He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1082 Bladder Bureau, vs the King of Leave! !

Chapter 1082 Bladder Bureau, vs the King of Leave! !

"Dad uses the No. [-] leave king.?"

Xiaosheng pushed his glasses, but he recognized the Pokémon in front of Qianli.

There are two leave kings in Qianli, and one has a stable king's combat power, which is the absolute trump card of the former.

As for the No. [-] leave king, he is the next best, as the general of the town hall of the Chenghua Taoist Hall.

The difference between the two is the white beard around the neck. No. [-] asks for leave with more seniority, and the white beard has a touch of gray. But this one is just a bunch of white hair.

After all, in a gym battle, it is naturally impossible for Qianli to send a king-level leave king.

But this time, the level is undoubtedly much higher than the hyperkinetic monkey in the previous game.

"The Forest Lizard vs. the King of Leave, the game begins!"

As Xiao Sheng's words fell, the forest lizard took the lead.


I saw that its body did not move, but its mouth was the first to spit, and the branch at the corner of the mouth was actually ejected, and the action was very handsome.

This action made Xiao Sheng's eyes light up.

Sure enough, the forest lizard should be chosen!


And this No. 1 leave king just allowed himself to be hit by a wooden thorn, hp-[-].

A thick body of fat, although it can't achieve the effect of reducing ice and fire like the wonderful frog flower, but its physical defense is already very good.

"That's the case, use the leaf blade slash!!" Forest Lizard understands, and slams both hands, the green light sickle has already extended out from the back of the hand, "da da da" stepped on the floor and rushed out quickly!
"Use the arm hammer!"

Qianli resumed the ruthless action of holding his chest with both hands, and commanded in a deep voice.


The king of asking for leave let out a low growl, and the hill-shaped body actually stood up this time.

The two sturdy arms were covered with a layer of dazzling white light, and the muscles were bulging, containing strength visible to the naked eye.
The forest lizard didn't care so much, it jumped high, and the Leaf Blade chopped straight up!
Boom! !
The leaf blade slashed against the arm, but after a stalemate for less than a few seconds, the forest lizard's entire body was swept away and backed out.

The sharp blades of the blade on the back of the hand were all scattered back to their original fine leaf shape.

This is an overwhelming power gap!

"What a fierce force!"

Even Xiao Zhi couldn't help feeling numb in his scalp, and his face could even feel the air waves from the king of leave.

But his eyes were very bright, and he quickly said:

"Right now, continue to use the Leaf Blade!!"

The forest lizard understood it, and after being hit hard, it stomped on the surrounding walls and recoiled again.

Whoosh! !
The green light of the blade flashed, piercing the air, leaving only a sharp astonishing sword shadow.

This time, the leaf blade of the forest lizard slashed directly on the chest of the king who asked for leave, leaving a clear trace.

The latter just didn't dodge or dodge, laying lazily on the ground, maintaining the gesture of supporting his face with one hand.

The king of leave features, laziness, a move is issued in one round, and the next round will inevitably enter a lazy state of being unable to move.

It means that no matter what move is used, there is a rigid debuff that destroys the death light.

This is the information introduction that Xiao Zhi saw when he used the illustrated book just now.

The king of leave has panel data that is not inferior to the legendary Pokémon. No, it is not only similar to the frozen bird, some people estimate that it even has the power of the ancient god level.

But perhaps because it is just an ordinary Pokémon, it can obtain such a strong physical quality, which also makes the king of leave have to bear the lazy characteristics, which is a huge price.

And this laziness is incurable.

Countless trainers have tried to tame and eliminate the Lazy trait of the Leave King, but have failed.

This seems to be the inevitable rule of this world, as long as it is the king who asks for leave, it is bound to be lazy.

"I don't know if the acting move just now has any effect?"

Xiao Zhi couldn't help muttering.

The previous wiggling spot used a role-playing move, and the copy replaced the acceleration characteristics of the strong chicken.

It can also be replaced with the acceleration feature if the king of leave.
Hiss, scalp tingling.

The battle continues.

"Forest lizard, use high-speed movement!"

This time, Ash changed his offensive thinking.

The rank of this king of asking for leave is much higher than that of the forest lizard, and reckless efforts are the last resort.

Guerrilla warfare, cd flow tactics, is undoubtedly the best way out.

Seeing this, Qianli also commanded calmly, it seems that this kind of coping method has become commonplace.

"Use Instant Amnesia!"

Ask the fake king to lie on the ground, his head slightly tilted.
The next moment, a strange light flashed, which greatly increased the special defense of the king who asked for leave.

Compared with his own leave king, who has a hard time keeping his temper, he has never lost anyone!

"Right now, use the Leaf Slash!!"

And grasping the latter's gap, Xiao Zhi hurriedly attacked again.

At this moment, the forest lizard's strongest move is the leaf blade slash. Moreover, this move is also easy to produce the effect of hitting the key point.

Even the rough-skinned and thick-skinned king of leave, if he can make two critical strikes, he will still be left in the wind.

Whoosh! !
The forest lizard's knife light flashed, and it slashed out from the front.

Dah Swoosh!

After a knife was swung, the forest lizard was not greedy for the knife, and quickly retreated, maintaining a safe distance.

It's a pity that these two blade cuts did not result in a critical hit.

"Since that's the case, ask the leave king to use slacking!"

At this time, Qianli suddenly spoke up.

"Wu ah~"

The king asking for leave lazily fell to the ground, yawned, and got sleepy.

And a faint green light also appeared on its body, and even eliminated the scar left by the blade cut on its body.

"Lazy move, do nothing for a round in exchange for recovering a certain amount of stamina."

Pokédex automatically broadcasts reports.

Take rest and wait for work, you can do whatever you want, and the bright moon shines on the river.

"Is that the idea of ​​hitting.?"

This time, even Xiao Zhi's face became ugly.

If you can effectively grind blood all the time, although it is troublesome, you can win in the end.

But at the moment, the opponent still has a way to restore his stamina.
After grinding for a long time, it is not as good as the other party's lazy recovery.

When the forest lizard is exhausted, it is time to lose.

Rounding up, the big milk jug with the top.

"It seems that this one will be a bladder problem."

Xiaogang, who was watching, couldn't help but sigh.

While flexible and changeable, they can't be beaten to death. The most tortured is undoubtedly the onlookers.

"Use Frozen Fist!!"

And with the laziness removed, the full state leave king chose to take the initiative to attack this time.

The hill-shaped heavy body rushed forward, the floor trembled, waving huge fists, and it was covered with a layer of ice-blue cold mist.


Even though it was far away, the forest lizard couldn't help shivering.

When this big fist comes down, it will be disabled if you don't die!

(End of this chapter)

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