Chapter 1216
Bang Bang! !
The same powerful kick, the flame kick and the flying knee kick collided head-on in the air.


However, Charem let out a low voice, and his flexible figure actually exerted his strength twice, kicking the Flaming Chicken backwards.

After several somersaults in a row, the flame chicken stabilized its figure.

Shaking his lower limbs in the air, he felt a tingling sensation.

"Hmph, my Charem's characteristic is the power of yoga, which is invincible in terms of power!!"

The karate boy Yuan Qi seemed very confident.

This is a Hercules-like characteristic that makes Charem's physical attack moves extremely destructive.

"As expected of a trainer who collected eight badges"

Xiao Zhi has bright eyes, even if the opponent in the first round has a few brushes, the battle is interesting!

"Next is this move. Charem, use the mental blade!!"

Charem flipped the palm of his hand, and two sharp thought power chopped waves flew out of thin air, cutting through the air!

With the blessing of yoga divine power, the size of the pink-purple mind power sharp blade has doubled sharply.

Don't look at the Spirit Blade, it seems to be a long-range move.
But this move still counts in physical melee combat.

"Since that's the case, let him see your bouncing flame chicken and use bouncing!!"

Ash pointed his finger at the sky sharply.


The flaming chicken bent his knees, and his body suddenly flew into the sky like a rocket!
The instant explosive bouncing power, even the audience in the highest position of the auditorium, needs to raise their heads high.

Seeing that his spiritual blade was dodged by his opponent, Charem raised his head subconsciously.


It was just the dazzling sunlight, which almost overlapped with the flaming chicken, and it was impossible to prevent it, and Charem was blinded.

And Xiaozhi's raised arm has also been heavily pressed.

"Kill it at once and use Brave Bird Attack!!"

Ash growled loudly.


Rising to the highest point, the flaming chicken roared in mid-air.

The next moment, the whole body ignited a raging flame, and the figure turned into a straight arrow, which suddenly fell down.

Boom! !

On the way, the red flame turned into a palpitating blue.

It was like a blue flame, but it had nothing to do with the flame at all. It was filled with a sharp and sharp impact unique to the flying attribute, and it had already fallen!

Brave birds attack! !
This is the result of the special training of the Flaming Chicken on the Pillar of the Sky, not only mastering such a big move with flying attributes.

Egg-style bouncing trick, the first bounce can be used to avoid the trick.

And the fall of the second stage can be used to increase other moves, so that the attack of falling can reach the maximum value!
The Brave Birds attacked head-on, and Charem wanted to use the flying knee kick to meet him, but just after jumping three meters, the opponent's moves were already overwhelming.

Boom boom boom! !

Brave Bird's Onslaught Exploded!

Charem instantly fell down with a huge pressure and hit the ground heavily!
The effect is outstanding!

The area was followed by a strong explosion, and the smoke billowed.

And as the smoke dissipated

Charem, who was still in this yoga power before, has fallen on the spot, his eyes are spinning, and he can no longer fight.

One move to win!

"Charem lost his ability to fight, and the flaming chicken won, so in the first qualifier, Xiao Zhi from Zhenxin Town advanced!"

Hearing the referee's voice fall, the karate boy kneeled on the ground in disbelief.

"how is this possible?!"

He is the hope of their martial arts gym, but he was out in the first match.?!
"It's a long way."

Far away in the martial arts gym, Fujiki, who was watching the live broadcast of the game, also shook his head.

The difference is not a star and a half.

On the field, the flame chicken on the other side just maintained a tall and straight body.

With the anti-injury arc of the brave bird's onslaught on his body, it spewed a bunch of fiery geese towards the sky, and it seemed that he had not had enough fun.

"Come back, there are still many battles to come."

Xiao Zhi can only temporarily withdraw the latter who is in full swing.

The Flaming Chicken is the first Pokémon after he came to the Fangyuan area, and he is the first to appear at the moment. It's a good start!

At the end of the battle, just as Xiao Zhi was about to leave the stage, he heard a dull and heavy blasting sound coming from the side.

The distance of the arena is not too far, it is only a few steps away. It seems that the Caiyou Conference is in a hurry, and the preliminaries gather all the players together, which is very compact.

And his side ended almost instantly, and the side just entered the white-hot stage.

"Iron dumbbells? Interesting."

Seeing that the party sent out was the initial form of the signboard Quasi-God in the Fangyuan area, Xiao Zhi became interested and leaned over at will.

It's true that everyone is quasi-god now. There are not one of the two major signs in the Fangyuan area!

When I walked in, I found that the iron dumbbell was driven by a young man with orange hair, and his messy and thick hair was tied up in a small braid.

The clothes are also more traditional martial arts clothes, and the figure is chubby.

On the electronic screen, it was shown that this was a trainer named Masamune.

The opponent is a sturdy electric shock beast.

"Iron dumbbells, use impact!!"

"Electric Beast, use Thunder Fist!!"

However, I saw the iron dumbbells in the shape of dumbbells and rocks suspended in mid-air, and the figure suddenly slammed out, unpretentious.

The electric shock beast on the other side is condensing a lightning fist, and a punch is hitting the target!
Zizi Bang! !

Obviously, the power of the electric shock beast is even better, and it directly smashed the iron dumbbell into the air.

"Iron dumbbell, don't lose to it, then use the impact!!"

However, Masamune seemed to have only one line, and kept hitting repeatedly.

"Are you looking for death, then continue to use Thunder Fist!"

This gave the Electric Shock Beast a good opportunity to smash the iron dumbbells into the air with consecutive lightning punches.

After a few rounds, the gray-blue, angular body of the iron dumbbell seemed to be cracked apart.

But still did not stop using the pace of impact, and rushed out without fear of life and death.

"DiDi. An elves like iron dumbbells can only use the hit technique."

The illustration suddenly showed a wave of existence.

This made Xiao Zhi a little stunned.

Dare to let it out as a starter like this. Aren't you afraid of overturning in the first game?
"Boldness!! Iron dumbbells, show him our arrogance!!"

However, the chubby Masamune just growled from behind.

This makes the iron dumbbell's fighting spirit high and continuous rushing.

After being knocked flying by the electric shock beast, the whole body of the iron dumbbell suddenly flashed a dazzling white light, and the body size also expanded several times.


The corner of Xiaozhi's mouth twitched, full of surprise.

As the light dissipated, the iron dumbbell had turned into a flat rock-iron disk elf, suspended in mid-air, and the arms that extended out seemed to be composed of two extra iron dumbbells.

Metal monster!
(End of this chapter)

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