He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1227 Flowing Cloud Line, Absol!

Chapter 1227 Flowing Cloud Line, Absol!

"Water Attributes and Ground Attributes."

This combination of attributes made Ash blink.

Like Marsh King, it is a very difficult combination of attributes. Well, except for the grass attribute.

Put on your own Lizard King, a leaf blade slash and a crit, four times the restraint, it is estimated that it can kill the opponent in one move.

"But this time, let's pay you back first!"

In Xiaozhi's hand, there is already another Poké Ball.

For him at this Caiyou Conference, except for Yushu, the other opponents are really not too difficult, so let everyone show their hands.

"It's up to you!!"

The Poké Ball flew out, and the red light flashed, but it was a beast-shaped Pokémon covered with snow-white fur.

The noble figure is flat on the ground, the blood-colored pupils are calmly looking straight ahead, the black-blue face is quite cold, and a crescent sickle extends out from the right forehead, which is extremely sharp.


"It's a calamity beast!"

"This trainer is so brave!"

"I should be fine with closing my eyes now?"

Absolu's sudden appearance has made the surrounding arena hot and hot, and the latter's image as a "disaster beast" is not so easy to remove.

"What calamity beast, it's a Pokémon!"

"Shut up and watch, don't see the door turn left."

However, compared to most of the passers-by audience, at this moment, the Alliance Conference gathers more trainers.

Trainers, who are naturally fearless, don't have much disgust for "disaster beasts", and even talk about them.

As long as you are strong enough, you can get their approval, it is such a simple and crude logic.

And the match point round, also in the surrounding quarrel, officially started!

"Giant marsh monster, use water cannons!!"

As soon as he came up, Masamune planned to use the water attribute trick directly.

"Absol, use Raid!!"

It's just that although Absolu attacked, the snow-white body was still covered with red and black rays of light, and the ghostly figure rushed out.

Boom! !
It was hitting the big belly of the giant marsh monster, and the strong force immediately made the latter back again and again, dragging a long mark on the rocky ground.

Even the water cannon moves were interrupted.

"So fast, then use mud shooting!!"

Masamune immediately changed his strategy, the giant marsh monster opened its mouth, and several mud lights shot out.

"Then we use the wave of evil!!"

Absol raised his head, and the energy beam formed by numerous black circles in his mouth suddenly flew out.

Boom boom boom! !

The two far-reaching moves collided, and the wave of evil broke open countless mud balls in an instant, and then exploded on the giant swamp monster! !

"What the hell!? Why is it so powerful?!"

He was directly pressed and beaten, and Masamune's eyes widened.

He is the first three families that he has cultivated for the longest time!


Xiao Zhi on the other side showed an expected smile.

You must know that when he first set foot in the Fangyuan area, this Absol once pressed his own Pikachu to fight.

Even if the Pikachu at the time was maliciously slashed, there was a wound.
But that strength is definitely not something that ordinary Pokémon can touch porcelain.

"Absol, use the spirit blade!!"

Absolu swung his head, and the pink-purple energy blade flew out along the corner of the sickle on his forehead and shot out.

"Block it, giant marsh monster, use Frozen Fist!!"

The giant marsh monster raised a frozen fist and slammed it out!

Boom! !
For a while, he really smashed the spiritual blade completely, showing the enthusiasm of Masamune and the giant marsh monster.

"That's right, that's it!!"

Masamune's fighting spirit was also fully aroused.

It seems that it is impossible to defeat the latter today, but at least one must be defeated! !

Looking at the surrounding rock arena, Masamune rolled his eyes and said suddenly:

"Then try my trick, use the turbid current!!"

The giant swamp monster roared in place, and a turbid yellow wave spurted out from the ground beneath his feet in an instant.

Whoa whoa whoa! !

The water flow is rising more and more, and it has risen to a height of two or three meters in no time, and the turbid current is covering the sky and covering the earth.

With the ground that is originally a rock arena, the muddy effect is better!


Seeing the turbid and yellow mud wave coming, Absol furrowed his brows instinctively.

It is white and clean, and if it is covered with mud and water stains, it will be more difficult to accept than damage.


Without even waiting for Ash's command, Absol jumped up and jumped into the sky, trying to avoid the turbid current that swept in.

"Hahaha, I'm waiting for you!"

But this scene made Masamune laugh out loud, and then he raised his hand and pointed:
"It's now, ready to use the waterfall climbing trick!!"

The giant marsh monster understood, and the body hidden in the turbid current gradually raised its head, and the special body organs allowed it to fully adapt to this filthy environment.

Right below Absolu's body, he raised his strong arms, and the dangerous water energy lingered on them.

Immediately with an upward momentum, he just waited for the falling Absol to collide with himself and deliver the most powerful punch of climbing the waterfall!
Masamune's purpose is not the turbidity, it has always been the last climbing waterfall!
However, the next moment, a scene that made Masamune, and even everyone in the audience, stunned.

In mid-air, Absol, who had already reached the highest stagnation point, never fell due to gravity.

Just standing in the void!
It seems that there is a wall of air in that piece of air, allowing Absol to tread freely in the air.

"how is this possible?!"

"Absol can fly?!"

"Is it a superpower levitation?!"

But those with discerning eyes can see that Absolu's actions at the moment are ordinary beasts stepping on the ground, treating the air as flat ground, not a phantom suspension.

Whoa whoa whoa! !

Below, there is a turbulent turbulent current, and it is estimated that it will take two waves to completely dissipate.

The giant swamp monster maintained the movement of climbing the waterfall and froze in place.

Absolu, who was stepping on the void above, stared down condescendingly, his cold bloody eyes with a great sense of oppression.


For a time, the energy on the giant marsh monster's arm was completely dissipated.

The giant marsh monster fell into a flinching state.

Flowing cloud line!
It is the unique move of the Meteor Citizen, which can step on the sky and achieve a battle like walking on the ground!
"No matter how many times I watch it, it's still amazing~!"

Even Xiaozhi couldn't help but praise again and again.

His Absol can really fly!


And Absolu saw that the turbidity below had dissipated, and immediately jumped up again, and at the mouth of his raised head, countless dark apertures condensed a mighty beam of destruction and turned into a beam of laser light.
Boom boom boom! !

The waves of evil that spurted out again sent the giant swamp monster below fiercely flying out, stirring up smoke and dust in the sky!
(End of this chapter)

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