He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1090 Harvest Rockets

Chapter 1090 Harvest Rockets
After landing, Qixi Blue Bird held the ring to his mouth, but did not rush to take off again.


Instead, he took a long breath and folded the spread wings again, turning them into a big ball of cotton.

The invisible body in the cotton is the action of a hatching hen.

The green light that healed all the time also appeared on the Qixi Blue Bird's body, constantly recovering its physical strength.

"Hasu?! You have a hand!"

Xiaozhi slapped his hand and couldn't help but admire.

On the one hand, he landed to regain the ring, and on the other hand, he lay down on the ground to recover his strength, killing two birds with one stone.

Little clever ghost.

"Damn, this kid, and this cotton bird!"

And this Moxigan tyrannical man has been completely irritated, especially when he feels the Qixi Blue Bird, he also has a touch of dragon attribute breath.

Even delusional to be on an equal footing with his own fast dragon? !
"Use Dragon God to dive!!"

He directly launched Kuailong's big trick!

This irascible fast dragon rushed out of the white mist, and the entire body surface was immediately covered with a layer of dark blue dragon attribute arrogance.

Boom! !
In the end, it sprinted towards the Qixi Blue Bird on the ground, and the sound exploded.

"Qianxi Blue Bird, use cotton to defend!"

Manchong has long since regained his composure at this moment, like a trainer who controls all situations with ease.

Qixi Blue Bird also interrupted his feather habitat for the first time, and the white cotton around his body swelled more than twice in an instant.

Tanabata Blue Bird's defense has been greatly improved!
Cotton defense, this is an incredible defensive move.

puff! !
The terrifying Dragon God swooped and fell, as if he was stuck in a quagmire, and could not effectively break the fluffy and flexible white cotton.

Until the energy was exhausted, with the sound of "duang", Kuailong's entire body was bounced out again.

"This fast dragon can't do it"

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi couldn't help shaking his head.

After all, he is the quasi-god of his hometown, and he still has the right to speak.
This fast dragon doesn't look violent on the outside, but in fact it's outgoing and ruthless.

This beastly man is probably not a good trainer, and he did not fully guide the power of the fast dragon.

At this moment, the Blue Bird on the Qixi Festival also untied the cotton defense, and a layer of pink energy flashed on the entire sky blue body.
"Right now, use the power of the moon!!"

Full of understanding in the hot air balloon, roared loudly.

This is a move he stole from the previous Ash, the trainer shouted loudly, and the Pokémon seemed to become stronger.

In the end, the pink energy condensed into a pink energy bomb in the air, which contained extremely powerful strange energy.


And the energy of this deadly restraint made this fierce fast dragon shudder, and finally became afraid.

Boom! !
The power of the moon exploded completely on Kuailong, causing a splendid explosion of pink energy in the air, like a beautiful bouquet of fireworks.

The effect is outstanding! !
Fairy-type moves are absolutely restrained against Dragon-type Pokémon.

And the huge figure of Kuailong finally crashed to the ground in mid-air, unable to fight any more.

"how is this possible?!"

The beastly man turned black, hugged his head and screamed.

Although the Qixi Blue Bird does not have the attributes of a fairy at this moment, for a puffy fast dragon, the power of a moon is enough.

Cold knowledge, only when the Qixi Blue Bird completes the mega evolution will it gain additional fairy attributes.

A dragon-type Pokémon has acquired the dragon-slaying fairy-type attribute. It is because of this that the Qixi Blue Bird is degraded by many dragon-type fans as a traitor to the dragon family.

So basically, the current Qixi Blue Bird is still betrayal, but not completely betrayed.


The Qixi Blue Bird just took off again, and easily put the ring into the target hook and successfully completed the promotion.


Seeing this, Manchong breathed a sigh of relief and slumped on the hot air balloon.

This first battle is close to the battle of life and death. He felt that his respiratory disease was about to return.

It doesn't matter, if you win a game, you will win!
At this moment, it seems that he does not have much confidence in his own trainer ability.

"Surprisingly powerful, this kid."

However, Xiaozhi below, nodded again and again.

This guy seems to have captured the first Pokémon only two months ago, right? !

The fighting level is not at all like a rookie.

The Pokémon Ring Contest is still going on.

At the other end of the venue, the other two members of the Rockets trio were also full of harvests.

Because this ring competition is very exciting, the hearts of the audience are all on the field at this moment, and they don't care about their disguise shop at all.

Tie up the cloth bag with nearly a hundred Poke Balls in front of him, and then call for the courier brother placed by the Rockets in the Fangyuan area - a big-billed gull.

The cloth bag was stuffed into the mouth of the big-billed gull, and Musashi and Miaomiao crossed their hips before nodding in satisfaction.

Direct one-time package and take away!
"Then I'll ask you to pack these back to headquarters!"


This courier brother, the big-billed gull, nodded with a wooden face, flapped its wings and took off.

This is the latest policy of the Rockets, and each member is equipped with a full-time tougull responsible for handover and delivery.

That is, it can be used to accept the item Pokémon above, and you can also send your own items back to the headquarters, which is very convenient.

However, such a rich and powerful, only the Rockets are likely to complete.

"I feel surprisingly good today~"

"Is it because of the lack of Kojiro-nyan~"

Musashi and Meow looked at each other.

After thinking about it, the two still came up with the final answer. "The reason is not Kojiro, but that little devil!"

"That's right, meow!"

As long as their actions are separated from Ash by a time period, one step ahead or one step later, they can proceed smoothly.

But as long as they meet, they will suffer.

Ash > Team Rocket > Everything.

The two who came to the truth of the world also determined the next action plan for Team Rocket.

"So we have to do everything that needs to be done first, and finally put our eyes on that strange Pikachu!"

Meow didn't forget Ash's Pikachu.

"That's right!! There are other Pokémon on the kid's head!"

Musashi also quickly added.

They know Xiao Zhi quite well, this guy is now a proper beast man configuration.

Once Xiao Zhi was successfully looted, the three of them would not worry about eating and drinking for ten years!
"I'm cleaning up the mess now, you go and call Kojiro, let's get out of this place of right and wrong!"

Soon, the division of labor between the two was clearly separated.

As for the time, then if the trainer who has deposited the Pokémon arrives in the morning
"Give you a long memory, this world is not so simple!"

Musashi's brain circuit is quite simple and violent.

It's just a loss of a Pokémon now, it's better than losing a daughter-in-law and a man in the future.

Rounding up, they should kowtow to the Rockets!

(End of this chapter)

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