He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1154 Special training in the tower!

Chapter 1154 Special training in the tower!
Pillars of the sky, first floor.

Stepping into it, you will see that the interior of the stone tower is a very large area.

On the smooth dark brown marble floor, there are all kinds of gravel wreckage, broken pillars and the like, which look very simple and desolate.

Xiaozhi looked around, the first floor was not a big problem, there was no half-broken floor.

I looked around and didn't see any wild Pokémon.



However, from the position on the upper floor, I occasionally heard a restless sound.

"It seems that those powerful wild Pokémon live on it."

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi's eyes brightened.

Flip the palm of his hand, Xiao Zhi has several Poké Balls in his hand at the same time.

boom! boom! boom!
There were several crisp sounds in a row, the red light solidified, and several Pokémon also appeared in front of Xiao Zhi.

Strong chicken, forest lizard, lobster minion.
These three are the classic three generals of water, fire and grass, and their levels are not low at the moment, and they have reached the threshold of evolution.

"Then use the Pillar of the Sky as the special training location, and strive to complete the evolution before hitting the top of the tower!"

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but feel proud in his chest.

After all, there are still nearly ten days left, if you go directly to the top of the tower, and then successfully call the Rift Seat down.
Then, nothing to do.

Otherwise stare?
The story of the wolf coming, Xiao Zhi understands
Maybe when the time comes, Kaikongza will give himself a Dragon God dive when he comes up because he feels that he has been tricked by tricks.

"Speaking of which, can I really summon the Rift Seat?"

This time, Xiao Zhi shook his head and stopped worrying about this issue.

Everyone has come here, just rush up and you're done!

Special training now!
Before entering the tower, Penghuo had already stuffed a lot of good wound medicine into his backpack, the PP was the largest, the panacea, enough for several days of high-intensity battles.

This section of the road to the tower is the trial journey of the Dragon God messenger.

There were several more red lights, and the figures of Coal Turtle, King Yan, and Electric God Pillar also appeared at the same time.

These three do not need to evolve, and already have their own powerful strength.
More, it is to practice running-in and Xiaozhi's cooperative battle.

Especially the Electric God Pillar, it is more that Xiao Zhi cooperates with the former's extreme violence and quick-attack tactics.

"And you! Come out, Long Tail Monster!!"

Xiaozhi pressed the Poke Ball, and with a "bang", a purple monkey with a strange hand.appeared in front of it.

Immediately, Xiao Zhi held it on his shoulders.

"Long-tailed monster, just watch the battle of the seniors here."

The level of wild Pokémon here is too high, and if the newly hatched long-tailed monsters are shot, others will probably be gone.

It's better to watch from the back honestly and learn the device manually.


The long-tailed monster jumped up and down on Ash's shoulder, curious about everything around him.

"Pickup, pickup~!"

And Pikachu is like a general, sitting on Ash's other shoulder, motionless like a mountain.

It is a pressure, and it will not be easily shot.

The power of red skin, it just copied some.
But in terms of slack in retirement, the former has already been stolen.

In the same way, the Pokémon army that Xiao Zhi subdued in the Fangyuan area in front of him was also looking around in amazement.

It was a little different from where they had been before, and there was an aura of danger all around.

"And you, Ladias, come out!!"

Ash sent Latias out again.


As soon as the latter appeared, it automatically transformed into a beautiful human maid with long red hair, holding Xiao Zhi's shoulder quite affectionately, rubbing her head hard.

"Latias, I'll leave you with these wound medicine props!"

Xiao Zhi handed the good wound medicine and omnipotent medicine in his hand to the latter, intending to let Latias play the role of the team doctor.

Originally, the best candidate for the team doctor should be Emperor Yan's police dog who can also serve as a patrol dog.But this guy doesn't seem to be in a particularly good mood recently, but Xiaozhi didn't let it out.

Since the last dogfighting contest, the mood has not been very high.

Are you homesick?
After all, Emperor Yan hadn't left the Chengdu area for hundreds of years, and it was normal for him to feel this way for the first time.

"It's still a little less."

Looking at the Pokémon in front of him, he only captured seven or eight new ones in Fangyuan area this time, and Xiao Zhi felt that he was still a little worse.

I'll see if I can capture a few powerful wild Pokémon inside the Pillar of the Sky?
Finally, with the mighty army at the same time, Ash and the Pokémon climbed the stone stairs to the second floor one after another.

Time passed day by day.

At the door of the Pillar of the Sky, Penghuo and Qingzi chatted from time to time.

One side is the ancient and traditional people of Meteor, the other side is the fashionable and modern people of Liuli, there are many complementary topics, and there is no rigidity at all.

Chatting and chatting, the two's home port gradually became hot.

"What do you say the descendants of the people of the meteor and the people of the glass should be called~ hehe~"

Penghuo let out a wretched laugh, which made Qingzi blushed.

From outside the tower of the Pillar of the Sky, it was impossible to see what was going on inside.

But compared to the Pillar of the Sky where everything is fine, the outside world has undergone tremendous changes.

At the same time, the coverage of the weird weather in the entire Fangyuan area is constantly expanding.

The alternating weather phenomenon of sometimes heavy rain and sometimes sunny days appears almost in the location of most of the Fangyuan area.

However, within a few kilometers of the sea area centered on the pillar of the sky, the weather seemed to be locked, and it was always in normal conditions.

Not only the weather is locked, but the signal is also locked, so that the two cannot communicate with the outside world, and naturally they don't know what is going on in the outside world at the moment.

God of the earth, Groudon has finally officially stepped into the waters of the Fangyuan region!

The location is just in the eastern sea area of ​​Luling City.

This made Xiaogang and Shota, who stayed in Luling City and watched Groudon go home from a close distance, showed extremely shocked expressions.


But Dawu next to the two frowned.

According to the inference of the Weather Research Institute, when Groudon reached the Fangyuan area, it should have drilled into a volcano and disappeared.

Even if there are no volcanoes around here, with Groudon's ability, it shouldn't be a problem to make one manually.

However, Groudon was still moving towards the waters southwest of Green Ridge City, walking slowly and firmly like a turtle.

It seems that there is something guiding him there.

And with the news of reporter Mary, people in the entire Fangyuan area now know about the unprecedented event.

The god of the sea, Kyogre has also appeared!

Even many people in the waters near Mushui Town in Liuli City, after being drenched in the torrential rain, also saw the powerful figure of Gaioka Haohang jumping out of the sea.
The two super ancient gods are moving in the direction of each other!

(End of this chapter)

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