He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1149 God of the Sea, Gaioka!

Chapter 1149 God of the Sea, Gaioka!


The flame bird spread its wings and chirped, and a warm red light burst out from its whole body.

Suddenly, the two of them only felt that a layer of barrier appeared on the surface of their bodies, blocking the downpour from the outside.

This made the two people riding the flaming bird look very dazzling like a small sun over the sea with the heavy rain.

"Why is it raining suddenly?"

The two shook off the water droplets on their bodies and could only hug the flame bird tightly.

The latter's flame body characteristics, as well as the ability to dry clothes and bodies.

Frame swish frame swish! !
At this time, the sound of the propeller rotating came from the front, and it was still very noisy even in the countless showers.

Xiao Zhi looked at it subconsciously, but saw a helicopter hovering in the sky a hundred meters ahead.

At this moment, black clouds are densely covered, the rain is pouring, and the visibility over this sea area is extremely poor.

And the helicopter was facing the sea, shooting a beam of lights.

"Looking for something?"

Xiaozhi and Xiaolan were confused, this was the direction they were heading for Mushui Town, and subconsciously cast their eyes on the sea of ​​lights.

The continuous rain fell on the sea, causing countless ripples, but at the very center of the light, there was a blue reef protrusion.

Or a part of the Pokémon's body.

The round body arched over the sea.

"Is that a Pokémon?"

A few hundred meters away, no matter how good Xiao Zhi's eyesight was, he could only see a vague shadow, so he subconsciously took out the picture book.

"DiDi. King Whale King, the giant whale Pokémon, is the largest Pokémon. It can dive into the bottom of the ocean, sometimes jumping out of the water, spewing huge water jets."

The picture book automatically recognizes the road.

"Whale Pokémon have a habit of regularly surfacing and ventilating, so you don't need to make a fuss."

It also added a sentence at the back, showing erudition.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi and the two became less interested, and just let the flame bird pass over the head of the roaring whale king.

However, just when the flame bird just flew over the head of the Howler Whale King.

Puff hoo hoo! !

The roaring whale king jumped out of the sea suddenly, the huge figure rushed out diagonally, and the majestic current crashed down from him.

Even with this jump, he jumped into the air nearly [-] meters high.

Immediately after opening the big mouth, Xiao Zhi and the flame bird were swallowed together!
That gigantic body like a hill carried a very tyrannical sense of oppression, and it was hard for both of them to breathe for a while.
Unprecedented coercion, Xiaozhi and Xiaolan could only stare blankly, their bodies seemed to be locked and bound, making it difficult to control.


In the end, the flame bird reacted.

It fluttered its wings with all its might, and when it rose rapidly, it was able to avoid this bite.

Just after passing by this blue whale giant beast, the entire body of the flame bird was ups and downs and trembled, and it was obviously under a great sense of oppression.
"Isn't this the roaring whale king?!"

Xiao Zhi and the two looked at the sea with lingering fears.

Puff hoo hoo! !

The huge whale beast fell back to the sea again, and the waves provoked by the huge body were five or six meters high, and the movements were so exaggerated that the scalp was tingling.

Only then did Xiaozhi see the complete appearance of the other party.

It is a huge dark blue body like a hill, with wide wing-like flippers on both sides, and four rolling caudal fins on either side of its short, thick tail.

The whole body is covered with strange red lines, as if some runes are carved on the surface of the body.

The chin is white, and the eyes are majestic and deep amber yellow.

"DiDi. Kyogre, the god of the ocean in the Fangyuan region, the legendary great ancient god who created the ocean, has been sleeping in the deep sea that is difficult for anyone to explore, and has the terrifying ability to call the wind and the rain, and the tsunami waves that are provoked. , and even expand the size of the ocean."

The Pokédex introduced again with a blushing face and a heartbeat.

This is a totally epic introduction.


This broadcast made the two of them completely dumbfounded.

Even the flaming bird was dumbfounded, looking at Kyogre, who only floated half of his body on the sea, full of fear.

God of the sea? !
The powerful ancient god with a breath as vast as the sea just appeared in front of them? !
Xiao Zhi felt that he was still dreaming for a while.
Is this a wild dog on the side of the road?How can you meet across the sea? !
Kyogre is a real deep-sea Pokémon. He won't be like the Howler Whale King. He will rise to the sea every once in a while to breathe and spray water. He can even stay in the deep trenches for a hundred years, or even a thousand years. Deep sleep, motionless like a mountain.

Why did it suddenly surface at this moment? !

The two were full of mess, and the plan was directly disrupted by the sudden god of the sea.


On the other hand, Kyogre, who was half-headed on the surface of the sea, looked up at an angle, and pointed his eyes at Ash and the two of them.

In his favorite rainy weather, this flaming bird dared to block the rain arrogantly, which made Gaioka very unhappy.

Now, what kind of stray bird dares to provoke his authority? !

The three gods of Fangyuan are different from Lugia, the king of wind, in that neither of them likes to communicate with words.

Or too lazy to think, most of the things are purely based on the body's instinct, or like to act.

So Groudon doesn't think about where his home is.
If you simply perceive the location of the vermilion orb, then home is there.


The next moment, Kyogre jumped out of the sea, and from the bloody mouth that opened, a bunch of extremely thick water droplets were spewed, and the target was directly at the flame bird.

"Xiao Huo, use protection and run away!!"

Xiao Lan beat the drums in her heart, but she still clenched her teeth and commanded.

Boom boom boom! !

The extremely sturdy high-pressure water pump is seven or eight meters in diameter, and even a small hill will be crushed into debris on the spot.

The flame bird did not dare to be careless, and also paid full attention, desperately urging the move.

The terrifying high-pressure water cannon landed on the green light barrier supported by the flame bird, and it was covered with cracks in the blink of an eye, as if the barrier would be completely broken in the next second.

Whoosh! !
But the flame bird suddenly spread its wings at this moment.

With the thrust of Kyogre's water current, his body circled up again for dozens of meters, finally avoiding the water current at the last second before the protective barrier was broken.

After Kyogre jumped to the highest point, it fell back into the water again, causing violent waves to spread all around.


As soon as the blow was completed, the flame bird kept panting, as if it had overdrawn everything.

This time, they did not dare to go down any further, they only dared to hide in the high-altitude clouds and watch carefully below.

It seems that Kyogre should not be able to fly, and those two broad wings are probably just decorations, but there is no need to worry about the latter flying up side by side.
(End of this chapter)

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