He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1076: Pheromeridae

Chapter 1076: Pheromeridae
"What Pokemon is that?!"

On the ground, Xiao Zhi propped his palms above his eyes and looked around. In the night sky, he could see very blurry across a distance of several hundred meters.

But it could be vaguely seen that it was a white human-shaped Pokémon, and under the moonlight, it shone with a faint golden light.

Its body is extremely slender, as if a tall human being has only bones. It seems that there is a large mass of long hair growing on the back of the head to the soles of the feet.

Boom! !
With a kick with a golden hook, Sigana and the Storm Flying Dragon were kicked into a crash.

This should be a unique skill to shoot down, and it has an outstanding effect on the Flying Dragon.

Immediately after this white Pokémon, it was inconceivably striding in the air, as if there was some kind of air floor in the sky there.

"Walking in the air?!"

Xiao Zhi was shocked, this scene was really curious, and he quickly took out the picture book in his hand.

"DiDi. Too far away to recognize."

Pokédex did not give an answer.

Although it does not have any information on its own, the pictorial still indicates that it is impossible to judge because the distance is too far.

It's the trainer's pot, nothing to do with it.

Just when Xiao Zhi looked surprised, a flat voice suddenly appeared in his mind.

"That's the ultimate alien beast, Pheromite"

"Ultimate alien beast, Pheromite?"

Hearing Brother Chi's reminder, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but read it again.

With hindsight, I remembered the concept of the ultimate alien beast in my mind.

When he was still at the Quartz Conference in the Kanto region, Mr. Chi sent a dark red muscle mosquito. It seemed to be an extreme beast.

The strength of the Muscle Mosquito is very strong, even if he has not received any training, he still has a good fight with the ace of the Royal Masked Man - the Flaming Roaring Tiger.

call out.!
At this moment, the second hat attached to Xiaozhi's waist has been slowly suspended in mid-air.

There are two eyeballs protruding above the brim of the hat. Now Chi doesn't need Xiaozhi's body, and still has his own independent five senses.

There is no definite conclusion as to whether the ultimate alien beast is a Pokémon or not.

Let's just say it's a special kind of Pokémon.

When they were still in the electronic world, the three of Chiqing, Green and Bilan traveled to the Alola area. Bilan used three precious grapefruit fruits in exchange for three ultimate balls.

Later, the three of them wandered around and accidentally entered the ultimate cave, so they each subdued a local ultra beast.

What Chi subdued was an exploding muscle mosquito, and what Qing Green subdued was a bouncing clown.

As for the blue, it is the pheromone.

This is a humanoid Pokémon based on insects, with an unusually arrogant and self-willed personality, just like a queen among humans.

Physical fitness is very strong, especially good at various kicking skills.

At the beginning, the red mussels were not cultivated, and they were kept in Bilan.

But Bi Lan is different. She has always cooperated with the trainer to train this Philomelidae, and her strength is much stronger than that of the Explosive Muscle Mosquito.

But even Chi didn't expect that the latter could actually rely on the power of the flesh to achieve the air step under the moon.
This is put into fighting-type Pokémon, but it requires extremely strong physical fitness.

Rounding up is no different from the ultimate realm.

"Is it so powerful?!"

After hearing Chi's explanation, Xiao Zhi was amazed.

Deng! !Deng! !
A few hundred meters away, he could still hear the violent explosion of the pheromone's feet stepping on the air in his ears.

And after the latter kicked Sigana and the Flying Dragon with one blow, he was actually heading towards the trail of the two falling, and chased away again in the air.

"Humph! I haven't allowed you to go yet. I don't think you can really go, do you?"

Not far away, Bi Lan snorted coldly, her expression full of anger.

At this moment, her body had completely recovered, and she immediately hugged Piccolo's back.

Don't let this woman know why the flowers are so red today, her blue name is really going to be written upside down! !

Da da da..!!
Without even saying goodbye to Xiaozhi, Pikexi carried Bi Lan on his back and sprinted in the jungle towards the direction where Sijana crashed.

After a while, he disappeared from Xiao Zhi's field of vision.

Boom boom.!!

The jungle in the dark night, from time to time bursts of explosions were exchanged, and Xiao Zhi's heart trembled when he heard it.

Sure enough, what Brother Chi said is fine, don't provoke this woman.

old grudge
The next Xiaozhi, but did not continue to lean forward, and observed the fight between the two women from a close distance.

Instead, he deviates in the direction and returns to Kanaz City, pointing directly to the headquarters building of Devon Corporation.

After all, knowing about "may kill another self", Xiaozhi felt that it was necessary to inform President Zvqi.

"Is there any such statement?"

Zvoch, who was just about to rest, his expression became heavy after getting the news.

Indeed, in this world, compared to science, metaphysics is an existence that cannot be ignored.

Just the hunch of a Meteor Citizen is not groundless.

However, Xiaona, who has always been by her side, turned out to be an inner ghost, which President Zvqi didn't expect.

After all, this person has been working here since five years ago, and even started from the bottom, relying on his own ability, he was promoted step by step to become his full-time secretary, but he did not have much doubts about the latter.

After all, if you are a ghost, this time is too long, right?
Share dividends to be received!
It can be said that at least 70% of Devon's business secrets are known to her.

But what President Zvqi didn't know was that Sijana came out of Meteor, and her trainer and Pokémon abilities were already at the level of the Alliance King, and she didn't need to continue training herself with high intensity.

What she lacks even more is the cognition, knowledge, and vision of the whole outside world.
The largest company in the Fangyuan area is undoubtedly her best choice.

In the past five years of working life, Sigana has been constantly using the Dewen company as a platform to become familiar with the world. It can be said that she is indeed working whole-heartedly.

"It seems that I really have to call that boy back in Dawu."

President Zvqi sighed, now is an eventful time, and he has to call this strongest thug back as a door god for a short time.

And this time, the plan also needs Daigo's help.

After all, Dawu is familiar with the Pokémon League, which belongs to the Fangyuan area, and it is time to communicate with the official group of people about such a major event.

"But the concept of parallel universes."

President Zvitch spit out a word.

Another similar, but not entirely similar, world is simply their parallel universe.

This concept is often seen in science fiction film and television novels.

(End of this chapter)

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