He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1246 The final battle, vs the ultimate punch!

Chapter 1246 The final battle, vs the ultimate punch!
(Put it in. I accidentally sent chapter 1241 to the back of chapter 1209, and the location cannot be changed temporarily. If you want to read it, you can only skip it and watch it yourself. Embarrassingly pinch)—
Buzz! !

The power of supernatural power tightly bound the fist of the giant marsh monster, making it difficult to move forward.

For other super power attribute moves, the strength of the move is more about the strength of the Pokémon's own mental power.

But the supernatural powers are different. As a move that many divine beasts have mastered, the strength of this move depends more on the strength of the will of the superior.

The Yan Emperor who dared to attack the Wind King, the power of supernatural power is naturally powerful!

Even if the fist was about to hit his face, he was still calm and calm.

Boom! !
With the outbreak of the power of thought, the entire body of the mega giant marsh monster was suddenly blown away by the power of thought.


With a low roar, Emperor Yan threw himself onto a rock and easily broke free from the shackles of the quicksand hell.


On the other hand, the mega giant marsh monster began to breathe deeply.

Unlike games, mega evolution can be turned on from the beginning, and it seems to be an evolutionary state that can be maintained all the time.

But in this world, mega evolution means that it will consume more stamina than usual.

Therefore, most trainers still regard mega evolution as the trump card at the bottom of the box, and only choose to enter at the end of the battle.
Instead of being like Yuuki, the light-speed mega evolves as soon as he debuts.

"Giant swamp monster, use rockslide!!"

Although at a disadvantage, Yuuki can only choose to keep attacking.

At this moment, as long as he stops fighting, then he will definitely lose. Now there is only a sprint left!


Huge rocks flew down from the sky, completely engulfing Yan Emperor's figure.


Just with a majestic roar from Emperor Yan, the rocks cracked open one after another, and dispersed in all directions, revealing the latter's godlike attitude again.

"Right now, use all your strength to climb the waterfall!!"

But the rock collapse was only used by Youshu for cover. The giant swamp monster had already flown in front of Emperor Yan, raised his strong arms and fists, and the surface was surrounded by surging water bubbles.

"Supernatural power, stop it!"

Emperor Yan's eyes narrowed, and the powerful mental power instantly spread out, once again freezing the giant marsh monster in place.

The raised fist of climbing the waterfall, the water continued to roll, it was difficult to advance an inch.

"Don't lose to it, use all your strength and climb the waterfall!!"

Yuuki roared with a bit of hoarseness.

"You tree."

In the stands, Xiaoyao's expression also changed completely, she had never seen Yushu put on such an expression.

No matter what he is facing, he is able to do it with ease, but he does not have the blood of an ordinary trainer.

At this moment, he roared like a hot-blooded boy.

"Xiao Zhi, he is really strong!"

This made Xiaoyao's eyes fall on the red and black hat boy at the other end. Even if she was as confident as her, she still didn't think she would be the latter's opponent.


Feeling the strong fighting spirit of the trainer, the power of the mega swamp monster also broke through the extreme, the muscles of the arm that were already bursting seemed to be cracked, and the water bubbles on the fist were instantly swelled and rolled.

It is a pity that after the mega evolution, the characteristics of the giant marsh monster have become leisurely and comfortable, otherwise it will definitely enter the state of rapid current at this moment, and its power will rise again.

This blow also made the Emperor Yan's eyes flash with surprise for the first time.

Boom boom boom! !

The next moment, the supernatural power and the waterfall climbing moves were difficult to maintain, and it exploded completely!

The smoke explosion rose with the water mist, and the two figures quickly retreated from it.


After the Emperor Yan landed, this time, there was an extra scar on his cheek.

After this battle, the giant marsh monster finally injured the Emperor Yan.

"Whoosh, hoot"

But the giant marsh monster on the other side was gasping for breath and half-knelt on the ground. Obviously, this blow consumed a lot of its physical strength.

The light of mega evolution began to flicker on its body, and it seemed that it would exit this state in the next second, which was extremely unstable.

"I didn't expect such a power to erupt. In that case, let him see your true power!"

Ash pointed his finger to the sky.

Yushu is really strong, and even so, he can still drag the battle into such a situation.

If it was put at the Silver Conference, he didn't even think that he would definitely win against Yuuki.


Emperor Yan understood and jumped onto the rock pillar, the fiery flames in his body began to tumble continuously.

As the flames followed the mouth and came to Emperor Yan's mouth, the golden-white flames seemed to cover the entire arena with a large net, making it hard to breathe.

Holy flame, the ancient god power obtained from the wind king, a move that contains both vitality and destruction.

now against the enemy
"Use the holy flame of destruction!!"

As Xiao Zhi's voice fell, Emperor Yan opened his mouth, and a bunch of golden-white flames spewed out.

The scale is definitely not too big, but it gave the giant marsh monster and Yushu in front of them a feeling of being a formidable enemy, as if a high ancient god was attacking them.

"Please, the giant marsh monster, and climb the waterfall with all my strength!!"

Yuki chose to attack frontally and roared loudly.

The mega giant swamp monster roared, waving a huge fist, lingering on the surging water bubbles, and rushing out.

call out.!
Along the way, even the state of mega evolution was completely dissipated, returning to the appearance of an ordinary giant marsh monster.

It's just the colorful light that belongs to the evolution of mega, but at this moment, it is completely condensed on the fist.

Outside the water bubbles, a layer of colorful streamers was once again covered, which greatly improved the giant swamp monster's power to climb the waterfall!
Not only that, as soon as it exited the mega evolution state, the characteristics of the giant marsh monster returned to torrents, and its whole body rolled blue water under the limit of physical strength.

The giant marsh monster has turned on the torrent feature!
Then the gurgling water flow was completely transferred to the single point of the fist!
Torrent mega climbing waterfall. The buff of the giant marsh monster is completely stacked.

Boom boom boom! !

During the sprint, it seemed that the air was completely smashed by it, and the surrounding ground gravel was beating wildly.

"This is. Incredible!!"

Even Mikri in the stands stood up. With such a water-attribute blow, even he might not be able to perform it smoothly.

This is the legendary ultimate realm!

Relying on the crazy accumulation of multiple buffs, combined with the fighting will to break through everything, the giant marsh monster at this moment has entered the ultimate realm of water attributes!
Even Xiao Zhi in the back was surprised by the attack.

The next moment, the ultimate waterfall-climbing fist, bombarded directly on the golden-white flame.

Boom boom boom! !
Unprecedented explosion, the entire stadium was reduced to ruins in an instant, and the rising smoke will cover it all!
(End of this chapter)

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