He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1156 The special training of the pillar of the sky

Chapter 1156 The special training of the pillar of the sky

The blade and the blade collided, and the dark and old face of the sly tengu suddenly showed a dangerous coldness.

Bang Bang! !
With his hands suddenly opened, the forest lizard's figure was completely ejected.

Whether in speed or strength, the former is stronger.

And the forest lizard was about to flip two somersaults, and when he adjusted his body and landed, he saw blue light appear in front of his eyes.

The next moment, his body was already frozen in mid-air, making it difficult to move.

Supernatural power!

Cunning Tengu is like a human wizard, waving his arms, and his psychic power is completely controlled by him.

Boom! !
Boom! !
Under the supernatural power, the forest lizard's body bounced back and forth continuously in mid-air, smashing on the wall for a while, and smashing heavily on the floor for a while, the head was smashed and dizzy, completely unable to parry.

"Forest lizard, use the wall to break free!"

Xiao Zhi was in a hurry and commanded quickly.

The forest lizard understood, and when it was thrown to the edge of the wall, its feet slammed on the wall.

The knees are bent and the tough leg muscles allow the blow to be well cushioned.

Then he jumped out violently with the reaction force, and finally broke free from the shackles of supernatural power.


The figure then rushed out in the direction of the sly tengu, and the slender green leaves on the head were about to be beaten!
Knock! !
However, the cunning tengu moved faster than it, and the figure turned into a black ghost in the next moment, and suddenly rushed out.

Boom! !
One step ahead, the forest lizard in mid-air was knocked out, and it landed heavily on the floor.

Raid! !
This move, if the opponent attacks, then the raid can attack the opponent one step ahead.

It has one more evil attribute than the forest lizard.


Completely falling into the disadvantage, Xiaozhi was also secretly shocked.

This is completely different in level. Xiao Zhigang intends to take back the forest lizard, and then run first.

The forest lizard climbed up again from the ground, and the scarred body began to emit a dazzling green light.

"Is it lush?!"

Xiaozhi's eyes are wide and round, and lushness is a regular characteristic of Yu Sanjia. When the stamina value bottoms out, the power of grass-type moves will be greatly increased.

But it does not trigger every time, there is a certain probability.

And the stronger the fighting spirit of the Pokémon, the more likely it is to enter the flourishing state.

"If that's the case, let's keep fighting. Use the Leaf Slash!!"

Xiaozhi naturally chose to respond to the former's will to fight, the forest lizard in green light jumped up with all his strength, and the green light sickle waved again.

This time, the size and length of the blade cutting were three times larger, and it was completely two machetes.

The cunning Tengu quickly responded with Leaf Slash, but this time the advantage was significantly worse.

Bang Bang! !Bang Bang! !
The crisp sound of the slashing and smashing of the blades rang out one after another, and the figure of the cunning tengu also retreated again and again in the frantic attack of the former.


The cunning Tengu, who has always been arrogant and used to it, couldn't hold back his breath, and immediately gathered all his mind, constantly looking for an opportunity to attack in the collision of Ye Blade Slash.
In an instant, its pupils shrank, capturing the opportunity.

The green light from both hands dissipated, but instead it was replaced by purple-black spikes, which converged at one point and were extremely sharp.
Follow the move towards the forest lizard's neutral position, and stab away with a tricky angle!

Hell Stab! !

However, at this moment, the forest lizard's breathing also seemed unusually calm.

A faint green light appeared in his eyes.
Whoosh! !
The swift and sure-kill one-shot hell thrust was deflected by it's head and could be avoided.

see through!

And this full-strength hell thrust also made the sly tengu leaning forward into a period of rigid back-swing.

The forest lizard waved its arms, and the green light sickle on the back of the hand also turned into a yellow-green insect blade at this moment.

Finally, with a slashing move of a one-hit cross-cut, the front is split! !

Cross scissors! !

The yellow-green slash hit the chest of the cunning Tengu head-on, and under the impact of the force, it directly lifted the latter into the air.

The effect is outstanding, the effect is outstanding! !
Insect-type moves have four times the restraint effect on the latter!


When the latter fell to the ground, he had already fallen to the ground and completely lost his ability to fight.

One-shot kill!

No matter how powerful, the Cunning Tengu is still an incredibly crispy Pokémon.

But the forest lizards on this side were also unhappy, and at the same time, they exited their lush state.


The body was half-kneeling on the ground, gasping for breath, apparently in a state of half a pound of candles in the wind.

"The wild Pokémon here are too strong."

Ash and Latias hurriedly stepped forward to help and help heal the demon.

Any wild Pokémon looks like this tragic look. It seems that it is a little early to come here for special training.

But the more the difference in level, the more significant the improvement obtained after fighting the weak against the strong will be more significant.

Xiao Zhi can already imagine how much the Pokémon he carries will be changed after completing this special training for the Pillar of the Sky! !
The special training of the Sky Pillar is still going on.

Xiaozhi discovered that the wild Pokémon here are basically evolved to their final form, most of them are Pokémon in the Fangyuan area, and there are even some rare ones.

However, he didn't see the giant golden monster or the flying dragon, which made Xiao Zhi quite regretful.

After all, he is still very interested in subduing one of the two powerful signboard quasi-gods in the Fangyuan area.

"Cha roar!!"

At this time, a low roar came.

Just walking to the fifth floor of the Pillar of the Sky, a light blue upright armored beast caught Xiao Zhi's attention.

The body is covered with a light blue hard carapace, the eyes protrude on both sides of the head, and symmetrical red feathers grow on the sides of the neck.

The back is beetle wings, and the chest cavity extends out a pair of sharp tentacles and hooks.

This whole Pokémon is like an intermediate form between a sharp-clawed beetle and a beast.

"DiDi. Primordial armor, rock and insect attributes, the evolution of the Primordial Feather Insect, is an extinct ancient fossil Pokémon, its wings cannot fly, it is an organ used to assist swimming."

Xiao Zhi put away the illustration book, but he didn't expect it to be a Fossil Pokémon.

Fossil Pokémon are generally divided into three types. One is the existence of a fossil pterosaur similar to one's own. Living fossils that have survived from ancient times to the present have the rich blood of ancient beasts flowing in their bodies, and are also the most rare existences.

The second is the existence of resurrection from fossils, and the blood concentration is high and low.

The third type is the one that has survived from ancient times to the present day.
After the bloodline is infinitely diluted, it is actually not much different from modern Pokémon.

"But this one is worth taking!"

Xiaozhi's eyes were bright, and the handsome armor and beast stance of the ancient armor made him want to subdue, and he quickly took out a pokeball in his hand.
(End of this chapter)

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