He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1172 mega split empty seat

Chapter 1172 mega split empty seat

"Cracking Seat, why did you run away?"

On top of the Pillar of the Sky.

Xiao Zhi looked at the live broadcast and couldn't help but blurt out.

Although I don't know what happened, but Rikongza looks like he is running away in a hurry?

This is a bit different from what he imagined at the beginning, the incomparable Sky Dragon God.

It seems that the three ancient gods in the Fangyuan area are on the same ladder, and there is no one who is superior.



Suddenly, both Pikachu and Absolu's eyes narrowed, their heads turned to the east at the same time, and their bodies tightened.

The two humans, who were not aware of it, also subconsciously looked in that direction.

Nothing but a grey sky.

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo!!"

However, the next moment, a peerless dragon roar suddenly came from the eastern sky.

As if something was approaching quickly, the dragon's roar continued to expand.

The next moment, accompanied by falling golden light.

An emerald green meandering flying dragon has already broken through the clouds and appeared above the clouds of the Pillar of the Sky.

"!" "!"

Such a coercive dragon-god state and condescending domineering coercion made both Xiao Zhi and Sigana feel like enemies, and their backs were shivering with chills.

Even though Riakuza's half-curled and curled body still had a terrifying height of 7 meters.

Through the live screen, you can already feel the strong oppression of the dragon. Not to mention the fact that the face-to-face is actually lifted at this moment.

"Lord Dragon Dragon God.?!"

Even Sigana, who has always been mysterious, is now stuttering like a young girl who has never been deeply involved in the world.

"Why is Crackling Seat here?!"

Xiao Zhi was taken aback.

The Pillar of the Sky is a long way from the No. 128 waterway. It turned out that it was less than 10 minutes, and the Rift Seat was directly there? !
It's as if the thing on the screen comes along the wire, a violent absurdity of fantasy suddenly becoming reality.

"Lord Dragon God. Welcome to your arrival!!"

After the initial shock, Sigana hurriedly fell to her knees and saluted respectfully.

A bold idea popped up in my heart.

Lord Dragon God came because of her summons. Could it be that he is now responding to his own call, trying to fight alongside him to defeat Groudon and Kyogre? !
The legend in the Meteor, the first half is wrong,

And the second half of fighting side by side with the Dragon God messenger, is it real?

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo!!"

However, seeing that Sigana was blocking his line of sight, Korakuza just let out an impatient dragon roar.

The sound even turned into a substantial punch, blowing Sijana away directly, and slammed into the stone pillar on the edge!

Falling from the stone pillar, Sijana immediately entered the state of a candle in the wind, and the corner of her mouth was red with blood.

Her body couldn't withstand such an impact at all, and her mind was spinning for a while, almost dizzy.

It just makes Sijana more incomprehensible, she is a believer of Rift Seat!

However, from the beginning to the end, Rigakuza never glanced at Sigana once, but stared straight at Ash.

In other words, the huge meteorite behind Ash.


In the face of the faucet that was gradually poking down from the Sky Splitting Seat, this time, even Pikachu did not dare to jump up and arrogantly provocatively.

Although in dreams, Pikachu often dreams of punching Mewtwo and stepping on Groudon.

But in reality. It still needs to develop.

Wait for another four turns, five turns, it is estimated that it is almost the same.

Pikachu glanced at Absol next to him, and also chose to retreat strategically.

It's free to go up.

"Break Seat"

And Xiaozhi was also forced to retreat by the latter's strong dragon's coercion.

The air flow that was already solidified was now completely imprisoned and locked, making it difficult to breathe.

Xiaozhi has seen a few ancient gods, but I have to say that the Dragon God Split Empty Seat is definitely the most oppressive one at present.

The domineering coercion that belongs to the giant dragon alone, and the naked aggression and war intent are all gods that exist for the sake of fighting!

Just before taking a few steps back, Xiao Zhi's body was leaning on the huge meteorite, and there was no way to retreat.


This also caused the cracking seat to lower his figure again, and his body swam forward to the position of the faucet, which was less than three meters away from Xiaozhi!


Xiao Zhi suddenly felt like he was facing a big enemy. Although his body was free to move, it seemed to be locked. For a while, it was difficult for him to control his body. He could only stare wide-eyed and stare at the approaching of the cracking seat.

The latter opened the dragon's mouth, revealing a red mouth.

At a very close distance, Xiaozhi even noticed that the teeth of the cracked empty seat were also wrapped in red gum flesh, as if the teeth were all red.


Xiao Zhi quickly shook his head, why is he still paying attention to the oral health of Khikkongza's gums in this situation? !

The cracked empty seat approached a few minutes again, and he was about to open his bloody mouth, and immediately rushed to bite!

In an emergency, Xiao Zhi's desire to survive is naturally rising, and his adrenaline is soaring.

Just as Chima, who had been watching the play, was about to make his move, the Dragon God scroll that Xiaozhi was holding in his palm suddenly began to glow along with it!

Followed by the entire colorful meteorite, the frequency of light flickering became higher, and the rich energy flow continued to roll and blow.


This made Korakuza take a deep breath in a very comfortable way.

Unlike the original return of the Groudon Kyoka, the Rift Seat can achieve unprecedented mega evolution!

Once they enter this form, let alone the two gods joining forces, even if they both return to the original, they are all characters who are suppressed by his mega-splitting seat!

And the mega evolution of the cracking seat does not need any keystones and megastones, and the fetters of human beings.

In his body, there is a special existence called the Emperor's organ, which can store all the energy that supports him to complete the mega evolution.

For this part of the energy, the Rift Seat can obtain reserves by swallowing the meteorites floating in the universe and accidentally falling into the atmosphere of the planet.

It's just that the quality of the recent meteorites is so poor that they don't contain much energy at all.

After a thousand years, the energy in the Emperor's organs in Kaikongza's body was completely exhausted, and he could no longer support him to complete the mega evolution.

But what surprised him was that this meteorite still retains sufficient energy? !

If he remembers correctly, this... should be the fallen meteorite he was chasing 3000 years ago, right?
As a result, as soon as they landed, they were attacked by Primordial Kyogre and Primordial Groudon who were competing for natural energy.

Just after a battle was over, Kaikongza also temporarily forgot about the colorful meteorite, and went back to sleep in the ozone in the sky.

Unexpectedly, after 3000 years of precipitation in this meteorite, the energy contained in it has not decreased but increased.
This is enough for him to eat!
(End of this chapter)

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