He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1145 Flashing Giant Gold Monster

Chapter 1145 Flashing Giant Gold Monster

Just as the two sides were fighting each other.

"Stop now, Lava Team!!"

A loud roar suddenly came from the direction of the door, attracting the attention of two groups of people at the same time.

I saw Xiaozhi with Xiaolan and Xiaogang, justice inserted.

"Xiaozhi! Oh, and Xiaogang!"

Among the researchers at the Cosmos Center, a middle-aged researcher with round eyes and sparse hair had bright eyes, as if he had found a savior, he quickly pulled Xiao Zhi and the others to him.

At this moment, their research institute really doesn't have the slightest method.

After all, the previous Ocean Team and Lava Team, although not very famous, at least they won't make trouble head on, and everyone didn't take much precaution.

I don't know what happened today, but the lava team suddenly forcibly robbed.

"It seems that after today's difficulties, I really have to find a few powerful bodyguard trainers."

The director of the universe center secretly said in his heart.

The strong-looking security guards at the door were the first to slip away when they saw more than a dozen members of the lava team approaching at the same time.
"Long time no see Doctor."

The two of Xiaozhi said hello. This researcher was the Dr. Meteorite who had met at Meteor Falls before.

Immediately, he turned his eyes to the red-clothed congregation in front of him.

If you want to grab something in broad daylight
This point, Xiao Zhi will not sit idly by.

"Oh, it's you again the kid who stole my dogfighting championship"

Flame narrowed his eyes, and quickly recognized the few people who were inserted halfway.

At that time, on Chimney Hill, he not only robbed him of the championship that he was bound to win, but even the subsequent explosion of Chimney Hill made himself a big joke and was almost sacrificed by the boss Chi Yansong.

It was also because of the vermilion orb that Chi Yansong let him go and did not hold him accountable for the time being.

Xiao Zhi is definitely an unlucky existence to him.

"Come out, big wolf dog!!"

The flame suddenly released his pitch-black, fierce dog, and the expression of one person and one dog was equally fierce.

New hatred and old hatred are counted together, first beat this kid, and then snatch the rocket fuel in the center of the universe!

By the way, this little devil seems to have a Yandi.
We just caught them together and became a slave dog for Groudon, the god of the earth!

The Wind King next door has three sacred beasts. Now that Groudon is about to return, in addition to the fireworks show, his servants must also prepare together!

Maybe when Groudon is happy, the position of the leader of the lava team will also fall into the hands of the most considerate self.

The scene of him stepping on Chi Yansong under his feet suddenly rose in Huo Yan's mind, hehe laughed out loud

The Great Wolfdog let out a low growl, opened his teeth, rushed out first, and came towards the group of people.

Just when Pikachu was about to jump out, hit a steel tail slap, and give this rude wolf dog a big mouth.

"Sister Dang~!!"

Suddenly there was a loud cry in the air.

There was also a peculiar feeling of the high-frequency vibration of the magnet in the sound, which reverberated continuously in this hall.

Boom! !
The next moment, a behemoth with a silver-white streamer all over its body fell from the sky!

The waving rock arm condensed into a silver-white fist, with the energy trajectory of the phantom of the universe, and it blasted out like this!
Comet Punch! !

Boom! !
The big wolf dog's smashing trick was as fragile as a piece of white paper under the comet fist, and the whole body flew out with a bang, smashing heavily on the surrounding walls.


When he landed, he fell down quite simply and whimpered, unable to fight.

One hit kill!

Maybe even this great wolf dog owes his life to the comet fist.

Then everyone looked at this suddenly appearing Pokémon with horror on their faces.

But I saw that this was a Pokémon whose whole body was made of rock, with a flat torso and four arms shaped like iron dumbbells.

Suspended in mid-air, there is a huge metal fork on his face!

"This is."

Xiao Zhi quickly took out the picture book. This Pokémon is quite familiar, but it is a little different from the ones he has seen before.

"Didi. The giant gold monster, the evolution of the metal monster, with the attributes of steel and super energy, has four heads, has the analysis ability beyond the computer, and the four strong arms can send out punches that smash everything. The Quasi-God Pokémon!"

The pictorial reminded.

Xiao Zhi's eyes were bright. He had seen a metal monster before, but he had never seen a giant gold monster in its full form.

Is this the quasi-god in the Fangyuan area? It looks as fierce as a cow!

That being said, there are two kinds of quasi-God Pokémon in the Fangyuan area.

But what surprised Xiaozhi was that the giant golden monster in front of him was a noble silver-white body, and the big fork on his face was a cool golden color.

The giant gold monster in the illustrated book has a blue-blue body with a gray-white metal fork.

"The shining giant gold monster, Turtle."

"The rarity is so high that the scalp is tingling."

"What the hell is this sacred.?"

Everyone exclaimed in amazement.

If this Glitter Giant Monster is placed in the Glitter Pokémon Contest that Ash participated in before.
It is estimated that the score will only be lower than the legendary Pokémon.

Da da!

In the direction of the gate, there were also two footsteps.

"Who?! He dares to attack my dog!!"

The flame's expression was angry, the whole fat face was crowded into a ball, and he turned his head resentfully.

But I saw a slender, silver-haired handsome man and a green-haired boy with a hood.

"It's the League Champion Daigo!!"

"Mr. Daigo is here!"


Dawu is said to be very famous in the Fangyuan area, and they were instantly recognized by them.

This group of researchers also breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that there was nothing to do today.

After all, Daigo is recognized as the strongest trainer in their Fangyuan area.

Of course, it is tied for first place with the current league champion Mikel.

At the beginning, the two did not have a position battle similar to the "King Challenge", but Dawu unilaterally chose to abdicate and leave his position.

"Mr. Daigo?!"

Xiao Zhi also said with a look of surprise, the two had a relationship in Wudou Town before.

Dawu smiled kindly and nodded towards Ash and the people in the center of the universe.

Then, with Shota, he walked slowly to the center of the lava team and them, as if there was no one else around.

This gesture, the previously aggressive flames, can only be looked at at this moment with a livid complexion, daring not to make any changes.

You must know that even if their boss Chi Yansong is here, they dare not start a confrontation with this man.
"Lava team, leave, this is not a place where you can be presumptuous."

Raising his eyebrows, Dawu looked straight at the flames and snorted.

There was no turbulent expression on his face, but his arrogant aura made the dozen or so members of the Lava Team take a step back.

Coupled with the extremely powerful flashing giant gold monster next to it.
(End of this chapter)

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