He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1147 Acting Separately

Chapter 1147 Acting Separately
"Then I'll stay here until this matter is completely resolved."

Dawu looked at the director of the cosmos center and said solemnly.

After all, it is impossible to guarantee that there will not be people such as the Lava Team coming to make trouble.

And that dangerous woman.
Dawu raised his eyebrows lightly, and Sigana, who was disguised as an employee of the Dewen Company, wanted to hinder their plan, and maybe she would come to destroy the rocket launch these days.

And the dimensional transmission device they developed was also installed on the back of his armored bird by Dawu at this moment.

The armored bird is hovering in the air outside, about to fall, with a strong strength, it is impossible to be cut off by anyone.

"The living life energy we extracted is only enough to support the device to operate twice. Therefore, there is only one chance for the next test."

Dawu's expression was solemn.


As Sijana said, it is possible for the meteorite to be transported to the Fangyuan area in another parallel time and space, causing disaster and destruction.

But this is not inevitable, and there is a high possibility of teleportation to an unimportant place.

It's just that they can't protect themselves at this moment, and they can only look forward to the other side of dimensional transmission, preferably the vast universe far away from the planet.

"Since this is the case, then the target of the first experimental transmission can only be that one."

The director nodded.

If there is only one transmission opportunity, it can only transmit a large amount of text paper, metal engravings, text fireworks, and other items that can play a warning role.

Although I don't know where it will be sent, I can only hope that there is no one on the other end, and these warnings are useless.

Daigo and the director discussed many details next to them.

Seeing that the experiment of the dimensional teleportation device is about to start soon, Ash and the others are also very interested, and plan to stay and find out.

Maybe the world connected by the dimension is still the place where Big Brother Chi and Big Sister Bilan stayed before!


Even Chi, who was silently peeking at the screen, raised his ears today, curious about what would happen next.

However, at this time, the director left in a hurry, as if to prepare something.

On the other hand, Daigo turned around and looked at Ash and his party.

His palm rested on Xiao Zhi's shoulder.

"Then next, I'll leave it to you, Xiaozhi."

A few other people were confused, but Ash quickly realized what Daigo was saying.

Dragon God, split the empty seat!

According to the guidance of Meteor Citizen, summon Dragon God Split Space, and with the help of the latter's powerful power, destroy this catastrophe meteorite at one time.

The plan between Devon Corporation and the Green Ridge Cosmic Center is, instead, plan.B of the Rift Block project.


Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi's expression also became weird.

When it was said that the meteorite was about to fall, Meteor Falls would take the initiative to contact him.

But now the meteorite will fall in ten days at the fastest, and he seems to be forgotten by the people on that side.

I always feel unreliable

However, this idea had just arisen, when a vibrating bell came from the trouser pocket.

Taking out the illustrated book, I saw the caller ID on the screen, it was the people of Meteor who had logged in the information before.


Xiaozhi's face turned blue, which was somewhat metaphysical.

Boldly pressing the picture book, a thin voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Lord Dragon God, do you still remember the old man?"

"Remember, you are the Great Elder of Meteor Falls."

Xiao Zhi hurriedly said, it seems that this time it is not just scientific prediction.

Even mysticism followed.

Two completely different methods, but the same result. This meteorite is really bound to fall!
"The old man has been dreaming again and again recently, and the premonition in his mind has become stronger and stronger. This meteorite, which is enough to destroy most of the Fangyuan area, is bound to fall within half a month!"

On the other end of the phone, there was the serious voice of the eldest woman.

In terms of time, it is almost the same as predicted by the center of the universe.

These words also made the people next to Dawu also prick up their ears, and secretly sounded solemnly.

"So please, Lord Dragon God, please go to Mushui Town immediately! The people of the meteors stationed there will take you to the Pillar of the Sky!!"

"Summon the Dragon God, fight side by side with the Dragon God, and solve this big crisis!!"

The very uplifting words made Xiao Zhi excited.

That's right, if that's the case, he'll be able to see the Rift Seat right away!
Ride on the body of the cracking seat, shuttle between the high-altitude clouds, and cast a powerful blow to smash the meteorite
Just thinking about such a scene made his blood boil!


Soon, the Pokédex phone hung up.

Everyone's eyes also fell on Xiao Zhi.

"The Pillar of the Sky, it seems to be an ancient place." Dawu touched his chin, thinking about this key word.

This place, it is estimated that the guy Mikuri should know more, and Dawu is more of a traveler in the western continent of the Fangyuan area.

Several people knew about Meteor Falls for a long time. Although they were surprised at this moment, they quickly accepted it.

"Dragon God? Crack the empty seat?"

However, Shota was completely stunned.

Looking at Xiao Zhi next to him, it was like looking at a monster.

How many secrets does he have that he doesn't know? !
One ring after another, it's endless, right? !
Next, Xiao Zhi and his party rested for a day at the center of the universe, but they did not rush to Mushui Town.

During this period, the armored bird of Dawu fell from the sky and brought a huge precision machine, which seemed to be a dimensional transmission device developed by Dewen Company.

The installation is complete, and it appears to be ready for testing right away.

It is worth mentioning that that night, Xiaogang's elf egg with a pink heart pattern suddenly hatched.

This is a small and cute Pokémon, with a pink and tender spherical body, the lower body is like wearing pink long johns, and the abdomen is holding an egg-shaped stone.

Xiaofu Egg, a degenerate type of Geely Egg.

As an auxiliary medical expert in the team, it can be said that this Pokémon and Xiaogang have a very high degree of fit.

the next morning.

On the cliff behind the center of the universe, if you go further, you will find the beach and sea at the edge.

"So Xiaozhi, let's work hard next time!"

Xiaogang patted Xiaozhi on the shoulder and encouraged him.

Next, the four of them will act separately.

He and Shota stayed here to fight Mr. Daigo.

And Xiaozhi and Xiaolan went to Mushui Town, and then went to the Pillar of the Sky, which is said to be able to communicate with Risakuza.

After this matter is over, we will meet in Liuli City, where the eighth gym is located.

"When the time comes, please tell me about the appearance of the split empty seat!"

Shota also pleaded excitedly beside him.

After all, he is the strongest forest lizard now, and his strength is actually not enough. He can only choose to stay behind.

(End of this chapter)

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