He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1112 Golden King Yan vs Golden King Yan!

Chapter 1112 Golden King Yan vs Golden King Yan!
I saw that the body of the tropical dragon began to flash a strange white light, and then the energy that came out of the body turned into dangerous gravel blades in mid-air, and they bombarded the position of the coal turtle together!

Boom boom boom! !

The white light rubble suddenly burst into the coal turtle's body, blasting the latter several meters away on the spot.

The effect is outstanding! !
When the tropical dragon fluttered its wings and flew into the air again, the coal turtle, which was hit hard, struggled to stand up.

"What kind of move is this?!"

The sudden change made Xiao Zhi look stunned.

"DiDi. The power of nature, this is a move whose attributes and power will change with the type of fruit used."

The Pokédex automatically reminded.

And the kiwi fruit can not only restore a lot of the stamina of the tropical dragon, but also transform the natural power of the tropical dragon into a rock attribute that restrains the effect!

Naki gave a smug smile.

Attribute restrained rock attribute. This is not a coincidence.

With the unique body structure of the tropical dragon, Naqi hid a lot of fruit on the neck of the tropical dragon, so no matter what kind of opponent, there is a fruit that can be accurately confronted.

"Is there any such statement?!"

Xiaozhi frowned, this is equivalent to carrying a variety of props, right? !

Illegal Tropical Dragon!

However, these props are all organs grown from the tropical dragon's own body and are not illegal.

Naqi glanced at the sky and suddenly shouted:

"Next, use Sunshine Flame!!"

Boom! !
The golden-white fiery beam is instantly released on the top of the tropical dragon's head! !
The sunny day feature not only improves the flame power of the Coal Turtle, but the sunshine flame can also be released instantly!

Boom! !
The speed of the coal turtle was extremely fast, and it was too late to dodge and hit on the spot!

The fiery beam slammed on it, forcing the Coal Turtle to retreat.

It just doesn't work very well.

The Flying Leaf Storm, which was used once before, weakened the special attack power of the tropical dragon a lot at this moment.
"In that case, use Taishan to press the top!!"

Seeing this, Naqi decisively chose to attack violently.

The tropical dragon flapped its wings, then stopped flying over the coal turtle's head, and its body suddenly fell.

With its size and weight, the power of the tropical dragon's Taishan pressure is terrifyingly high!
"Use Shrink Shell!!"

Due to the disparity in speed, the coal turtle only had time to retract its head and limbs into its shell.

The next moment, the tropical dragon completely trampled on the coal turtle shell! !
The figure of the coal turtle was immediately smashed into the ground with great force!
Boom! ! !
The surrounding ground suddenly collapsed, and the layers of cracks spread to the surrounding area, shaking wildly.

The smoke and dust rising around it completely engulfed the figure of the dragon and the turtle.
"The winner is determined?"

Shota on the side widened his eyes and looked nervously at the arena.

He forgot to write his notes from the beginning, and his eyes were reluctant to leave the arena for a moment.

In the silence, it was Xiao Zhi who took the lead.

"Coal turtle, just use hot air!!"

You must know that the tropical dragon at the moment is completely stepping on the turtle shell of the coal turtle. This is also the place where the temperature of the latter's body is the most terrifying and dangerous.

Pfft! ! !
The next moment, in the smoke and dust in the sky, a hot air wave was blown again! !
Not only that, the temperature of the heat wave is extremely high, and you can even see the fiery red smoke with the naked eye, with dense Mars, like magma that can float in the air.
"DiDi, the coal turtle has mastered a new move, blow smoke!"

The Pokédex automatically prompts.

I saw the smoke-spraying trick of the coal turtle, which washed away the surrounding smoke.

The scorching hot high-temperature fire smoke is even more scalding at the chest of the tropical dragon at zero distance, making a "sizzling" sound like a barbecue.

There is also the powerful steam power contained in it, and it even rushed the huge tropical dragon directly into the air.

Finally fell down!

The black body of the dinosaur is covered with charred traces, and the eyes are in a standard vortex shape.

And the other end.


The coal tortoise in the smoke and dust was also gasping for breath.

The whole body can no longer maintain standing, and the limbs are completely spread out on the ground, which is obviously a state of candles in the wind.

"Tropical Dragon is incapacitated, Coal Turtle wins!!"

The referee hurriedly pronounced the verdict.

Hearing that, Xiaozhi was also relieved, and slowly took the coal turtle back.

"Thank you for your hard work. It's amazing that the first battle can be completed to this state."

Ash comforted through the Poké Ball.

A tough fight.

The cooperative battle between him and the super turtle speed coal turtle still needs to be further improved
Soon, Yinyu Gym came to the last Gym Challenge.

Being completely zero seal is something Naqi can't accept.

Generally, trainers use Pokémon to the end. But it is rare for Xiao Zhi to directly replace the candle when the candle is left in the wind.

"No matter what, come out and fight!!"

Since it is a strong enemy outside the accident, then Naqi also intends to use all her strength.

boom! !

The red light flashed, but a black and white Big Swallow Pokémon appeared in the air of the arena - it was Da Wangyan.

It's just that Na Qi, the king Yan, is different.

The whole body is radiated with pale golden light, as if covered with a layer of filter.

This made this king Yan come with the arrogance of an emperor.

"The Flash King Yan?!"

Xiao Zhi's eyes lit up, Da Wang Yan's flashing gesture was surprisingly handsome.

But if it is better than Da Wangyan
"It's up to you, Wang Yan!!"

Xiaozhi flipped the palm of his hand, and also dispatched his great Wang Yan!

In terms of size, it is not inferior to the latter.

But because it is a classic black and white color scheme, it is far from the coolness of the other party's pale gold, and it is a bit shorter in momentum.

"Do you also have Dawangyan? It's been cultivated very well"

Na Qi nodded, and did not hide her praise for this king Yan.

But if it was Da Wangyan's civil war, why would he have to win one today!
However, at the beginning of the game, Xiao Zhi suddenly punched into the air and said with a somewhat playful tone:

"Da Wang Yan, let the other party see what the real Golden King Yan is!!"

flash?It's just pale gold!

Wang Yan understood, and his whole body tensed up and let out a neigh.

This look made Na Qi and Shining King Yan, who were on the opposite side, stunned for a moment.

What does the Golden King Yan mean?
What are you doing?

I'm born to be flashy. Can you still be flashy halfway through?

Zizizi! !

However, the next moment, the sound of electric current sounded in the air, and Na Qi's face was a little stunned.

I saw Xiao Zhi Da Wang Yan's body began to burst out violent currents, and then condensed and maintained on the body surface.

After a while, the whole body of this king Yan was covered with a layer of golden armor, which could even reflect the sun's rays, making it extremely dazzling.

The brightness of this golden yellow far exceeds the luster of the Flash King Yan!

Naki & Flash King Yan: "?"

One person and one bird stared blankly.
(End of this chapter)

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