He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1179 The rocket takes off!

Chapter 1179 The rocket takes off!

Green Ridge Cosmic Center.

From the 20 minutes I mentioned earlier, there is only less than 1 minute left.

"Haven't seen Ash's figure yet?!"

Dawu looked at the monitor screen in front of him, anxious.

In order to prevent the distraction of the personnel in the remote operation room, they even cut off the live broadcast of the battle of the two gods on the 128th waterway.

Only the constantly approaching extraterrestrial meteorites and the surveillance footage of the surrounding sky are kept.

"Meteorite has approached the atmosphere of the planet"

The director of the universe center handed over the final decision to Daigo.

Holding his breath, Dawu stared at the screen, but never saw any foreign object approaching.
"In that case, let's launch!"

In the end, Dawu said solemnly.

These remarks also made the entire operation room agitated and began to carry out the operation of the rocket lift-off.

Now there is no time to worry about the dimensional teleportation device, whether it will teleport the disaster meteorite to where. At least keep it here!

According to the final trajectory prediction, if the meteorite falls completely, it will probably land near the east coast of Shuijing City.

Then, at that time, the eastern half of the entire Fangyuan area is estimated to be hit by a disaster level.

The rest of the area will also be affected by strong earthquakes
Rumble! !

The ground walls in the center of the entire Green Ridge Universe began to tremble.

At the rear, the huge rocket that stood upright, the fuel at the tail began to burn frantically, emitting golden-white high-temperature flames.

Boom! !
Accompanied by the rolling heat wave and the violent roaring noise, the rocket slowly lifted into the sky!
Under the strong impetus, it jumped up to a kilometer high in a short while, turned into a meteor light spot, cut through the sky, and left a long trail in the clouds.

The direction of the rocket is also constantly shifting in the air, and it is flying at a high speed towards the west - above Shuijing City.

Just when all the operators were straining their nerves, always paying attention to the data feedback of the rocket's liftoff.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Dawu, look at the screen!!"

Shota's exclamation was especially loud in the tense silence.

Following his line of sight, he saw two slender figures flying towards the meteorite outside the sky on one of the monitoring screens.

The green and black dragons fly at high speed in tandem.

However, the next moment, the black dragon in the picture turned into a straight laser beam in an instant, and it suddenly accelerated several times.

The finishing touch!

Whoosh! !

The terrifying penetration force penetrated directly from the center of the body of the green dragon in front!

After provoking a terrifying energy explosion, the black flying dragon flew back to the front.

And the green flying dragon, after falling several hundred meters, was able to stabilize its body and chased away again.

"Cracked Space?! And how come there are two Cracked Spaces?!"

Daigo's pupils shrank, and his expression looked very surprised.

Moreover, through the special monitor in the center of the universe, even the top of the head of the black Rift Seat can sense the existence of humanoid creatures.

"It's Ash! It must be Ash!"

Xiaogang was the first to speak out.

Sure enough, he was not disappointed, and at the last moment, he rode the Rift Seat and came to meet the meteorite.
And it's two heads! !
So many strange things happened to Xiao Zhi, Xiao Gang was the least surprised in the crowd, and even took it for granted.

But other people's eyes are completely looking at monsters.
That is the empty seat of the Dragon God Split, and there are really human beings who can fight side by side with it?
"Come on, abort the rocket mission!"

Dawu hurriedly shouted.

However, the director just changed his face for a while, helplessly spread his hands.

"Once the rocket lifts off, the only thing we can do is to ensure that it lifts off according to the original trajectory. It is impossible to change the path or interrupt the launch."

That is to say, at the same time, not only the two flying dragons were approaching the extraterrestrial meteorite.

The rocket in the center of Green Ridge is also approaching rapidly.

In mid-air, the rocket dropped its final first-stage rocket compartment to further its speed.

"Then Mr. Dawu, hurry up and turn off the dimensional teleportation device!"

Xiaogang thought of another place.

It doesn't matter if the rocket lifts off, after all, the original rocket is to launch the front-end satellite warehouse into the universe.

Dimensional teleportation at this moment will be a bigger problem, and it will be launched directly towards Xiaozhi!


This time, it was Dago's turn to sigh, his expression similar to that of the director.

The opening of the dimensional transmission device is also scheduled, and now it is impossible to control it remotely.

Seeing this, everyone could only stare blankly at the several trajectories that were constantly approaching each other in the picture.
In the sky above the eastern sea area of ​​Shuijing City, the finishing touch displayed by the mega cracking space seat successfully shot down the indigenous cracking space seat, and the body flew towards the sky again.

After a while, it entered the bottom of the stratosphere.

The environment here is completely unreachable by humans, and it is impossible for bird Pokémon to reach this height.

However, Mewtwo's psychic barrier protects Ash and Pikachu at all times, as if wearing a space suit, and there is nothing serious.


And the cracking seat is like a fish in water, and the movements become very light in an instant.

He was originally a high-altitude ancient god who lived in the ozone layer, and the ozone layer was between the stratosphere, so he was directly at home.

However, the current target is the colorful meteorite hanging in the outermost outermost part of the atmosphere.

The mega evolution, which lasted for a while, also used several rounds of finishing touches in a row.

This made the original 95% of the energy reserves in his emperor's organs drop to 94%, and he needed a good meal.

As for the indigenous dragon below, it has been completely pulled away by himself, so don't even think about competing with him.

This meteorite is full of energy, and it only needs 1/20 to fully replenish its energy.

Even so, he doesn't plan to give the remaining 19/20 to someone else.

The big deal is to blow up directly in the sky and put on a luxurious fireworks show.

Whoosh boom boom.!!
At this time, there was a sudden roar of airflow from a direction below.

A rocket is rapidly approaching the Rift Seat at an oblique angle.

"A human toy, Mu Da."

The black cracking seat smiled disdainfully, and as soon as the meandering body trajectory turned, he was going to destroy the approaching human rocket first.

"It's Mr. Dawu and the others!"

And Xiaozhi also reacted, and it seemed that he was still a few minutes late, causing the Green Ridge Cosmic Center to execute their rocket plan.

It's just that before Ash can stop the Korakuza from attacking the rocket, the latter suddenly trembles.

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo!!"

He let out an unprecedented roar, and seemed extremely angry.

Immediately, he ignored the rocket below and continued to fly towards the sky rapidly.

The target is directly at the extraterrestrial meteorite!

"Outsiders. They dare to invade my territory!!!"

In Ash's mind, the roar of the God's Will of Risakuza appeared.
(End of this chapter)

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