He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1231 1 punch 1 child

Chapter 1231 One Punch, One Child

Hearing this, the fossilized pterosaur also temporarily put away the breath of the ancient beast, although the momentum is still aggressive.

This also made this elegant cat swallow sharply, and jumped onto the lawn bravely, but the elegant and aristocratic temperament when it first appeared has disappeared.

The battle begins!
"Elegant cat, use the wave of water!!"

At the beginning, the elegant cat jumped high, and when the palm was raised, a stream of water was condensed, and it flew out.

The fossilized pterosaur did not use any tricks, but the three sharp rocks exposed in the joints of the wings slammed forward like sharp claws.

Whoosh! !
Three claw marks appeared on the wave of the water, and it shattered and exploded directly from the middle.

It's not even a move.

"If this guy's strength is extremely strong in melee combat, I will lose."

With sweat dripping down from his forehead, why does Ash have these weird and powerful Pokémon all over him!

But he knew about the fossil pterosaurs.
Rock + flying attributes, then water attribute, electric attribute, ice attribute three moves, can produce outstanding effect.

Unfortunately, these three attributes, its elegant cat will!
"Elegant cat, use [-] volts!!"

Full of attack again.

This time, the elegant cat raised its head, and the open small mouth flew out a crackling yellow electric snake.

Whoosh! !
However, the fossilized pterosaur was still a simple slash, and there was nothing left of the electric shock.

"Use Freezing Light!!"

Full of unwillingness to admit defeat, this time it was an ice-blue electric snake bursting out, with an icy aura
Whoosh! !
Just under the sharp claws of the fossilized pterosaur, in just an instant, the ice light was completely torn apart, meaningless.

"how is this possible?!"

His face was full of shock, he had never seen such a scene before.

"The level gap is too big"

While watching the game, leaning on the railing, Yushu said solemnly.

The gap is so big that you don't even need to use any moves to complete the defense
"It's outrageous, this fossilized pterosaur!"

Yushu couldn't help complaining, his face turned black.

Even if he went up, he couldn't think of how to defeat the latter very well for a while.

And the fossilized pterosaurs don't look like this. The whole body is covered with stones, and there are sharp claw-shaped rocks.

Is this an evolution of fossil pterosaurs?
On the field, the elegant cat's set of punches had no effect, and even the "Cat's Hand" move came out later.

This is a move that can randomly use other elf moves on the trainer.

Just in front of the fossilized pterosaur, it was still easily torn apart without any effect.
No, it still works.

The claws of the fossilized pterosaur have been sharpened.

"End the battle, use the ultimate shock!!"

Xiao Zhi didn't show the slightest bit of softness, and opening his mouth was a big move.


And the fossil pterosaur in the air suddenly spread its wings and charged straight down.


Along the way, the surface of the body was immediately covered with pink-purple light, turning into a spiral circle of circles that revolved wildly, causing the impact to continue to skyrocket.


Faced with such an offensive, the elegant cat froze in place for a while, unable to move its limbs.

In the blood soul, I recalled for a while that in ancient times, their mammals were inferior to wild dogs in front of such a sky overlord.
No, it is not as good as the existence of mice.

No, the only mammals at that time were mice.
This is cowardice from the soul.

The next moment, the shockwave light of pink and purple filled the eyes of the elegant cat.

Boom boom boom! !

The terrifying force of the ultimate impact knocked the latter out like a destructive force, and fell heavily on the lawn.

In an instant, the outcome was decided.

Even the audience in the entire arena was also frightened by the power of this special fossil pterosaur, and they were silent for a while, for fear that the latter would fly over and catch them in the air.

Well, in the past, it was undoubtedly the best buffet restaurant for ancient beasts, and it was full of meat buns.

In the next battle, Ash did not recover the fossilized pterosaur.

It is a rare appearance to show the attitude of the sky overlord in the ancient times in front of modern people.

But like this, it was really painful.
Snapped! !

Next, whether it was Poison Rose or Rain Wing Moth, they were all easily KO.

Really punch a kid!

Snapped!Snapped! !

Of course, the full three-in-one Magneto survived one punch. It was a two-knock KO.

This is a kind of Pokémon with its own energy waist, relying on its sturdy characteristics to forcibly hold up the ultimate impact.

Even taking advantage of the latter's rigid period, he gave the fossil pterosaur an electrotherapy.

"Damn, I thought of that royal masked man?!"

"Everyone is a royal masked man!"

In the stands, Xiaogang and Xiaolan couldn't help sweating badly.

"So who is the royal masked man you're talking about?"

Shota whispered beside him, as if he was some kind of bully.

Off the field, full of people who want to cry but have no tears, and are beaten and doubt their life.

Even if I lost today, it's okay, at most I feel a little regretful. But I was beaten like this.

"Damn, no matter what, today I'm going to defeat Ash at least one!!"

Like Masamune in the top 16, the same thought occurred to Manchong.

At this moment, there is only one last Pokémon left on his body.

"Come back, Fossil Pterosaur."

At this time, Xiao Zhi took back the fossilized pterosaur that he had enjoyed so much.

This guy, when he first met him, was already at a very high level. Even if he just woke up and was not in the best state, he still pressed his Genggui and Xiaomao's Hu Di to join forces and give him a fat beating.

The power at this moment is several times stronger than that at the time.

But now there is only the last one left in full charge, and he also knows what full charge's last trump card is.
"It's up to you! The Lizard King!!"

In the end, Ash sent the Lizard King directly.

On the lawn, the latter nodded comfortably, picked up a branch in his hand, and stood with his chest folded.

boom! !

On the other side, Manchong sent a human-shaped Pokémon with a slender and slender body, a white lower body, and a green upper body, with two arms as sharp as knives.

It's that Elleido!

Also using the slashing sword, Xiao Zhi naturally wanted to let his Lizard King appear and have a good fight.


"Ai Lu.!"

Sensing the other party's similar aura, just standing still, the whole body exuded a sharp aura like a sword unsheathed, and both Kendo-type Pokémon were staring at each other.

Match point, officially started!
"Lizard King, Leaf Blade Slash!!"

"Elloredo, we also use Leaf Slash!!"

Although the latter is not a grass attribute, the two special arms still extend similar green light sickles, rushing towards the Lizard King!
(End of this chapter)

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