He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1138 Predict the future!

Chapter 1138 Predict the future!

Looking at Xiao Zhi, who was full of fighting spirit in front of him, and the eager eyes of the two disciples he had just accepted.

"Okay, then I'll replace the Green Ridge Gym in the first battle."

Ge Jihua just wanted to nod her head and agree, but the next moment, there was a strong sense of dizziness and shaking in the world in front of her, and all the scenes were put on a blurry and illusory filter.

"At this time...?!"

Ge Jihua frowned, this feeling is very familiar to her.

Predict future!

Other people's superpowers are released actively, but Ge Jihua's special ability is very different.

It's not just metaphysical foresight of the future.
The most important thing is that the activation of this ability is completely passive, and Ge Jihua cannot control it.

Only when she comes into contact with specific things, Pokémon, or humans, will her ability to predict the future be triggered.

And the source of triggering this ability at this moment
Ge Jihua turned her gaze to Xiao Zhi in front of her.

In an instant, countless phantom phantoms floated above Xiao Zhi's body.

The rising pictures are constantly changing, making people dazzling.

"This is.?!"

Ge Jihua's complexion changed greatly, this time the future predictions were more numerous than any time before.

The specific content of it made Ge Jihua stunned.

In just the blink of an eye, she had already seen several different ancient gods, even if the screen made her breathless? !
But in the eyes of others, nothing happened.


Xiaozhi looked at Ge Jihua who was staring at him with a shocked expression, but his face was dumbfounded.

But Xiaofeng and Xiaonan next to them had bright eyes.

"It's to predict the future! Master activated her super power!"

"Have you foreseen Ash's future? You are such a lucky guy~!"

Xiao Zhi was stunned again, but he could only stick there awkwardly, letting the other party stare at him.

"Wu~~!" "Wu~~!"

The male and female super-powerful Miao Meow next to Ge Jihua even let out a low cry, the drooping ears were completely opened, and the blue light from the body even connected them with Ge Jihua.

The latter's star robe suddenly floated up, which was quite fantastic.

The super powers of the two cats can greatly stabilize and even enhance Ge Jihua's ability to predict a more accurate future.
It went on for a while.

Ge Jihua's cosmic star robe finally slowly came down, and as the blue light of the former body dissipated, this announced the end of this prediction of the future.


It's just that her expression suddenly became a little haggard, and it seemed that she had spent a lot of energy.

But at this moment, the expression she looked at Xiao Zhi again had changed drastically.

It's like watching a monster.
Although there is no detailed count, the number of ancient gods she has seen seems to be more than a dozen, right? !

In this way, even the legendary Pokémon such as the Flame Bird and the Lightning Bird have been reduced to pure supporting role passers-by.

Are the beasts not as good as dogs? !
What's this guy up to? !

Not only that, she seemed to see the existence of a second person on Xiao Zhi's body.? !
What kind of monster is this? !
"Uh, Miss Ge Jihua, did you see something strange?"

Xiao Zhi asked expectantly.

No one wants to know their future!
The other party is a senior gym trainer. It is estimated that he really saw something incredible twice.

"By the way, did I become the strongest Pokémon master in the world!"

Xiao Zhi asked expectantly.


However, Ge Jihua did not answer directly, but took a breath to calm herself down.

Well, she saw a lot of things.

And there are billions of outrageous points!
As the saying goes, the secret cannot be leaked. When a god operator keeps leaking secrets and predicting the future, he will inevitably lose his life.
The same is true for Ge Jihua.

If you put out all the things you see at this moment, it is estimated that you will not live in the second half of the year.

Even waiting to go out, there is a chance of sudden death
Once the future picture involves the existence of ancient gods, it is not the same concept at all.

Not to mention that more than a dozen ancient gods appeared at the same time
"Let's start the gym battle. If you can win, I will tell you what the future looks like."

In the end, Ge Jihua waved his robe and said solemnly.

Of course, she won't tell the other party the specific future directly, but will use weird words and sentences to describe it abstractly.

This is a little trick to avoid God's punishment, and the ice cloth will shorten the life.

This is the way she used to show the future to others before.

Hearing that, Xiaozhi has a brighter vision, he can not only know the future, but also fight against the strong.
"I can't ask for it!!"

Everyone could only endure their curiosity, and each walked to the viewing seat to wait, watching the two slowly walk up to the two ends of the rock field of the Green Ridge Gym, facing each other far away.

On the other hand, Xiaofeng and Xiaonan stood in the position of the referee, just in time to learn the master's fighting style.

"Battle Rules of Green Ridge Gym"


Only halfway through, the two looked at Ge Jihua together again.

Now it should be called the battle rules of Baike Gym, right?
The gym guarded by Ge Jihua is in Baike City in the Carlos region.

"Follow your rules here."

However, Ge Jihua just spoke calmly.

She didn't bring out the badge of the Baike Gym. If she loses later, she will also send out the spiritual badge of the Green Ridge Gym.

Hearing that, the twins nodded and immediately gained confidence.

"Then according to the battle rules of the Green Ridge Gym, it will be a doubles battle!"

"Everyone sends two Pokémon to fight, and when one of the two Pokémon fails to fight, the winner will be determined."

Very simple and rude 2v2, there is no concept of replacement.

Ge Jihua slammed his cloak and shouted in a deep voice:

"Please, my two friends.!"

The male and female super-powerful Miao Meow on both sides of the body immediately flashed and appeared side by side at one end of the arena, very agile and strange.

"It really is these two?!"

Xiao Zhi didn't dare to be careless, don't look at these two cats as harmless to humans and animals, but the mind power they showed just now will definitely not be weak.

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi also took out two Poke Balls in his hands.

If it's a doubles match.
"It's up to you!!"

Two red lights flashed, and the next moment, two Pokémon of similar heights appeared side by side at one end of the arena.

On one side is a slender and elegant forest lizard. When it first appeared, it was the muscle memory that picked up a branch and held it by the mouth, which was quite cold and unrestrained.

On the other side, there was a strong chicken with strong muscles, throwing punches on the spot, and even doing a somersault, looking very motivated.

"Uh, these two"

"Are you sure you won't fight directly?"

While watching the game, Xiaogang and Xiaolan frowned and began to worry about Xiaozhi.

(End of this chapter)

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