He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1110 Electric God Pillar, Lightning Cage! !

Chapter 1110 Electric God Pillar, Lightning Cage! !
boom! !

The red light flashed, and Naqi's second Pokémon appeared, but it was a big blue-and-white seagull. The large and thick yellow beak took up almost 2/3 of the body's volume.

"Is the second just a gull?"

Xiao Zhi did not take out the picture book, but directly read the latter's name.

It's outrageous, it's a water + flight again, and it is four times restrained that it will melt when it touches an electric shock.

But looking at Naqi's appearance, this time should be different from the Tyrannosaurus.
"Electric God Pillar, let's go up!!"

The second game, start again!
"Electric God Pillar, use the electric shock wave!!"

Xiaozhi is still the first striker of the electric shock wave. This is an electric-type Yan return move, which is very suitable for the first move.

"Big-billed Gull, use steel wings!"

Naki responded in the same way.

Whoosh! !
I saw that the wings on one side of the long-winged gull were instantly dyed with silver light, lowered the flight height, and then stuck on the ground!

This is the same operation as the Tyrannosaurus in the previous game.

You must know that the previous Tyrannosaurus carp dragon was 7 or 8 meters long.

This also caused the tyrannosaurus to use its tail as a lightning rod, and its lengthy body still allowed it to withstand part of the current.

But at this moment, the big-billed gull's body is well-proportioned, and the electric current has just entered the body, and it has already slammed into the ground with a "swoosh".

The current damage received can be said to be negligible.

"Big-billed Gull, use the tailwind!!"

Taking advantage of the gap in the attack, Naqi hurriedly commanded.

The other wing of the big-billed gull is still free, and the strange air flow follows it.
This instantly doubles the speed of the gull's movement.

Na Qi has already seen that the attack of the Electric God Pillar is fierce and the speed is amazing. If you don't use the tailwind to increase the speed of the big-billed gull, she has no room to fight back.

"Electricity pillar, use [-] volts!!"

Ash just stepped up his attack.

The command of the Electric God Pillar is extremely simple and violent.

However, this time the big-billed gull did not choose to hard connect the lightning rod, but flapped its wings and was able to avoid the lightning attack with the blessing of the tail wind.

"Right now, use the water cannon trick!!"

Na Qijiao shouted.

Boom! !
The wide beak of the Great-billed Gull opened, and a sturdy high-pressure stream of water spewed out.


However, the action of the Electric God Pillar is also not slow, and it also avoids this jet of water while bouncing back and forth.

"Use [-] Volts!!"

"Use the water cannon!!"

The next moment, the powerful moves of the two burst out at the same time, and the energy of water and lightning collided in the center of the arena.

In terms of power, the electric shock of the Electric God Pillar is higher, but it does not have an overwhelming breakdown of the water flow, and finally the water vapor and electric current explode in the air.

The strong wind blew both of them back several meters.


And Naki's face changed again.

This Electric God Pillar is already outrageous. Not only is the strength so exaggerated, but even in terms of speed, even the Big-billed Gull, who was blessed by the downwind, only barely catches up with the latter's movements?

Why don't you just let you fight alone? !


But Naqi's eyes narrowed, there is no perfect Pokémon in this world.

An extreme Pokémon with infinite high attack speed, so its own defense is naturally extremely low!

"As long as you can meet this guy, you can decide the winner!"

Naki made up her mind, and this time she took the initiative to attack:

"Use Frozen Wind!!"

The big-billed gull opened its mouth, and the blue and white ice mist covered the sky.

"Do you want to reduce the speed first, then I will reduce your speed first. Electric God Pillar, use the power grid!!"

The Electric God Pillar flicked his arms, and a large current net covered the sky, not only packed away all the incoming ice fog, but even continued to cover the target behind.

"Dodge and use White Mist!!"

Naqi's mind was highly focused, and she responded immediately.

The big-billed gull fluttered its wings to avoid it, opened its mouth, and a large cloud of white mist spread out, covering the Electric God Pillar.

"Use high speed spin!!"

However, Xiao Zhi's response was equally fast, and the whirlwind caused by the high-speed rotation of the Electric God Pillar instantly blew away the white fog in the sky.


Not only that, the Electric God Pillar moved at a high speed, and it actually appeared on the ground directly below the Big-billed Gull.

The raised two current arms aimed at the big bird above.

"Then let you see the exclusive move of the Electric God Pillar. Use the Lightning Cage!!"

Xiao Zhi's eyes narrowed and he growled loudly.

Zizizi! !

One after another, the electric current burst into the body of the electric god column, and finally spread out into the air along the electronic arm.

The electric current gradually condenses into a solid body in the air, and the shape of a cage can be vaguely seen.

Boom! !

And this lightning cage is still spreading dense currents all around. This density is far more than the discharge trick, making it impossible for people to dodge.

Although it was the first time I saw such a strange move, Naqi's eyes also became extremely bright at this moment.

good chance!
"Right now, Big-billed Gull, use Immersion!!"

She suddenly spit out a new move name.

The big-billed gull opened its mouth wide and spit out a large water polo directly below.

Bang. Da Da Da!
The big water ball burst in the air, turned into countless water droplets and fell, passing through the dense current gaps, and finally landed on the bottom of the electric god column.

Once contaminated with these water droplets, they cannot be thrown away or evaporate completely like gangrene, soaking the whole body of the Electric God Pillar.

"What the hell?!"

It was the first time Xiao Zhi saw this move, and his expression was startled.

"Drip, immersion: Wet the opponent's body with a special stream of water, thereby transforming all the opponent's attributes into a single water attribute."

The Pokédex automatically prompts.

At this moment, the Electric God Pillar has become a pure water attribute, not only that, but the whole body is wet.
This made it impossible to control the lightning cage above it any longer.


The Electric God Pillar made a sound similar to dumbfounded.

The next moment, the bursting electric current, just stained with a drop of water on its body, spread out in an instant.

Boom! !

A violent electric current exploded on the body of the Electric God Pillar in an instant! !

The effect is outstanding! !
"Electric God Pillar?!!"

Xiaozhi was dumbfounded, and subconsciously exclaimed, he didn't expect such a move.

"Ha ha."

On the other end, Na Qi just wanted to laugh, but her expression soon solidified on her face.

However, she saw that a bunch of violent lightning cages, part of it bombarded the electric god column below, but the power of this move was somewhat beyond her imagination.

Boom! !

Another part of the dense current was bombarding the big-billed gull above.

The effect is outstanding, the effect is outstanding! !
Boom! !

Boom! !

In an instant, lightning broke out completely, and two violent thunder explosions rose in midair and on the ground at the same time!!
(End of this chapter)

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