He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1193 Ash vs. Local Ash!

Chapter 1193 Xiaozhi vs. Local Xiaozhi! (end)
"Latias, shake it off!"

"Pikachu, don't let go, continue to use [-] volts!!"

The battle completely turned into a battle of perseverance.

Latias continued to riot in mid-air, while Pikachu clasped on the former's back with four claws, clenching his teeth, letting the airflow around him not let go.

"Pika, Chuu!!"

When there was a gap, a violent current burst out, and it exploded on Latias's body at zero distance!
Even though the damage of the light wall was weakened, it couldn't stand Pikachu's tyranny of electricity. Latias even felt that the transparent wall covering his body seemed to be completely shattered in the next second.

"Latias, blast off into the sky!!"

Ash's voice, Latias, understood it, and his whole body flew towards the ceiling like a cannon barrel.

puff! !
When it reached the commanding heights, it suddenly turned around and fell.

The instant reversal of the two forces also caused Pikachu to lose its gravity in an instant, and the four claws finally couldn't bear the huge force and were suspended in mid-air.

"It's now, Dragon Wave!!"

And Ladias has come to a low-altitude position, raised his head to the sky, and the colorful dragon energy in his mouth quickly condensed.

Pikachu, who fell in midair, has no foothold at all, only the road to meet the wave of the dragon.

"In that case, use the most powerful thunder!!"

The native Ash simply roared loudly.

The fallen Pikachu tensed up, and all the dazzling lightning and thunder burst out from the body, as if it was a thunderstorm in itself, and suddenly bombarded the target below.

Latias has also accumulated full strength, and the colorful energy spews out of his mouth, turning into a dragon-shaped shock wave with claws and claws.
The wave of the dragon broke out completely, and it was bombarded with Pikachu who turned into the god of thunder! !

Boom boom boom! !

The violent explosion exploded in the sky above the arena, and the smoke that was stirred up instantly completely enveloped the nearest Pikachu.

In the competition hall of Nuoda, the air is filled with purple dragon energy and silk grids.

Boom! !
The energy exploded, and in the end, it also affected Latias below!
The two Xiaozhi were staring at the arena, holding their breath, curious about the final result.

Even Ash had to sigh that the power that this Pikachu burst out at the end was equally outrageous.
After a while, the smoke dissipated.

Even the solid ground completely made of steel was cracked and cracked, which shows the power of the collision.

In the center of the arena, the local Pikachu had already fallen there, unable to fight again.


Although Latias was still suspended in mid-air, his body was covered with scars, and he was obviously severely injured in the previous blow.

"Di! Pikachu lost his ability to fight, so this match is won by Latias and Dakto!"

A referee robot flew over and pronounced the verdict aloud.

Now robot referees are becoming more and more popular. In a few years, real referees may have to lose their jobs.

"I lost."

The local Xiaozhi's face was gloomy, and he lowered his head weakly.

Obviously it was five against two, but he didn't gain the slightest advantage. This made Xiao Zhi, who had achieved the top eight at the Silver Conference and felt that he had changed his face, fell into a huge loss again.

"No, if he."

"If I didn't use the legendary Pokémon, would you still have a chance to defeat me?"

Xiao Zhi suddenly stepped forward and said, directly predicting the former's words.

The other party is another self, so he can also perceive the other party's emotions simultaneously.

Although this kind of violent behavior is not very good. But I don't know why, as soon as I put on this stage name, I naturally want to hit hard.

"Cold knowledge, my Pikachu is the real general."

Ash didn't even forget to add one more sentence.

Pikachu, who returned to a perfect state after a turn, is now a powerful one. Even against the mega-dragon of Sigana, he is still able to fight with ease.

"Pickup, pickup."

Hearing this, the gray-white Pikachu suddenly raised his head and sat on Xiao Zhi's shoulder, the old god nodded in approval.

Indeed, it is the general of the sweeping formation.

"how is this possible"

These remarks also changed the face of this local Xiaozhi again, with a look of disbelief.

Why is this person so strong?
"Continue to go on firmly, one day, you can be so strong."

Xiao Zhi didn't say anything, just patted the latter's shoulder lightly.


On the other side, Latias circled again, raising his head and shouting.

The red and white body suddenly spread out a mass of pink-purple energy air.


The light group finally fell on the fallen Pikachu.


After a while, the native Pikachu suddenly raised his head and looked at his body curiously.

Immediately, a few jumped and hugged with the local Ash.

Heal volatility!

Like Emperor Yan, Latias is an existence that can become a wet nurse.

This also made the local Xiao Zhi let go of the loneliness of the defeat, and looked at Xiao Zhi full of fighting spirit again.

"I will remember you with the legendary Pokémon Dakdo. Next time, I will definitely defeat you!"

He threw a punch at Ash and declared war loudly.

"Oh, then I accept it."

Xiao Zhi naturally agreed.

Just guessing that there is no next time between them.

"So in this week's star exhibition match, Dakto will play against Liuli Gym trainer - Mr. Adam!"

The referee robot showed its presence again.

Xiao Zhi turned his head and noticed a middle-aged man with an elegant face looking at him from a distance somewhere in the viewing seat.

"Is that person Mr. Adam?"

Xiaozhi nodded, his eyes solemn.

It was the first time he saw the appearance of the owner of the Liuli Taoist Hall. He just hoped that the badges of the two places could be used in common.

Ash is walking alone on the streets of Larousse with a lazy Pikachu on his shoulders.

Although the surrounding lights are bright and lively, Xiao Zhi always feels that everything here makes him a little out of tune.

After all, this is not his world.

Even though there are Xiaogang in this world, they are very similar, but it just gives Xiaozhi a completely different feeling.

"Eh." He sighed deeply.

It seems that at night, homesickness floods out like a tide, making Xiao Zhi seem to have Yuyu disease.


When passing a remote square, a violent explosion caught Xiao Zhi's attention, put away Yuyu, and leaned on subconsciously.

(End of this chapter)

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