He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1127 Shui Jinghuo Company

Chapter 1127 Shui Jing Department Store
Shuijing City is located in the easternmost coastal city of Fangyuan Continent.

It is also the largest city in the entire Fangyuan area, but in recent years, it has been overtaken by the construction scale of Zijin City, ranking second.

Even so, it is still a large city, with a steady stream of tourists coming and going, and even the elf center is three or four times larger than other places.

"Unfortunately, there is no gym here."

In the public canteen of the Elf Center, Ash and the four are enjoying breakfast leisurely.

There is no gym in the city of Nuoda, which makes Xiao Zhi feel that he has nowhere to release.

This is a port city with a stretch of sandy coastline on the east side, and the dock ships directly lead to other areas.

"Let's go to the gorgeous competition venue in Shuijing City this afternoon~!"

Xiaolan shook the advertising flyer in his hand and said.

Tomorrow there will be a gorgeous contest here.

Shuijing City seems to be the headquarters city of the Gorgeous Competition in the Fangyuan area. The venue buildings here are famous all over the world.

"And I heard that there is also a special Pokémon cube making device here, and the energy cubes produced are of great benefit to Pokémon~!"

Xiaolan is still introducing again and again, it seems that he has done his homework early.

Her ugly fish is worried that she can't find a way to evolve. It is said that this energy block is also related to the evolution of the ugly fish.

"Is there such a thing?"

As outsiders, Xiao Zhi and Xiao Gang suddenly showed curious expressions.

Even Shota, who is a local, knows little about it.

He and Xiao Zhi belong to the same kind, and only focus on the information related to trainers, but don't pay much attention to things like the gorgeous competition.

Just when they were full of food and drink, a few people immediately packed up and planned to go to the biggest gorgeous competition venue to see it.


The weather in the sky at the moment did not change like the crazy changes when the few people first arrived yesterday, but it was a dark and rainy day, with thin threads of light rain falling.

It was obviously noon, but it was as dark as evening.

Several people were walking on the street with umbrellas talking and laughing. From time to time, they could see a few long-winged gulls flying into the city from the coast and passing by at a low altitude.


Just walking, a figure suddenly attracted Xiao Zhi's attention, and his footsteps froze subconsciously.

"what happened?"

A few friends next to me asked in confusion.

And the familiar back figure quickly flashed across the street next door and disappeared into the rain.

"If I hadn't seen it"

Xiao Zhi's eyes narrowed, and he was secretly suspicious.

Immediately made up his mind, he turned around and chased in the direction where the back left.

"You go to the gorgeous competition venue first, I will go there!"

After speaking, Xiao Zhi chased after him, and soon disappeared from everyone's sight.


Although he didn't realize it, Xiao Zhi seemed to really like to run around, and everyone didn't continue to struggle, chatting about the Pokémon Energy Cube and walking along the way.
On the other side, the familiar figure was tracked all the way.

After a while, Xiao Zhi has come to a high-rise building.

It seems to be the tallest building in the entire Shuijing City, and it stands out from the crowd.

"here is?"

Xiao Zhi raised his head, but saw a huge sign hanging in the center of the building.

Shui Jing Department Store!

Seeing the sneaky figure walking into the building, Xiao Zhi quickly lowered his hat and followed.

Compared with the rainy weather outside, the interior of Shuijing Department Store was much more lively and crowded.

As the largest shopping area in the Fangyuan area, here are all-encompassing goods and props, and the flow of people is endless.

But now Xiao Zhi has no intention of paying attention to these, just following the figure thiefly.

"Tsk, why did this crazy woman appear here?"

Xiao Zhi couldn't help muttering.

The figure that suddenly appeared on the street was the citizen of the meteor, Sigana, whom he had met several times before.

The latter is still the same dusty appearance, wearing a shabby gray cloak, which looks a little out of tune with the bright and bright crowd around.


After seeing Sigana walk into the elevator and the door closed, Ash just leaned in completely.

Looking at the rising number of the elevator, it did not stop at the middle floor, but jumped directly to the highest number.

"The topmost floor?"

Xiao Zhi became curious, and quickly took Pikachu into the elevator next to him, and pressed the elevator on the top floor.

This woman is definitely a dangerous person.

Not just for him, but for the entire Fangyuan area.

Sigana's action method was extremely rude. Although the purpose was to save the Fangyuan area from the disaster meteorite, the method used might be more exaggerated than the cost of Devon's space transmission plan.

"Look at it first"

It's okay now anyway, just follow it.


Soon, the elevator went up to the top floor, and the iron gates were separated from both sides.

Xiao Zhi curiously stuck his head out, but saw that the elevator did not go directly to the open-air roof of the building, but was still on the indoor floor.

However, there are basically not many shops on this floor. It is an empty square hall with several vending machines selling soda on the corner walls.

"That woman.?"

Xiaozhi looked left and right, but did not see Sijana.

However, he saw a familiar figure near the gate of the stairs.

A pink confused-eyed rabbit.

"Sigana's goofy girl?"

Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows, this Pokémon is not as harmless to humans and animals as it looks, and the power of the giant sound is very powerful.

But at the moment Gu Niu Niu is playing with a big sister in a department store uniform.

"Did you go upstairs?"

The door behind the stairs is probably the place that leads to the top roof of this department store.

Xiaozhi was about to go up, but was stopped by this big sister.

"Sorry little brother~ The weather in Shuijing City has been weird recently, so the rooftop rooftop is temporarily closed to the public~!"

she said with a smile.

The height of this department store building is 300 meters, and the outdoor terrace at this height is a dangerous place given the ever-changing weather.

"What's up with this Pokémon?"

However, Xiaozhi just pointed at Gu Niu Niu beside him.


Wen Yan, the elder sister of the gatekeeper turned her head curiously, but saw Gu Niuniu looking at herself with a puzzled expression.

When she turned her head again, the boy with the electric mouse on his shoulders had disappeared.

"Have you left?"

Seeing this, she didn't think too much about it. Her task was to sit here and look at the door and play with her mobile phone. She simply continued to play with this strange Gu Niu Niu.

And Xiao Zhi, who took the opportunity to sneak up the stairs, has successfully climbed to the open-air roof at this moment.


Outside, it was still a dim sky with light rain, and even gusts of cold wind were blowing due to the high altitude.

But the two figures on the empty rooftop made Xiao Zhi's pupils shrink, and he quickly and carefully hid behind a shelter.

"How did these two get together?"

(End of this chapter)

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