He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1229 Top 8 match, vs full!

Chapter 1229 The quarterfinals, vs full!

The quarterfinals of the Caiyou Conference started in full swing after a day off!

In the first scene, a young man with long green hair dressed as an elite trainer met Tetsuya.

In the quarter-finals, the event finally turned into a full-scale 6v6 match, with only two matches a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.


Sitting in the spectator seat, Xiao Zhi remembered the hurried fight in the food battle plaza in Zijin City.

However, because of the interruption of the lava team, the battle did not continue.

"Come out, Lizard King!"

Tetsuya's Pokémon also has a similar Lizard King.

The fighting style is more inclined to defense, using a flexible posture to constantly dodge the opponent's attack, weakening the physical strength and energy of the place.

Then seize the opportunity, decisively split the leaf blade, and harvest the target.

"This is the classic fighting style of the Lizard King."

Xiao Zhi looked at it and nodded again and again. Speaking of which, he is also a sensible brother of the Lizard King.

"With Ash's Lizard King, I can't tell who is stronger."

Shota next to him pondered for a while, but did not come up with an answer.

After all, all he knew was forest lizards.

After Xiao Zhi traveled through the universe, when he came back, the forest lizard had already evolved into the Lizard King.
He had never officially seen the latter fight in full force.


In the arena below, the Lizard King used the same tactics to harvest the opponent's first and second one in succession. Until the opponent sent an ice ghost guardian, Tetsuya chose to replace the elves.

It's just that the face of the elite trainer on the opposite side was already in chaos, and his forehead was covered in sweat. It was obviously defeated by Tetsuya's tactics.

But then, this ice ghost guardian was easily killed by the iron palm warrior sent by Tetsuya.

Attribute restraint, plus thick fat that has excellent resistance to ice attributes. Ice Ghost Protector is directly free.

The advantages from all aspects also made Tetsuya unscrupulous, and finally won this 6v6 victory.

And the cool meow in boots only appeared in the last round for the final harvest.

"The experience is very old and spicy."

Xiaogang couldn't help but sigh.

Compared with the crushing of strength, it is more about the experience and the crushing of the psychological state.

It is estimated that it takes many experience in competitions to hone the fighting style.


Pikachu on Ash's shoulder raised his head.

As soon as I saw this Miaomiao in boots, it reminded me of the Rockets' Miaomiao. Why didn't you come to arrest me for so many days?


Pikachu immediately said that he will give this boots meow meow an electrotherapy.

At this moment, the Dao injury has recovered, and Pikachu, who has returned to the peak, let alone the King of Heaven. Even if Mikkori is here, it is also correct!

I heard that the latter is still good at water attributes, so it is completely its home field!

"Pride will be defeated, Pikachu!"

Xiao Zhi quickly reminded that he was afraid that the latter would be too inflated.


However, Pikachu just waved his little finger.

It's a Pika "Chew", not a Pika "Soldier". There's no such thing as arrogance.

Xiaozhi: "."

After a trip to the Pillar of the Sky, how do you feel that your Pikachu has become more knowledgeable?

In the morning it was Tetsuya's battle, and in the afternoon, it was naturally Ash's turn to fight with Manchong.

The winner will compete with Tetsuya in the semi-finals to decide the champion of the first half of the competition and face Yuuki or Xiaoyao in the second half.

"Xiao Zhi! Now I have completely changed, I will go all out and show my strength!!"

Standing on the lush lawn, Manchong clenched his fists and let out a low drink towards Xiaozhi at the other end.

After becoming a trainer, his courage also increased.

In the past, he never imagined that he would shout such shameful words in front of so many audiences.

"I know full, no matter whether you win or lose, go all out!"

Xiao Zhi naturally responded eagerly to the latter.

At this moment, the arena has transformed into a grass arena. In addition to the grass seedlings an inch high, there are bushes about one meter high around them, which can cover and camouflage small-sized Pokémon.

"The second round of the top 8 has officially started, please send your first Pokémon!"

As the referee's voice fell, the fighting spirit of the two rose to the top, and a Poké Ball was thrown at the same time!

The red light flashed, and the audience's necks also lifted.

On one side is a big sky-blue bird, with a white cloud wrapped around its wings, revealing a slender neck and feathers at the end.

On the other side is a black and white bird of prey, Dayan, with a gorgeous carmine red face and neck area.

Tanabata Blue Bird, King Yan!

By coincidence, the two sent out flying Pokémon in the first battle, and they circled into the sky as soon as they appeared.

"Xiao Zhi, last time my Qixi Blue Bird lost. But this time, we won't lose!!"

Manchong took the lead in issuing a war-willing challenge.

Back then, in the Ring Contest in Luyin Town, it was the duel between these two flying Pokémon, which ended in the defeat of the Blue Bird on the Qixi Festival.

The battle begins!
"Qixi Blue Bird, use the wave of the dragon!!"

At the beginning of the battle, Qixi Qingniao took the lead in flapping the cotton wings, occupying the commanding heights.

Boom boom! !

The flat white beak opened, and the colorful energy light turned into a dragon-shaped breath and shot out violently.

"In this case, Wang Yan, we also use the wave of the dragon!!"

Ash's command made many people wonder if their ears had heard it wrong.

Boom boom! !

The next moment, a dragon-shaped energy shock also flew out of Da Wangyan's mouth, whistling and collided with the attack above.

Boom boom boom! !

The first collision of moves caused an explosion of smoke and dust in mid-air, evenly matched.

"How is that possible?! How can Da Wangyan grasp the fluctuation of the dragon? It's a parrot!"

Manchong reacts quickly, and it is not uncommon for bird Pokémon to be able to imitate the opponent's parrot.

The moves released by Dragon-type Pokémon are also very effective for themselves. This is a move worth learning.

"In that case, use the power of the moon!!"

Full of attack again.

This time, I saw that Qixi Blue Bird's body was filled with pink light, and then all of them came out of the body, condensing a pink-purple energy bomb above its head.

Boom! !
The power of the moon shot out.

"Use a shadow clone!!"

However, Wang Yan's wings shook, and her figure suddenly turned into dozens of black shadows in the air, spreading out.


The power of the moon alone, just pierced through a row of Wang Yan, all failed.

Although the power of the Moon Power is powerful, the forward swing is too long, so it is not a very good move.

Just looking at Wang Yan, who is exactly the same in the full screen, seems to be completely unable to start, but her eyes become brighter.

"In that case, Qixi Blue Bird, use the singing trick!!"

(End of this chapter)

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