He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1189 Pikachu vs Flame Chicken!

Chapter 1189 Pikachu vs Flame Chicken!
The battle that followed fell into a boring cycle.

Although it was a doubles battle, the Electric God Pillar always used one against two, launching a high-speed and powerful electric shock, easily crushing the opponent.

The Dragon God Pillar just fell there, enjoying the delicious experience points.

"The legendary Electric God Pillar is so strong!!"

"What is the origin of this trainer?!"

One battle after another, more and more spectators in this large room are vying to see the brilliance of the legendary Pokémon.

At the back, there were no seats left for the game, and even the stands at the back were crowded with spectators.

Undoubtedly, this trainer with a cloudy face gave them a great shock.

The soldiers were not bloody, it was just after noon, and Xiaozhi easily came to a record of twenty consecutive victories.

"There is no opponent."

This time, even the intelligent robot shook its head at Ash.

These [-] battles directly cleared everyone else's record to the terrifying Electric God Pillar, which made everyone dare not continue to challenge.

In a previous match, the opponent even sent a quasi-god giant golden monster, but it still didn't last long in the hands of the electric god column.

There are also differences between quasi-gods.

"Di, then please Dakdo players, prepare for the battle with the star trainers tomorrow~!"

The smart referee can only announce that Xiaozhi has been successfully shortlisted at this point in time.

"Huh, it's really troublesome enough."

Seeing this, Ash also took back the Electric God Pillar, and walked towards the local Ash's battle floor with Pikachu alone.

Latias he has already put away.
Walking in the big city like a maid is still somewhat eye-catching.

The words are divided into two parts, and the local Xiaozhi's side is not so lucky.

After the [-]-game winning streak, every opponent that follows is the starting level of an elite trainer, and the Pokémon sent are not simple characters.

Every battle, like a battle of life and death, is extremely fierce.

"Pikachu, use [-] volts!!"

When Ash entered the room, he saw the local Ash was fighting, and the electric light on Pikachu's body had already burst out.

"Flaming Chicken, use Split!!"

Local Ash's opponent is a trainer named Aaron, who controls a strong flame chicken.
The player information panel next to it shows that he is already a player with 25 consecutive victories.

In other words, this week's singles ranking No.1 will be decided by this match.


The flaming chicken claws swung out in a cross, completely tearing and splitting the strong current!

"Then use the flame kick!!"

Aaron took advantage of the situation to attack.

This flame chicken is not only powerful, but also not weak in speed. Its slender lower limbs stomped on the ground and rushed out with vigorous steps.

The feet covered with fluff shot out, and the end burned with fiery flames!
Flame Kick! !

"Pikachu, use the electric light to dodge!!"

This kind of flame kick, the local Xiaozhi did not dare to take it hard, and Pikachu in front of him quickly turned into white lightning, constantly running and dodging around the arena.


Immediately seize the opportunity, slammed into the flame chicken!

"Use Bodybuilder to block it!"

However, Aaron just commanded the road unhurriedly.

The flame chicken had a fierce look on the ground, his chest was raised, and the muscles of his arms and body were bulging up to the naked eye.


The lightning flashed on its body, but it was just bounced off easily, but it didn't work.


In Xiaozhi's exclamation, the flaming chicken has already caught up, and raised its lower limbs in the direction of Pikachu flying upside down.

Da da da! !

A beautiful two kicks kicked directly on Pikachu's face.

Second kick!
"And then the flame kick!!"

After two consecutive kicks, the flame chicken quickly turned around, and a beautiful flame kicked back, directly kicking Pikachu out a few meters like a ball, and fell heavily on the metal floor.

"Humph. Your electric mouse is not my opponent."

After a set of punches, the trainer named Aaron said quite proudly.

The appearance is quite gentle, but the battle is very violent.

"What a fierce flame chicken."

Even Xiao Zhi, who was watching, couldn't help but sigh.

The attacking stance is like a hurricane, making it difficult to guard against.

The local Xiaozhi is completely at a disadvantage.

"So Xiao Zhi, did you just admit defeat?"

This made Xiao Zhi even more curious, and stared at the bottom with burning eyes.

on the field.

Pikachu half fell to the ground with charred traces, and entered the state of candles in the wind.

The face of the local Xiaozhi is also rare and solemn. In terms of level, his own Pikachu is inferior.
"End this fight. Flaming chicken, use the final flame kick!!"

The flame chicken let out a low roar, and kicked the flame with a reflexive blow, only to take the target!

"Pikachu, don't lose to it, use Iron Tail!!"

The local Xiaozhi roared loudly, and the voice seemed to have the ability to rejuvenate, which made Pikachu struggle to get up.


Immediately, he rushed out at the same pace and swept away his steel tail.

Bang Bang! !
The frontal collision of physical moves caused a loud noise in the center of the arena, and the airflow followed.

It's just that the stalemate didn't last for a while, after all, the flame chicken that has been bodybuilding once is stronger.

The flame kick was completely swept out, directly flying Pikachu into the air.

Just this scene also made the eyes of the local Xiaozhi bright, and the raised fingers were pressed down!
"Right now, use the thunder trick!!"

In mid-air, Pikachu's body bowed like a shrimp, constantly accumulating his last strength.

Finally, an extremely thick lightning bolt fell from the sky! !
Boom! !

Unprepared, the flaming chicken was hit by the front, and the lightning beam that immediately rose had a strong traction, which made him unable to move at all in the lightning, and could only eat a full one.

When the current dissipated, the entire body of the flaming chicken became charred black, with steaming heat.

"Be careful, flame chicken!!"

The trainer named Aaron quickly reminded that his face had changed drastically.

In mid-air, Pikachu's figure fell down and pressed its tail under the body.

With a low shout, the Iron Tail kicked up heavily and knocked head-on on the Flaming Chicken's skull.

Hit the nail on the head! !
This tough blow also made the body of the flaming chicken collapse!

The instant comeback battle left the audience dumbfounded.

"The flaming chicken can't fight, so this game is Pikachu and Ash of True New Town win!!"

The intelligent robot referee immediately flew between the two and pronounced the verdict aloud.

Finally defeating the strong enemy, it also made the locals Ash and Pikachu, like one person, both sat on the ground weakly at the same time, gasping for breath.

finally won
"Then the candidates for the exhibition match this week will be decided by Dakto, who is ranked No. 1 in doubles, and Xiaozhi, who is ranked No. 1 in singles. The battle will start in half an hour. Please prepare for the two players. !"

At this time, the intelligent robot referee suddenly warned loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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