Chapter 1132 Hibiscus

The smoke dissipated, and a figure suddenly fell from the sky.

The mega tooth shark collapsed like this, his eyes twitched, and he lost consciousness.

A strange light burst out on the surface of the body, gradually dissipating it, and it returned to the appearance of a normal giant tooth shark.

Generally, Pokémon loses the ability to fight and will automatically exit the state of mega evolution.


And only the mega Tanabata Blue Bird hovering in midair, although it was not able to fight on the spot, the fluffy white cotton on his body was also covered with charred marks, obviously not lightly injured.

On the other side, the Wandering Night Spirit was also in a state of exhaustion, and even his actions became extremely reluctant.

Only Ash's coal turtle is still relatively healthy.

In this battle, it was very protected by the Wandering Night Spirit.

Ash and Furong even gave each other a high-five to show their friendship.

Unexpectedly, a seemingly ordinary trainer, even Furong has already realized that Xiao Zhi is not a simple trainer.

"Damn, two little devils!!"

Seeing that he was the first to be defeated, the two even made that childish action in front of him.

Shuiwutong was extremely angry, and with his backhand, he took back his giant tooth shark, and he was about to release the second Pokémon.

Hmph, he didn't plan to play with a few serious trainers.

The giant tooth shark is just his No.3. This time, he will directly use the strongest emperor sea lion to freeze everyone at once! !
And Sigana's expression was equally serious, since she had already lost one at this moment, she had already raised the intention of retreat.

Today, in fact, as long as she safely handed the indigo blue orb to Shui Wutong, she is already done, and there is really no need to continue entanglement.
Just when the situation was at a stalemate.

Da da da.!

At this time, a woman in uniform suddenly walked up the stairs to the rooftop, who was the previous janitor.


There was also a pink bunny next to him. When he saw Sijana, his face was overjoyed, and he fell into Sijana's arms immediately.

"Hey! You guys! The other party is now forbidden to open here, please leave here immediately!"

The gatekeeper scolded, but did not recognize that the group of people in front of him included the King of the Alliance, and even the dangerous leader of the Ocean Team.

Looking at these Pokémon full of fighting spirit who are facing each other, and the traces of battle around, how could she not know what happened here before.

She could sense the movement of the battle just now in the lower room.

"Tsk, woman.!"

Shui Wutong's face darkened, how dare this woman scold him?

He had been furious for a long time, and he was about to deal with everyone in front of him.

Da da da! !

Da da da! !

However, the next moment, there were a few hurried footsteps again at the entrance of the stairs, but there were several Miss Junsha.

Ash and Furong looked at each other and nodded secretly.

Don't panic, it's all the people he called.

Before the shot just now, Xiao Zhi had called the police to report illegal transactions on the top floor of the department store.

Making good use of the picture book to report to the police is his method of copying Shota.

"Hey! You guys, we received an illegal transaction here, now everyone come with us!"

One of the Miss Junsha scolded.

Next to them were a few grinning thunder dogs, their bodies frizzed and electric currents flowing. This was their partner police dog.

"Yo~ the police are here~!"

Seeing this, Sigana lost her fighting spirit and was ready to flee.


The mega Qixi Blue Bird in the air pressed down, and Sijana jumped flexibly.

The next moment, she had already landed on the back of the Qixi Blue Bird, and the other hand was holding her own Gu Niuniu.

"Tsk, Twilight."

And Shui Wutong's face is equally bad.

Although he is not afraid of these official police, he is too lazy to connect with the latter.

Getting together with these people is as troublesome as stepping on shit.

"Humph! You two brats remembered it for me!"

In the end, he glared at Xiao Zhi and Furong fiercely, and the Poke Ball he was about to touch also changed positions.

This time, it was a big-billed gull.

Shuiwutong grabbed the claws of the gull's lower limbs, and was about to leave directly from the sky in the air.

"Wait a minute, you have to keep the Indigo Orbs today!!"

Heavenly King Furong suddenly remembered something and chased after her anxiously.


It's just that the wandering night spirit next to him has reached the limit of his physical strength, and he is helpless and unable to move.

When Miss Junsha's police dogs saw that the target was about to escape, they instinctively rushed to bite and restrain them.
"mega Tanabata Blue Bird, use Juyin!!"

However, suddenly there was a low voice in the sky.

The next moment, a strong pink sound wave swept the audience, everyone was stuck in place by this goblin energy, they could only block their ears, and their faces were uncomfortable.

The strength of the mega Qixi Blue Bird is still very powerful.

When everyone opened their eyes again, in midair, neither Shui Wutong nor Sigana had disappeared.

The sunny weather has long since ended, and the surrounding sky has returned to rainy weather, with overcast clouds and extremely poor visibility.


In the end, Furong could only slam the railing hard, and her complexion changed.
Department Store, first floor lobby.

"It turns out that we will start a follow-up search immediately!"

Miss Junsha bowed cherishly, then walked into the rain with her lightning dog, and left the building.

After knowing that Furong is the king of the alliance, she naturally knows that it is an allied army.

However, Furong did not inform about the indigo orb, but only said that a precious orb was stolen by the ocean team.

After all, the secrets of the indigo and vermilion orbs are too much to be publicized.

After a while, only Furong and Xiaozhi were left here.

Although there were still an endless stream of tourists and customers around, it was obvious that no one noticed the fierce battle on the rooftop just now.

"I'm sorry, I didn't stop those two people."

Seeing the other party's gloomy face and a look of lowering his head in thought, Xiao Zhi laughed dryly and broke the deadlock.

"Oh, nothing, I'm already very grateful for your shot!"

Heavenly King Furong was stunned for a while before she could react, her face flushed red, and she explained in a hurried tone.

Her age is not much different from Xiao Zhi, but she has become the king of the alliance. This gives Xiao Zhi the feeling of a little adult.

After all, all the Alliance Kings he met before were basically over 20 years old.


However, at this moment, the two orbs kept for generations have been lost, which made Furong feel a strong sense of powerlessness and could not help but sigh.
(Cold knowledge, in the game, the roof of this department store will indeed be closed to the public due to the abnormal weather changes in Gao Cagroudo.)
(End of this chapter)

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