He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1079 Li Zhuang Chicken vs Shaggy Spot!

Chapter 1079 Li Zhuang Chicken vs Shaggy Spot!
"Finally going to fight!?"

Xiao Zhi also stood in front of Qianli with fiery eyes, already holding a Poké Ball in his hand.

The two men looked at each other from a distance, and both felt the strength of each other, it was not simple.
Qianli flipped the palm of his hand and sent the first Pokémon first.

This is a brown upright bunny Pokémon, which is more like a slim version of Pikachu than Gu Niu Niu's chubby figure.

There are irregular red dots on his body, and his eyes have been swirling before they even started to fight.

"DiDi. Shaking Spots, Staggering Pokémon, general attributes, each Shaking Spot has a unique sequence of spots on its body, and its random swaying steps can confuse and dizzy opponents."

After listening to the introduction of the picture book, Ash also sent his Pokémon.


The red light flashed, and the strong chicken stepped on the floor, shaking his arms, and his eyes were bright.

A strong chicken with fighting attributes can undoubtedly deal well with opponents with ordinary attributes.

"Wait a little and a strong chicken?"

Xiao Sheng has stepped aside at this moment, watching the game immersedly.

It seems that in this first game, his father chose to try out Huang Huangban.

And Xiaozhi sent out the newly captured Pokémon in the Fangyuan area, it can be said that they are all testing.

The battle begins!
"Strong chicken, use jet flame!!"

At the beginning of the game, Lizhuang Chicken opened its beak, and a beam of fiery flames was already spewing out first.

"Shake it, use the wave of water!"

Qianli maintained the movement of clasping his chest with both hands and responded unhurriedly.

I saw the two small short hands of this wiggler lifted up in the air, and after a while, a water energy bomb was condensed, and it was thrown out against the flame.

The power of the water flow is even more powerful, it actually broke the flame and continued to bombard the strong chicken.

Most of the Pokémon with general attributes will master moves of various attributes, and there will be no embarrassing situation where no skills are available.

"Strong chicken, use bounce!!"

Xiao Zhi suddenly commanded.

The strong chicken understood, and immediately jumped in place to avoid the fluctuation of the water.

Instantly jumping into the air, the powerful jumping force made Qianli startled for a moment.

But at this moment, the ceiling of this indoor arena is only seven or eight meters, which is not the limit height of a strong chicken.
Deng! !

I saw that after the strong chicken reached the highest point, the hind limbs suddenly stepped back towards the ceiling, without the slightest delay, and swooped down again with this force.

This time it's a quick-acting [-]-dan jumping move!

Whoosh! !
A powerful flying kick, and it was about to fly out with a swaying kick.

"Your strong chicken is really good."

This move bouncing, even thousands of miles can't help but admire.

Xiao Sheng, who was watching the battle, also brightened his eyes, and he made up his mind to choose such a handsome and strong chicken when he set off for a trip in the future.


But soon, the wobbly spot got up again.

Since its eyes have always been circled, it can only rely on the small body that is still standing, proving that it has not completely lost its ability to fight.

After all, bouncing moves are flying moves, not fighting moves with outstanding effects.

"Shake it, use Shake Dance!"

This time it was Qianli's turn to attack first, and he spat out a move that Xiao Zhi had never heard of before.


This wobbly spot swayed unruly on the spot, like a drunk man staggering.

The magical dance made Lizhuang Chicken subconsciously pay attention.


After a while, Lizhuang Chicken actually started to stumble in a coma with Huang Huangban, and his footsteps were unsteady.

Shaking the dance can make the target of the dance enter a state of confusion.

But the wiggling spot is a false halo, and the strong chicken is a real halo.

"Right now, use the stun punch!!"

Hearing that, the staggering movement of the wobbly was stopped, and he suddenly sprinted towards the strong chicken.

Around a small raised fist, the confusing energy of various swirling stars is filled.
"Strong chicken, use the oath of fire!!"

Xiao Zhi responded quickly.

The strong chicken in the chaos has completely lost the distinction between the enemy and the enemy, and the fist that condenses the flame energy directly smashes to the ground.

puff! !puff! !puff! !

The next moment, countless fire pillars of lava rose from the ground around the body, and even one fire pillar burned him.

But the surging fire oath all around also forcibly stopped Shaking Ban's movements and froze outside.


The self-scorching fire of the Oath of Fire also made Lizhuang Chicken out of the chaotic state in the first round, and his eyes became bright again.

With a small self-destructing damage, while hindering the opponent's attack, it can also erase the chaos.

"It's really not easy."

With this command alone, Qianli confirmed that Xiaozhi's strength is not simple.

Immediately after, a surging red light appeared out of thin air on the surface of Lizhuang Chicken's body.

The acceleration characteristic is activated, which makes the movement of the strong chicken become very fast, running and flashing back and forth around the dangling spot.

Seeing this, Qianli's eyes lit up, and he said solemnly:
"We use impersonation tricks!"


Huang Huangban's mind was certain, and after a long high-pitched cry, a faint strange light seemed to connect a rabbit and a chicken.

The next moment, the same turbulent red light also appeared on Huang Huangban's body.

"This is the acceleration characteristic?"

Xiaozhi's eyes froze for a moment, and the Pokédex also gave a prompt in time.

"DiDi. Acting: being able to imitate the other person's characteristics."

This is a one-sided feature exchange move.

At this moment, the characteristic of Shaking Spot has also become acceleration.

Da da da.! !
Huang Huangban's movements suddenly became equally swift, flickering back and forth with Lizhuang Chicken on the arena, no one could do anything about him.

"Stun punch!!"

"Flame Fist!!"

The next moment, the two trainers issued similar commands.

One rabbit and one chicken stomped and rushed to the center of the arena at the same time, with a surging flame fist on one side and a dizzy strange fist on the other.

Boom! !
When they collided with all their strength, they were actually evenly matched.

Lizhuang Chicken and Shaggy Ban took a few steps back at the same time, feeling their arms tremble slightly.

But at this time, Xiao Zhi pressed his hat slightly, and said with a self-confident expression:

"In that case, let them see your new move!!"

The strong chicken nodded, and his eyes were suddenly as hot as a flame.

The next moment, it stomped on the ground and charged towards Huang Huangban again.

A fist retracts the waist to charge.

Seeing that he was going to confront the boxing again, Huang Huangban naturally would not give in, and stepped out, and the stun punch was also ready to go.

It's just that when the two people were about to confront each other, Li Zhuang Chicken suddenly flashed a ghost and disappeared in place.

In the next instant, he appeared in a lower position under Huang Huangban's body.

"Yan Hui?!"

Qianli raised his eyebrows, and this action looked a lot like Wang Yan's Yan Hui.

But soon, Qianli suddenly changed his face.

Because the fist of the strong chicken has already flashed a turbulent white light. This is not Yan Hui.

"It's right now, use the soaring fist!!"

Ash pointed his finger up and roared loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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