He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1186 The local man Xiaozhi!

Chapter 1186 The local man Xiaozhi!
The elevator opened, and Xiao Zhi stepped into the public hall on the tenth floor.

The daily duration of the singles battle in the battle tower is later than that of the doubles. The popularity of the singles is also higher.

The number of spectators on this floor is also much larger than his previous seventh floor!
"This Xiaozhi is still playing singles."

Speaking of which, he couldn't even meet the opponent in his doubles battle.

So Xiao Zhi looked for a direction and saw Xiao Zhi's name on the electronic screen on the wall at the entrance of the large room on one side.

"True Newtown's Ash - 17-game winning streak in singles."

"Is it already 17 consecutive victories? It's quite impressive!"

17 consecutive victories, there will already be many masters.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi became even more curious and stepped up to enter the room.

There is nothing more interesting than seeing yourself in another world!
This battle room is similar to the one he stayed in before, but there are more seats for the spectator.



The audience was even more fully seated, and there were endless discussions.

In this world, singles games are more attractive to onlookers.

And he finally officially saw the local Ash!
At one end of the arena below, a young man with short black and blue hair was standing there, watching his opponent closely.

He wears a red-brimmed hat with a pattern of black bars and green pokeballs in the middle.

A blue hooded short-sleeved sweater, light blue denim trousers, and an electric mouse on his shoulders.

"It's really me."

This time, it was Xiao Zhi's turn to be stunned.

The faces are exactly the same!
The clothes are also close to the same, with only a few different patterns.

This gives Ash a weird feeling like he's looking in a mirror.

But his Pikachu's spirit is much better than his own.



Even Pikachu and Latias looked left and right with their little heads, confused, and it was hard to tell the difference.

Is this Shiny Ash?

On the field, the singles battle has already begun.

The local man Ash sent was naturally his number one general, Pikachu.


The opponent is a large and heavy water arrow turtle, and it seems that the level is not low!

Seeing that there was no free space around, Xiao Zhi simply stood at the back, folded his chest and watched carefully.

Just look at the strength of this local man Ash!

"Pikachu, use [-] volts!!"

This Pikachu tensed his body, and a strong golden electric current came out of his body, bending and lasing, and the power visible to the naked eye was powerful!
"Water Arrow Turtle, use the water cannon!!"

Behind the water arrow turtle is a trainer named Jiang Tai, who is somewhat similar to the water arrow turtle.

Boom! !
Boom! !
Immediately, two sturdy streams of water roared out from the shoulder cannon of the water arrow turtle!

Boom boom.! !
The high-pressure water cannon collided with the [-] volts in the mid-air of the arena, and it exploded immediately, with violent tremors echoing around.

Evenly matched!

"Water Arrow Turtle, use a million-ton punch!!"

After successfully blocking the opponent's dangerous electric shock, General Tai even punched and took the initiative to attack the road.

The water arrow turtle immediately took heavy steps, the muscles of the right arm bulged, and the part of the fist flashed a dangerous white light.

The hill-shaped body swooped up and smashed the petite Pikachu into a patty!
"Pikachu, use the electric light to dodge!!"

This little wisdom naturally has a way to deal with it.

Pikachu immediately ran quickly around the arena, and with his flexible movements, he easily avoided the heavy punch of the water arrow turtle.

Seizing the opportunity, the local Xiaozhi suddenly drank:
"Right now, use the steel tail!!"

This Pikachu had a very tacit understanding with him, and immediately lowered his body, and it was a sliding shovel toward the water arrow turtle.

When approaching the target, the body twitched and reversed, and the steel tail at the end was slapped out!

Swoosh! !
A blunt and heavy metal explosion exploded, and the metal tail slammed heavily on the soles of the water arrow turtle's lower limbs!


This also made the water arrow turtle's face sank and let out a whimper.

The heavy body was directly half-knelt on the ground.

The steel tail of the lower plate directly hit the effect of kicking down!

This is not friendly to tall and fat Pokémon.

And Pikachu has also come to the bottom of the water arrow turtle.


The thief's little head showed a sly smile upwards.

"Right now, use the most powerful thunder trick!!"

In the next instant, an extremely powerful electric spark erupted from Pikachu's tiny body.

Boom! !

The golden electric current soared into the sky and turned into a majestic lightning beam, which completely covered and engulfed the almost zero-distance water arrow turtle!
The current burst! !
The body of the water arrow turtle seemed to melt in the dazzling electric light, its eyes turned white, and it made a continuous whining sound.

When the electric light dissipated, his body collapsed and he lost his ability to fight on the spot!

"The water arrow turtle has lost its ability to fight, so this game is won by Pikachu and Ash!"

The intelligent robot immediately issued a judgment!
"Clap clap clap!!"

The exciting battle, and the fact that such a violent electric current can be seen from a Pokémon like the Electric Rat, made the surrounding audience applaud and cheer!
"This guy, it's not easy."

At the end of the stand, after watching the entire game, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but be surprised.

The level of this local man, Xiao Zhi, was much higher than he expected.

Adapt tactics, play calmly, and attack decisively without hesitation. This is completely a seasoned senior trainer!
To challenge the league conference at such a level, it is not surprising that the start is the top 4, and the runner-up is not surprising.

No matter how lucky you are, you might even be a champion.
The battle was too short, and he couldn't see the true strength of the latter.


It seemed that he noticed a strange line of sight, which caused Xiao Zhi, who was at the bottom of the arena, to subconsciously turn his head and look at the viewing seats.

His little friends, Xiaoyao Xiaogang, Xiaosheng and the others, were all on one side of the stand. But he looked towards the end of the auditorium.

Standing at the back, a trainer with Pikachu also on his shoulders attracted the attention of the native Ash.

"Snowman Pikachu? It's incredible."

At the first sight of the gray-white Pikachu on Ash's shoulder, the local Ash was slightly taken aback.

In his hometown there is a legend of the Yeti Kirbymon
Then there should be a yeti Pikachu, right?

It's this person's face, why is it a mess?
It was the first time I saw this person, but it gave him a very strange feeling, as if he was in.
Look in the mirror?
After thinking about it unsuccessfully, the local Xiaozhi no longer pays attention to the former, but celebrates the achievement of 18 consecutive victories with his own Pikachu.

To be honest, even he himself has some unexpected streaks against towers, but he is not an ordinary trainer on the roadside.

But he still got it easily.

I don't know if it's an illusion.

Every time he jumped out of the trip challenged by the Gym Alliance and went to a certain city for a vacation and relaxation, whether it was himself or Pikachu, would his abilities become much stronger?

This gave Xiao Zhi a strong self-confidence.

Even the King of the Alliance who is difficult to defeat on weekdays, now he has the confidence to win it on the spot!
(End of this chapter)

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