He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1129 Doubles battle, trick space!

Chapter 1129 Doubles battle, trick space!
The sudden appearance of Xiaozhi made the eyes of the three people fall on him.

"It's you?!"

Sigana recognized Xiao Zhi, and her eyes suddenly became fierce.

In the past few years, she has been smooth sailing, but the last time she attacked Xiaozhi, she was beaten up.

Sigana doesn't have a crush on Ash.

"Little devil, it seems a little familiar?"

Shui Wutong looked at Xiao Zhi up and down, and it seemed that he had seen him a few times before, but they all hurriedly skipped it.

"It's too dangerous here, hurry up and get out of here!"

The Heavenly King Furong looked at the unfamiliar Xiao Zhi, and her expression became anxious.

It looks like he is two years younger than himself, so there is a high probability that such a trainer is also a rookie.
Not to mention cooperating with her, she has to concentrate on taking care of the latter when it really gets into a fight.

However, Xiao Zhi just stood beside the Heavenly King Furong, staring at the two dangerous enemies in front of her.

If it is a one-to-two, it has to think about it.

But at the moment there is still a powerful king as a teammate, this Xiaozhi naturally wants to strike hard.

Speaking of the Four Heavenly Kings of Fangyuan Alliance, he recognized them all today.

"I'm Ash from Zhenxin Town, if you're fighting in doubles, I'll give you some advice~!"

Xiao Zhi didn't turn his head, just gave Furong a handsome right face and said aloud.

He heard it clearly just now, Sijana stole Furong's indigo blue orb
Speaking of which, it is estimated that the vermilion orb was also stolen by this dangerous woman?

After all, in the Hezhong area, it was a dragon beast who escaped from Xiao Mao's hands.

Most of Meteor Citizen's partners are Dragon-type Pokémon.

Scarlet Orb, Indigo Orb. At this moment, Sigana seems to want to do something to Groudon and Kyogre.

Although Ash didn't know the plan in the latter's mind, it was definitely a very dangerous move.

"Little devil, you are so brave."

Seeing that Xiaozhi was still trying to intervene in the battle, Shui Wutong laughed angrily.

Do any stinky little devils dare to stand in front of their ocean team now? !

"Cha roar!!"

The giant tooth shark in front of Shui Wutong opened its bloody mouth and looked fierce. It seemed that it was going to pounce and bite Xiaozhi in the next second.

"Be careful, this guy is not easy."

Sigana suddenly reminded her that although she wanted to kill Xiao Zhi directly, she still maintained enough reason.


Knowing that Sigana wouldn't aimlessly, Shui Wutong stopped for a while, snorted coldly, and started to look at Xiao Zhi again.

The conversation between the two was naturally also heard by Furong, and her face relaxed immediately.

It seems that this young man is not a simple role.
Thinking of this, Heavenly King Furong's expression froze, and she took a step forward, also standing beside Xiao Zhi.


The Wandering Yeling, who was standing beside him, understood it, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Furong.

"Xiaozhi of Zhenxin Town, if it's a doubles battle, please use a slow Pokemon!"

Furong reminded aloud.

It was also a coincidence that at the foot of the roof where the four of them were at the moment was a training ground-like arena.

This is usually an open battle show arena, but it was temporarily closed due to the changeable weather in the past month. At this moment, it has become an excellent stage.

Such a fighting environment reminded Xiaozhi that when he was still in the Golden City, he and the pavilion owner Natsu also completed the battle on the roof of the skyscraper.

"A slow Pokémon?"

Xiaozhi's movement of touching the Poké Ball was a little stiff. Originally, he planned to send the Electric God Pillar.

After all, the opponents of the king level still have to be serious.

In addition to the rainy weather, a thunderstorm is estimated to be enough for the two weakly-electric Pokémon on the opposite side to feel better.

But if it's going to be slow.
"Then it's up to you, Coal Turtle!!"

Xiaozhi flipped his palm and sent the coal turtle directly.

As soon as the latter appeared, the tortoise shell on the back spit out a cloud of black smoke steam.

Among them, it rises up with a strange power.
After a while, the previous light rain stopped.

Even the rainy and dark clouds in the sky dissipated, and the sun shone on the rooftop where everyone was.

Features, Sunshine!

"Tsk, Groudon's characteristics are disgusting."

This made the Shui Wutong of the Ocean Team show an expression like stepping on dog shit.

"Then kill it, Megalodon!"

"Come on, Tanabata Blue Bird!!"

When the words fell, Sijana's Tanabata blue bird fluttered its wings and hovered in the air.

Below is the incomparably dangerous megalodon shark, with its mouth wide open.

The Coal Turtle and the Wandering Eidolon stood side by side.

Both the enemy and the enemy are masters, which makes Xiao Zhi's expression extremely serious. In terms of level, his coal turtle should be the lowest in the audience.

The battle begins!

The crowd hadn't yet commanded, and Wandering Yeling's one-eyed eyes flickered, as if sensing something.

Features, be aware!

This feature allows Wandering Night Spirit to sense what props the opponent is carrying at the first time.

And Furong seemed to be able to understand, and her face also became extremely solemn.

these two tools.
"Hmph, Dragon Wave!!"

"Use water jets!!"

But the two people on the opposite side were both ruthless characters and launched an attack directly.

The next moment, a giant dragon of energy flashing with colorful rays of light whistled from the air.

Below is a bunch of rocket-like water arrows, extremely fast.

"Coal turtle, use jet flame to block it!!"

The two people on this side belonged to the Turtle Speed ​​players, and the coal turtle shook his head, and a fiery pillar of fire also roared out.

It collided with the wave of the dragon in mid-air, and it was deadlocked.

You must know that this is a flame spray under the blessing of a sunny day. If there is no sunny day, it is estimated that it will be overturned by the opponent's dragon wave.

Whoosh! !
On the other end, the water jet of the preemptive move directly hit Wandering Yeling's body, and the strong force immediately forced the latter to retreat again and again.

"Right now, use the trick space!"

Furong ignored the blow and commanded directly.

Wandering Eidolon was carrying an evolution stone, and the dual defense was ridiculously high at this moment. Even if he was scratched by the opponent's shark skin again, it was not a big problem.


As the ghost hand waved, the next moment, around Nuoda's open-air rooftop, it was already surrounded by a huge Rubik's cube stand!

This makes the Dragon Wave that Qixi Blue Bird uses the next time not yet fully charged.
puff! !
The fiery flames had already spewed out, bombarding the Tanabata Blue Bird, and the heat wave pushed it out for several meters.

In the trick space, the original turtle-speed Pokémon has instead become the first shot.

"Wow wow.!!"

Feeling the unprecedented ultra-high speed, it made Xiao Zhi's coal turtle cry, tears like columns.

(End of this chapter)

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