He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1120 Mountaineering man... Ruins fans are right!

Chapter 1120 Mountaineering man. Ruins fans are right!

Hearing a cold snort coming from his mind, Xiao Zhi could only laugh bitterly, secretly saying that today was really bad luck.

No, it must have been an incredible scene!

Xiao Zhi, who was still in a big crisis before, was completely aroused by curiosity at this moment, and looked up and down the two hidden dragons.

It seems that as long as he does not foul, he will not be maliciously attacked by them.

"Well, seeing them in the wild is actually another kind of luck."

Naki said with a smile.

The grass dragon god will not only appear in the Fangyuan area
They may appear in every place and every region of the entire planet.

It doesn't matter if you step on their red cloth field
As long as you don't take the props inside out of this range, you're done, and you won't be attacked by the Hidden Dragon.

Seeing that things came to an end, and dusk was approaching, everyone planned to return to Yinyu City.

"Hey Xiaozhi, look at this."

On the way, Shota suddenly came up, and even put his picture book on Xiao Zhi's face, his face horrified.


Xiao Zhi subconsciously took the picture book and took a closer look.

However, I saw that there were two hot searches, and it seemed that it was news that only rushed to the hot search list a few minutes ago.

"Strange incident, some uninhabited wild island in the Alola Archipelago, just a few minutes ago, was crushed by an unknown force directly from the island dozens of kilometers away, and it was pinched into a ball of only a dozen meters. It is suspended in mid-air at the moment. Please do not approach it without authorization."

There is also a picture below, from a distance, it looks like a mud ball wrapped in blue light.

"The same big weird incident. In an uninhabited mountain range in the Shenao area, the traces were completely wiped out in an instant, and even the debris completely disappeared."

On the screen, there is also a photo of a gaping valley, which was directly obliterated by the waist and erased everything above the surface.

"Uh, shouldn't this be."

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi suddenly shivered.

If he remembered correctly, the super dream boss only used two moves before.

One move is to squeeze the hidden dragon into a ball, and the other is to destroy the hidden dragon completely.

Hearing the cold hum that came from his mind again, Xiao Zhi felt a chill on his back.

It turned out that the Hidden Dragon did not block Chao Meng's attack, but completely transferred the two attacks to other places.

"Is this the power of the grass dragon god? It's really incredible."

Xiao Zhi exclaimed.

And Mewtwo knew that his attack was not completely ineffective, but that he pinched an island into a ball with one move.

The second move is to destroy and erase a mountain range!
He naturally understood that his divine might had been demonstrated, and he was satisfied, so he took the initiative to withdraw.

"So it turns out that the gods are still fighting."

Xiao Zhi could only drag Shota with a dry mouth and hurried back to Yinyu City.
three days later.

Dawangyan's breeding task completed
When this big swallow was handed back to Xiao Zhi again, it looked like she had her head held high and her chest high, and she had the attitude of a sculptor back then.

Doing the Great Sword on a regular basis is actually beneficial to some extent.

The four of Xiaozhi continued on the road, moving in the direction of Shuijing City.

After seeing the many miracles on Ash, Shota at this moment has made up his mind to follow the team.

At least let's talk about it until the end of the Caiyou Conference!
It's good to see the world!
Route 120.

The terrain in this area is similar, with grasses taller than people growing everywhere.

Potholes, almost a dozen meters apart, there will be a clear low-lying lake.

It can be said that this is the most perfect wild Pokémon habitat in the Fangyuan area.

"No wonder it is favored by the Grass Dragon God."

Xiaozhi nodded, the grass dragon gods in other regions are all gods and dragons, and some people may not see them once in a lifetime.

Even after Xiao Zhi has walked through the Kanto and Chengdu areas, he has never seen the grass dragon god.
But the grass dragon god did settle here.

"I guess you like to stay in a place where people and nature live in harmony.?"

Xiao Lan took a deep breath of fresh air and said with a smile.

Just when a few people chatted all the way and traveled leisurely.

At this time, a black shadow suddenly passed over everyone's heads, and the airflow followed, causing the surrounding grass to sway back and forth.

Xiaozhi raised his head subconsciously, but saw a brown flying dragon with wings like banana leaves.

"Wild tropical dragon?!"

Xiao Zhi's eyes lit up, he always felt that the Fangyuan area seemed to have a tropical dragon in hand, which made him want to follow the trend and conquer one.

Without thinking much, Xiao Zhi chased after the tropical dragon's flight.

"Hey Kitty!"

"Didn't you say you want to enjoy the journey slowly?!"

Several people complained again and again, but they still hurry up and keep up with Xiao Zhi's pace.
After a while, the four came to a quite hidden place.

It is surrounded by dense jungles, and in the middle area that is vacated, there are large earthbags of different sizes that stand one by one stacked with rocks.

The uplifted earth packs are arranged irregularly here, most of which are separated by a distance of more than ten meters.

"Hey, I clearly saw that tropical dragon land here just now."

Xiaozhi scratched his head and looked around curiously.

However, this place is not just the four of them who just arrived.

"Oh~ four boys, are you also here to find the whereabouts of the ancient ruins~?"

But he saw a middle-aged man dressed as a mountain climber standing in front of a big dirt bag.

He was using a magnifying glass to probe up and down the earth-packed rocks in front of him, but he couldn't see anything. Seeing Xiaozhi and others suddenly approaching, he came over curiously.

"Ancient ruins?"

Xiao Zhi and the others looked at each other, and then looked at the raised rock and dirt around them.

Are these ancient ruins?
It looks like an unremarkable gravel pit.

"Hehe~ This is the place where the legendary sealer Regis Chiru is located~!"

The mountain climber said mysteriously.

Regis Quirrell, it also has a popular name Steel God Pillar!
"Is there a steel pillar here?!"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, knowing that he is now carrying an Electric God Pillar and Dragon God Pillar, which can be regarded as having a relationship with the God Pillar.

Although the Dragon God Pillar is now completely dead.
Seeing several people looking at him with fiery eyes, the mountaineer shrugged and smiled awkwardly.

"I only know that the Steel God Pillar must be here, but where exactly"

This mountaineer has been looking for the steel pillar here since he was very young.

Until now, when people are middle-aged, there is still no trace of the latter.

This has become his obsession, so even if he usually works in other places, as long as he is free, he will dive right in here to search and study.

Said to be a mountain climber. In fact, it should be called a relic fan.
(Oh, little cold knowledge, about the Norse mythology I said earlier.)
(I was talking about a time when Thor smashed a giant's head with a hammer three times, but the opponent didn't break the defense, and the angry Thor turned himself in. Later, I learned that his three hammers had smashed three mountains. Satisfied to leave.)
(End of this chapter)

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