He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1141 Xiaozhi's Future

Chapter 1141 Xiaozhi's Future



All the dust has settled, and the two super meows have already fallen to the ground, unable to fight.

"Super Miao Miao loses its ability to fight, and the forest lizard and the strong chicken win!"

"So in this Green Ridge Gym Challenge, it was Xiao Zhi who won the championship!!"

The twins, Xiaofeng and Xiaonan, seemed to have their own telepathy.


Ge Jihua's breathing lightened a little, her expression unharmed, and she calmly withdrew her two super-powerful cats.

The trainer in front of him is qualified to defeat them, and the loss is not wrong.


"Cut it!!"

But the strong chicken and forest lizard who won the victory were once again caught in the infighting, saying that their contribution was greater.

It's just that when the two of them confronted each other with their heads on their heads, there was a feeling of weakness in both legs at the same time, leaving them in place and making it difficult to move.

The enhanced version of the mental strength, the damage to the two is extremely high, and it is not as easy as imagined.

"You two have worked hard, and you will go back to have a big meal to celebrate!"

Xiaozhi took back the two with a smile, and first threw out a big cake.

In this way, their mission to Green Ridge City was completed on the first day.

"Congratulations, Xiaozhi."

"It's easy~!"

Xiaogang and a few others also came up to celebrate, except for Shota, all of which were taken for granted.

Capsizing the boat in the gutter is a surprise.

"Then this~!"

"It's the badge of our Green Ridge Gym~Spiritual Badge~!!"

The twins gave Xiaozhi a heart-shaped badge, half pink and the other yellow.

"It's almost the last one!"

Xiao Zhi carefully held it in his hand, and he couldn't wait to collect the last one, and directly open the Caiyou Alliance Conference.

But before that.

"Ms. Ge Jihua, that prophecy"

Xiaozhi looked at Ge Jihua, who was silent next to her. Her mysterious dress was like an astrologer, and she was persuasive.

Ge Jihua nodded, but he did not refuse what he promised before.

But this time, she released two Pokémon again.

The red light flashed, and two half-human-high human-shaped Pokémon stood on either side of Ge Jihua's body.

White and purple fur, with a pair of horns standing on both sides of his head, his posture is straight and straight, like a maid and a deacon among humans.

"This is."

Xiao Zhi quickly took out the picture book.

"DiDi. Loves to take care of people, emotional Pokémon, super powers and general attributes, there are gender differences, characteristics and mastered moves will be different, like to serve and take care of humans and other Pokémon, have the ability to see the target's emotional changes ability,"

The map suggests.

This is another kind of Pokémon similar to Super Miao Meow, and the appearance of male and female individuals is quite different.

The male butler has a cold and serious expression, while the female is as gentle as Miss Joy.

Contrary to Super Miaomiao, Aiguan Shi is the male individual who mainly attacks, and the female individual who mainly defends.

Even as soon as one of the love stewards appeared, the entire venue was automatically covered with a layer of pink filter venue.

Trait - Spirit Maker, when it enters the stage, it will automatically create a spirit field.

Xiao Zhi and the others just stared blankly, wondering what the latter was going to do.

Buzz.! !
The next moment, I saw the two love tube servants activate their thoughts, and the rich blue light connected them with the Ge Jihua in the middle.

The cosmos-patterned robes behind the latter all flew up.

Even the whole person is slowly suspended in mid-air, quite mysterious.

Of course, Ge Jihua does not have the ability to fly with mind power.
Pokémon's mental strength floats in the air, which makes her prophecy ritual appear more powerful.

"Xiao Zhi of Zhenxin Town, your future is very strange!"

Ge Jihua elongated her voice and said, and the way of speaking has also changed into an ancient haiku.

There are many futures she sees from Xiao Zhi, and every paragraph is enough to shock everyone.

If she said it all at this moment, it is estimated that she might die suddenly if she goes out.
Then pick the most recent prophecy.

Ge Jihua simply abandoned all the pictures of the future, and only kept the recent future, and said:

"Rolling oceans, volcanic eruptions, and completely different primordial forces will collide in front of your eyes~!"

"In the sun and torrential rain, the dragon god of the sky will end everything under the clouds~!"

"This power will completely devour everything from you~!"

Ge Jihua said several paragraphs of riddles in a row, and everyone was stunned when they heard it.

She can't say it so simply, it will lose her life, she can only use this euphemistic riddle.

Realize yourself.

Xiaozhi: "."

However, the others were all listening in a daze, but Xiao Zhi's expression seemed dull, and the focus in his eyes gradually began to become empty.

At this moment, in his mind, intermittent fragments are constantly flashing.

This is the ability of the love steward to transfer the picture predicted in Ge Jihua's mind to Xiao Zhi's mind synchronously.
Of course, there are still intermittent, unidentified pictures that make people unable to see through it at a glance.

But Xiao Zhi still saw some specific existences in countless pictures.

A giant red beast clad in lava armor.
A dark blue broad-finned giant whale leaping out of the sea
There is also a slender green dragon, hovering between the clouds.

"Grado, Kyogre, Rift Seat"

Xiao Zhi naturally recognized that these three ancient gods were all ancient existences in the Fangyuan area.

It means that in the near future, these three ancient gods will appear in front of him? !
"Wait a moment?!"

Xiao Zhi's pupils suddenly shrank, and the intermittent picture was mixed with blurred squares of countless mosaics, but he saw a dark existence in it.

"Kidakuza, how did it become black?!"

Xiaozhi was full of horror, the original emerald green cracked empty seat suddenly turned into pure black, looking extremely domineering and tyrannical!

"No, it didn't become."

However, in the next moment, Xiao Zhi's expression suddenly changed again.

Because in one of the pictures, he saw the scene of the emerald green cracked empty seat and the jet black cracked empty seat intertwined and biting and fighting.
Just when he was desperately concentrating, intending to see more clearly.

shhhhh! !
The surrounding pictures vanished in an instant.

In front of him, he once again changed back to the interior of the Green Ridge Gym.


Ge Jihua breathed a sigh of relief and fell from the air.

Can't watch it anymore. This intensity is just right, and it won't do any damage to her.

"The white stone will guide your way home.!"

Ge Jihua spit out the last sentence as the closing words for this prophecy ceremony.

(End of this chapter)

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