He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1225 Grandmaster

Chapter 1225 Grandmaster
"The metal monster loses its fighting ability!"

The referee's voice fell, and Masamune took back the metal monster he had defeated.

Looking at the young man in front of him, he felt a little more cautious.

He didn't collect the opponent's information in advance, he just played it on the spot. Even though the age of the opponent seems to be almost the same as himself, but his strength seems to be far more powerful than he imagined.
"In that case, Big Steel Snake, I'll leave it to you!!"

The Pokémon sent by Masamune this time is a behemoth.

The body of steel, covered with metal spikes one by one, a pair of black-framed red eyes on the flat head, and the incomplete teeth, looked extremely ferocious and terrifying.

"Oh~ Big Steel Snake?"

In the viewing seat, Xiaogang narrowed his eyes, and he had something to say. "Well, it's a bit unreasonable."

Just a face-to-face, he came to a conclusion.

This big steel snake, the ore eaten in the period of the big rock snake, is estimated to have no metal content, it does not look hard enough, and its size is a little smaller than the general big steel snake.

Of course, in the eyes of most people, it is still an extremely domineering big steel snake, and there is absolutely no way to see it.

"Is it still a steel attribute? Then the metal monster, let's continue!!"

Xiao Zhi commanded, the latter did not lose much physical strength in the first game.


The metal monster let out a low growl. As a quasi-god, it is the strongest of the steel attribute, and naturally it will not be afraid of any huge iron snake.

The battle begins!
"Metal monster, use bullet punch!!"

At the beginning of the game, the metal monster still turned into a streamer, and the metal fist in his hand flew out quickly, breaking the latter's waist on the spot.

"Big steel snake, use tie up!!"

But the big steel snake also seized the opportunity, and swept away the snake-shaped body of the lower body, entangling the metal monster firmly.

Then he kept tightening his body in an attempt to strangle his opponent.


The metal body, plus the irregularly protruding iron thorns, rubbed against the body of the metal monster, making a penetrating blunt sound.

It's just that the usual tragic movement of strangling the opponent did not appear, and the entangled metal monster was motionless.

Tightening is a common move, and the effect is not good. At this moment, physical contact is naturally harder than whose metal body is stronger.

Metal monster, win.

The food that Dawu feeds every day is delicate and rare metal, and the body is extremely hard, which seems to be a terrible strangulation, without the slightest effect.

"Damn, then use the shooting down trick!!"

Masamune hurriedly shouted.

Boom! !
The big steel snake rolled around the target and hit the ground heavily!

This also caused the metal monster to completely lose its levitation ability for a while. Its body seemed to stick to the ground, and it was difficult to suspend it again. It began to panic in place.

"Right now, use the steel tail!!"

Masamune's eyes lit up and suddenly shouted.

It's still a combo!


The big steel snake raised its steel tail, and the cold light of the metal at the end soared, and then slammed down heavily to the target below, not attacking the metal monster, but the ground in front of it.

With the powerful force, the entire rock field suddenly trembled wildly! !

The violent tremor was transmitted to the metal monster immediately, causing the latter to make an uncomfortable low voice.

The damage is not low!

"Have a hand, this guy."

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but admire that this set of punches was used very cleverly.

If the iron tail hits the target directly, the damage will be halved, and steel-type moves have no effect on steel-type Pokémon.

However, if it directly attacks the ground and forms an "earthquake" of ground attribute moves, it will be extremely effective.

"Hey, I can do more!"

Masamune touched his nose, and finally he had the upper hand.

Taking advantage of the fact that the opponent could not get up from the ground to shoot down the effect of the move, but it could last for a long time, Masamune hurriedly commanded:

"Next, use Dragon's Breath!"

However, Xiao Zhi quickly reacted and commanded confidently:

"Let's fly again, let's use the Mind Hammer!!"


This also allowed the metal monster to find a trick, and the body was covered with blue light, and it was suspended again.

Cold knowledge, don't look at the metal monsters as super power-type Pokémon, but the levitation flight relies on the "electromagnetic levitation" generated by their unique body.

Since the electromagnetic levitation was shot down, it was completely blocked.
Then use super powers!

Metal monsters have two different ways of flying.

Buzz.! !
The mind hammer came to the sky, and it was completely broken in the face of the dragon's breath exhaled by the big steel snake.

Well, it is somewhat aggrieved to let the big steel snake perform special moves.

And at the highest point, Xiao Zhi changed his offensive again:
"Right now, use Flaming Fist!!"


The metal monster instantly dissipated its thought power, and the end of the fist waving ignited a raging flame, and then smashed it mercilessly!
Boom! !
Outstanding effect!!
The double impact of the flame attribute and the powerful fist smashed the huge body of the big steel snake to the ground.

"Damn, we also use flaming teeth!!"

Masamune immediately commanded.

His big steel snake also mastered the flame moves! !


The next moment, only a burst of roar was heard, and the big steel snake's staggered mouth ignited with flames, and it was about to bite the "little bit" below.

"Dodge the metal monster and use the flame fist again!!"

Xiao Zhi said unhurriedly.

Well, although the speed of the metal monster is not fast, but the big steel snake is even slower, it is almost the level of the coal turtle!

The metal eccentricity took off, dodging the opponent's flaming fangs.

Immediately, the raised metal fist, the raging flames ignited again.

Boom! !
The flame fist hit the big steel snake's head again, and the effect was outstanding!

At this moment, the latter's huge body has become a huge burden.

"Damn, use the rockslide!!"

Masamune has been completely panicked and used other moves.

"Metal monster, use the iron wall to block it!"


The falling rocks all smashed on the metal monster's body, but were spread out by the latter's dazzling silver body.

This is a rock-type move with a general effect, and the defensive damage of the iron wall is basically negligible.


Even the metal monster finally stood up against the falling rocks and threw a flaming punch for the third time!
Boom! !
The third flaming punch came out, and this time even the big steel snake couldn't stand it.


After a low cry, the huge body like a hill collapsed with a bang, and countless gravel smoke and dust splashed on the rock arena.

Victory and defeat.

"I can't see through the strength of this guy Xiaozhi."

In the stands, Xiaogang's expression was particularly solemn.

It seems that after the separation this time, Xiaozhi's strength has increased again after returning?

In this battle, the metal monsters are not actually much stronger than their opponents, it is more about the command gap of the trainers.

Completely deft the opponent's moves with ease, and launch a decisive and sharp attack.

This is a rather peculiar feeling. As soon as you make a move, you can feel the courage far beyond ordinary people, just like an experienced master.

This kind of commanding power, Xiaogang has only seen in those alliance kings, or even a higher level.
(End of this chapter)

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