He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1104 The Hook 8 leader of the Ocean Team?

Chapter 1104 The Gou Eight Leader of the Ocean Team?

"Team Ocean's...!"

The director of the Weather Research Institute hurriedly stood in front of Xiaogang.

"We are just chatting casually, and there is no malicious intent"

His eyes stared directly at Shui Wutong, seemingly without fear of confrontation, but a pea-sized sweat still fell on his forehead.

After all, in the Fangyuan area, the Lava Team and the Ocean Team are bully-level existences, and their deterrent power is not low.

And their weather research institute has no armed ability at all, and it is as crisp as a blank sheet of paper.

Shui Wutong naturally saw the director's thoughts, and couldn't help but look up and laugh wildly.

"Hahaha!! It's just a child, I don't have any thoughts about them."

These words made a few people heave a sigh of relief.

Xiao Zhi's hands were already on the Poke Ball around his waist, ready to fight at any time.

I heard that the leader of the ocean team has the strength to not lose to the king of the alliance, but he can come to a battle after a long absence.

"However, when our marine team hears such slanderous words, we can't just ignore it."

Shui Wutong's words changed, making several people nervous again.

Especially the members of the marine team at the back, they look like pirates, and the sense of oppression is not low.

"So didn't you really find the legendary scarlet orb and take it out?"

In the end, the director mustered up his courage and asked directly.

If you die, you will die, at least be a sensible ghost before you die!

Shui Wutong was stunned for a moment by this generous look of dying.

He didn't plan to do anything to kill him, at most he was half-hearted.

"But I can't pretend I didn't see your actions."

Shui Wutong did not directly answer whether they did it, but aimed at the Weather Research Institute.

"As far as I know, your weather research institute has developed a substitute for the vermilion orb, which can simulate the signal of this bead, and intend to forcibly attract Groudon back, right?"

Shui Wutong directly told the content of their secret operations, which made the director snort violently.

They got an insider? !

"Simulated beads?"

Xiao Zhi curiously read it again.

"Since you know it, there's nothing to hide."

After the expression changed for a while, the director finally admitted it generously.

But after all, it is an imitation, and the effect is naturally not as strong as the original, so it must be close to it to attract Groudon's attention.

At this moment, several people have gone to the waters of the Hezhong area with the fake vermilion orb to complete the task.

"Hmph, our ocean team will not allow this to happen!"

Shui Wutong suddenly grinned, and his expression became fierce.

"You, don't you?"

This appearance made the director seem to have guessed something, and his expression suddenly became terrified.

"Hey, that's right, a few days ago we sent a cadre to kill that fake bead, and now it's probably turned into powder~!"

Without such a perfect situation as Groudon's Fangyuan area, Team Ocean would not allow anyone to destroy it.

Hearing these words, the director's expression changed greatly.

"Damn, you guys"

Looking at Shui Wutong's expression, it is even more incomparable anger.

You must know that the members sent out to complete the mission this time are all ordinary researchers. They basically have no combat power and can resist the interception of the marine team cadres.

What made him even more angry was that they were trying to save the area.

However, for their own purposes, the marine team completely ignores the safety of the entire region!

"Stupid people. Let the ocean swallow the entire land, this is the most perfect way out for this planet!!"

Shui Wutong just clenched his fists, as if he was holding something, and said frantically.

Without a competitor, Lord Kyogre will eventually set off a huge wave and let the sea swallow everything! !

The three of Xiaozhi: "."

This man is helpless.

Well, like Team Lava, the brains are diodes.

Either the land covers it all, or the ocean covers it all.

The world in the eyes is estimated to be the same as Emperor Yan, only black and white

At this time, Shui Wutong's mobile phone suddenly vibrated, as if someone called.

After taking a look, it was the senior cadre of the action team sent by Shui Wutong to complete the killing of the Weather Research Institute.

"Oh~ have you completed the mission?"

The corners of Shui Wutong's mouth raised, seeing whether the call was a video call or a video call, she simply opened it.

After counting the days, the two groups of people should have met in Shuijing, a port city in the Fangyuan area.

"Just to let you guys see, trying to stop the end of our ocean team's big plan!! Ah ha ha ha!!"

Shui Wutong laughed wildly and pointed the screen at the director and Xiao Zhi and his party, making no secret of sarcasm.

At this time, the screen should be a real-time picture of his subordinates smashing fake beads.


The screen flashed, and soon there was a picture.

In the picture is a bald man in the uniform of the marine team, with a rather thin figure, which looks very sinister
It was the senior cadre of the ocean team that Xiao Zhi met at the top of Chimney Mountain before in the dogfighting competition.

It seems to be called "drop", right?
Several people moved their heads curiously, and the director also looked at the screen with a dead face.

However, the drops in the picture at the moment are not arrogant and domineering on the top of the chimney, but instead.
Instead, his nose was blue and his face was swollen, and one of his eyes was even more swollen, completely covering his eyes.

It seems that someone was beaten up by someone?
At the bottom of the screen, you can also see a hand grabbing Di's neck, which seems to be the perpetrator.


Several people's expressions suddenly became strange.

Killed by sniper?
And as the picture is zoomed out, the appearance of the perpetrator is completely revealed.

This is a researcher wearing a white coat, but his body is similar to Xiao Zhi, which makes his clothes a little too large.

A brown spiky head and short hair are all upturned, and half of the side face exposed from the perspective of the picture can be seen to be a handsome young man.

But at the moment, the expression on the latter's face seemed very arrogant.

Shui Wutong's expression is even more arrogant than holding the phone!
In the video, a burst of insolent laughter can also be heard.

"Do you want to sneak attack on your uncle Xiao Mao? What stinky fish and rotten shrimps, it's really funny hahaha!!"

After throwing Didi for a long time, Xiaomao looked at the camera again.

"Hey hey hey? You're the Gouba leader of the Ocean Team, aren't you? How dare you let the dog bite Ben. Hey, isn't this Xiao Zhi?"

Xiao Mao's arrogant tone suddenly stopped, a little dumbfounded.

He suddenly found that three familiar figures appeared on the other end of the screen, and then quickly shook off Di's figure and moved closer to the screen.

"Uh, isn't this a call to the leader of the ocean team?"

On the other end of the phone, a few respectful voices could be heard, which was quite aggrieved.

"I don't know, this is indeed our boss's phone."

It seems that several Marine Corps soldiers have been captured by Xiao Mao.

The three of Xiaozhi: "."

The damn taste, so right!

so to speak
Indeed, if field operations are required, Xiao Mao will definitely take the initiative to participate.

(End of this chapter)

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