lan to react, a Poké Ball around her waist was automatically opened.

boom! !

The red light flashed, but it was a pink Pokémon with a height of one person, with a chubby body and a pair of small wings behind it.

It is the hometown of Picassi.

In the face of the dangerous dragon claw attack, this Pikexi did not show the slightest panic.


I saw it gently lift its chubby hand, its eyes flickering slyly, and its palms stepped forward rapidly.

Immediately, with a "two-fingered Zen" strike, he firmly grasped the sharp claws that the Flying Dragon had torn out.

The pink chubby hand looked directly at the violent dragon attribute energy of Baofeilong, and pinched the opponent's body claws.

It is of the fairy attribute and can be completely immune to all attacks of the dragon attribute. "Ow, ooh!!"

And his sharp claws were rigidly pinched in mid-air, as if there was a huge force on his body, unable to move forward, and unable to draw back, which made the expression of Bao Feilong change for a while.

After finally noticing the pink demon in front of him, Baofeilong's expression subconsciously became panicked.

It's instinctive fear.

Dragon-type Pokémon can do whatever they want with all attributes, but when faced with cute Fairy-type Pokémon, they are born with a sense of fear.

And Pikexi's arm swung violently, throwing the Flying Dragon flying.

The latter is revived, and it is necessary to charge for the second time.

However, Piccolo only murmured, and her body began to glow pink.

The powerful fairy breath that made it hard to breathe made the Flying Dragon throw the mouse, and while worrying about his trainer, he was firmly stopped by Pikexi.
"Wow, Big Blue, why are you here?!"

Recognizing the person who came, Xiao Zhi came over with a shocked expression.

That's right, Big Blue said before that he was going to arrest the culprit who slandered her for stealing the keystone and mega stone.

At that time, after she took the keystone of the Lava Team, a reward was issued by the other party.

As a result, the Dewen Company also inexplicably issued a notice that a face wave had stolen their keystone.
That being said, it is the ghost of this meteorite again.


Xiao Zhi's move forward was stagnant again.

But at this moment Bi Lan has returned to human form. Although she is wearing clothes, her lower body is a red slit dress.

At this moment, half sitting on the ground, the thighs of the two white flowers are bent forward, and the picture of the split between the skirts is a bit dazzling, and Xiaozhi hurriedly turned his head.

Look no further.

Every time he sees Big Blue's appearance, he always thinks of Xiaolan. A kind of honeyed guilt arises spontaneously.

"Oh, isn't this Ash, why are you here?"

Pressing the opponent under her body, Bi Lan noticed Xiao Zhi's figure.

She is a pure passerby, just passing by.

These days, Sijana has been hiding in the Devon Company, making it difficult for her to move, so she temporarily lived in Kanaz City.

Unexpectedly, when I was hanging out after dinner today, I could bump into this woman, Bi Lan, and immediately launched a raid.

It's just that when Bilan was talking to Xiaozhi, this also allowed Sigana under her to finally find an opportunity.

The body is like a soft spring, the lower body slams on the ground and rises upwards.

At this moment, Bi Lan's whole body's center of gravity is on Sigana's upper body, and the latter just caught the opportunity.

You must know that Sigana is not only the trainer with the strongest ability to control Pokémon among the people of the meteors. Her physical strength is also much higher than that of outsiders.

Her body followed the inertia and made a big roll forward.

This made Bi Lan lose her center of gravity for a while, and her body fell forward unconsciously.

situation.From female to female, to female to female.

Seeing this, Sigana raised the corner of her mouth, revealing a cold smile again.

The whole body leaned forward, knees bent, and in a half-kneeling posture, firmly pressed the blue wrist.

The other hand was caught on the delicate blue face.

"So you are that human face Bobo?"

Sigana bent down and looked at the woman under her in surprise.

"Or is it... a human who has the ability to transform freely?"

Naturally, she wouldn't think that this was a strange thing.

There are some superpowers in human beings, for example, the people of meteors have a unique ability to predict.

It seems that there is nothing strange about a human being who can change his body at will like a monster.

"Clap clap.!"

At this scene, Xiao Zhi, who was watching from the side, couldn't help but puff up his palms.

This woman is so strong!
(End of this chapter)

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