He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1116 Robbery turns into a hidden dragon!

Chapter 1116 Robbery turns into a hidden dragon!
"Is it still a special hidden dragon?"

Ash was very curious. He had traveled to so many places, but this was the first time he encountered such a scene.

"Wow~!" "Wow~!"

The two invisible dragons of different colors were smiling, standing on the silk cloth, rubbing their hands together, as if they were expecting something.

Seeing that the two did not move for a long time, they pointed their fingers at various rare items around them.

"Oh, do you want us to choose props?! What a kind Pokémon!"

Xiaozhi understood, nodded towards the two hidden dragons as well, and immediately stepped on the silk cloth first.

This action really made the two hidden dragons even more excited.

"Give it away for nothing? Why can't I believe it?"

Shota looked confused, but Xiao Zhi walked up, and he naturally followed quickly.

Try to lift one of the yellow seeds. This prop should be a miracle seed. If you bring it to Mu Shougong, it can improve some grass attribute abilities.

Shota also tried to shake the Miracle Seed in front of the two hidden dragons.


Seeing the appearance of Hidden Dragon nodding happily, Shota was completely relieved.

It seems that I really met a kind Pokémon.
Xiao Zhi, who was next to him, was not polite, and began to stroll around on the silk cloth to see if there were any familiar props.


However, Pikachu on his shoulders has been pulling on his collar, as if he wants to say something, quite anxious.

"What's the matter, Pikachu, are you hungry again?"

Seeing that there were just a few huge grapefruit fruits lying next to him, Xiao Zhi subconsciously grabbed one and stuffed it into Pikachu's mouth, holding it full.

He also subconsciously glanced at the two hidden dragons.


However, seeing the latter's cheerful and cheerful appearance, Xiao Zhi was also relieved.

Is this the gift of nature?

Sure enough, it was Xiao Lan who had the problem. As soon as they were separated, he could feel the gift of nature!

Soon, the two chose a few props each.

Shota prepared a power headband for his baby dragon and a preemptive claw for the lazy man.

Xiao Zhi touched the battle items such as the Orb of Life and the Orb of Poison.

"Thank you for becoming a hidden dragon!"

"Thank you so much!"

Immediately, the two of them held the props in their hands, stepped out of the silk carpet, and were about to leave.

Two different-colored Invisibility Dragons jumped flexibly and suddenly jumped in front of them.

"Wuwa~!" "Wuwa~!"

They called out kindly, and stuck out their little paws to the two of them.

"Oh, is it a handshake before breaking up?!"

"You guys are amazing!"

Ash and Shota hurriedly put the props in their pockets and shook the claws of the Hidden Dragon.

Invisible Dragon: "?"

They looked at Xiao Zhi's expressions, and gradually changed.

Withdrawing his palm, the green invisible dragon suddenly took out a small notebook and quickly wrote something on it.

Then he tore it violently and handed it into the hands of the two of them.

"what is this.?"

Looking at a pile of paper slips with garbled numbers, Xiaozhi didn't realize it.

"Uh, this looks like a receipt?"

Shota said uncertainly.

The expressions of the two hidden dragons in front of them also gradually changed from the previous cheerfulness to impatience.

"Wow wow, wow wow!"

It poked at the receipt and the other hand stretched out towards the two of them.

Don't pay for things. These two human beings, wouldn't they want to prostitute for free?

Want to eat Bawang meal? !

"Ah, so this is to collect money?"

Only then did the two react, and their expressions finally changed.


Pikachu spread his hands, indicating that he had already reminded him so.

Both of them are serious trainers, and they rely on their integrity wherever they go.
Plus the Alliance Spirit Center, subsidies for trainers.

With their combined money, it is estimated that they can buy several Poké Balls.

"Then we don't want it anymore."

"Yes, yes, return it!"

Ash and Shota reacted and hurriedly took out the props they had taken before.

"Wow wow!!"

However, the special purple invisible dragon in his hand pulled out a small signboard with clear human characters on it.

"The Brother Store of the Hidden Dragon~! We do not accept returns, credit, or barter for the items sold in this store!"

The next three "don't accept" directly cut the two people's back path to death.

"Would you like to escape the bill?"

Looking at the two dragons staring at them, Shota whispered tentatively.

Xiaozhi: "."

However, the expressions of the two hidden dragons in front of them had changed from impatience to anger.

Once they encounter a trainer who can't pay and take away the goods, this behavior is for them
It's robbery!

And for a robber
"Wow wow!!"

The green hidden dragon's aura changed suddenly, and its two small hands were tensed, revealing sharp claws, with a strong aggressiveness.

"Wow wow!!"

And the purple invisible dragon jumped behind the two of them, completely blocking the other road.


"How to do?"

This aggressive appearance made Ash and Shota shudder at the same time.

It's outrageous, go out for a walk, and be treated as a robber by wild Pokémon! ?

Damn, it was clearly these two hidden dragons who were cheating, and the billboards that had hints were deliberately inserted on their backs to cover up the information.
"Then we can only fight!! It's up to you, Mu Shougong!!"

Seeing that it was impossible to solve it amicably today, Shota simply glanced at it and sent its initial Pokémon directly.

Just try the "fetters" that Xiao Zhi said earlier.
"Mushougong, use the seed machine gun!!"

Mu Shougong opened his mouth, and dense green light seeds roared out.

Da da da.!

However, this Hidden Dragon did not dodge or defend at all, letting the seed machine gun explode on it.

"Wow wow!!"

As the smoke dissipated, there was not the slightest difference.

"how is this possible?!"

Shota's face was startled, is the gap so big that he can't even break the defense? !

And the green hidden dragon is about to attack, and the robbers are a complete enemy to them.
Whoosh! !
As soon as the mouth spit out, a slender tongue instantly extended several meters.

He slapped Mu Shougong fiercely like a long whip, and flew to a tree trunk with the imminent blow.

Wooden Shougong cannot fight on the spot!
"What a powerful Hidden Dragon?!"

Xiao Zhi was startled, this kind of power is not uncommon in wild Pokémon.

Whoosh! !
However, the next tongue whip has struck again!
"Pikachu, use the steel tail to block it!!"

Xiao Zhi responded quickly.

I saw Pikachu flexibly landed on the ground and erected his silver iron tail.

Da da da.!

The slender tongue immediately wrapped around the iron tail several times.


Seeing this, Pikachu's figure spun sharply, and he was about to drag his tongue to throw the Hidden Dragon out.

However, when it was about to be smashed to the ground, the Hidden Dragon supported the ground with flexible palms, retracted its tongue at the same time, and adjusted its figure.

Whoosh! !
The next moment, the footsteps slammed on the ground and rushed towards Pikachu!

On the sharp claws of both hands, there is a layer of dark ghostly energy attached to it.
Shadow Claw! !

Pikachu also did not give in, and Pengci, who was forced to buy and sell, even dared to provoke its head.

Pikachu jumped high, and the blunt iron tail also swept out! !
Bang Bang! !
Ghost Claw and Iron Tail stalemate in mid-air, and sparks of lightning strike!

"Wow wow!!"

However, in the next moment, this hidden dragon exerted its strength twice, and the tyrannical shadow claw ghosts skyrocketed, and even the whole mouse of Pikachu flew out! ! ——
(Some people may not understand this stalk, please explain.)
(It is said that in the rescue team series, when encountering a stall with the hidden dragon, if the protagonist does not give money to buy things, the hidden dragon will directly incarnate as a full-level boss and hunt down the protagonist.)
(End of this chapter)

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