He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1280 The Familiar Fire Monkey

Chapter 1280 The Familiar Fire Monkey
Seeing that the bucket hat mushroom that flew out was first frozen into a large ice sculpture, then it suddenly fell to the ground, shattering countless ice chips, and the whole body fell weakly to the corner of the wall.

"The bamboo hat mushroom loses its ability to fight, and the Kirby beast wins!"

The karate judge said loudly.

It's really a destructive battle, this Kirby beast's level is quite high.

"And unexpectedly, ice-type moves are very powerful."

Ahida gave a close-up of the Snorlax.

It looks simple and honest, but as soon as it enters the battle, it becomes quite scary.

"Come back, bucket hat mushroom!"

Taking back the bamboo hat mushroom, Cucumber Xiang couldn't help but glance at Yahida.

This fat man really brought back an incredible trainer.

Obviously he is superior in attributes, but he is so easily defeated
"Then my second general, please!!"

Cucumber Fragrant's fighting spirit did not go out in the slightest, but instead, he threw the second Poke Ball with his backhand.

The red light flashed, but it was a grumpy monkey Pokémon, the spherical body was covered with yellow fur, and the expression of the head fell directly on the belly of the round body.

Sturdy brown limbs with black rings at their joints.

Especially the expression, in a state of rage at all times, and even obvious cross blue veins can be seen on the forehead, and he stomped his feet on the spot when he appeared.

"Firemonkey, a very familiar Pokémon?"

Xiaozhi's eyes are certain, although the attributes are still unfavorable, but he is a big finger:
"Let's fight, Kirbymon!!"


Kirby has a simple and honest expression, but its heavy body stands up, waving its bear paws
Today's Kirby eats only [-]% full, and it happens to be in the most energetic state without sleeping.

The battle begins!
"Fire Monkey, use the cross chop!!"

The Fire Monkey stomped on the floor and rushed up, with its strong upper limbs in a cross-cut posture on the chest, and the white light flickered.

"Kapimon, use the circle to block it!!"

The Kirby beast on the other side hugged its body in place, as if it turned into a big ball, its own defense power also increased.

Bang Bang! !
The next moment, a powerful cross slashed on the Snorby's belly.


However, with a low roar of the Kirby beast, it suddenly opened its body, and its big belly pushed forward, directly breaking the cross of the fire monkey, and even flying the latter out.

"It's not over yet, use close combat!!"

Cucumber Fragrant's second attack.

I saw the fiery monkey that flew out backwards, adjusted its posture, stepped on the wall suddenly, and recoiled out with force.

Immediately, the clenched fist seemed to be wearing a glove, and it crazily greeted the Snorby beast.

Boom boom boom! !

Every fist, with incomparably vigorous force, made bursts of sonic booms!

However, Kirbymon did not dodge and was hit by the front again.

duang~! duang~! duang~!

The whole belly fat is shaking back and forth with the violent punches
The effect is outstanding!

Just wait until Huobao Monkey closes his fists and backs up and maintains his figure. Looking at the expression of Kirby, it seems that the damage is not too big?

"It's so terrifyingly durable, isn't it effective to eat Fire Monkey's big move head on?"

Cucumber Fragrance exclaimed.

"Kapimon, use Frozen Fist!!"

After being beaten for a long time, Snorlax also became sullen. The raised bear grasped a fist, covered with icy energy, and blasted out heavily!

Frozen Fist!

However, this fiery monkey suddenly shrank its pupils, as if the fighters sensed the incoming punch, their head suddenly slanted to the side, avoiding the full-bodied frozen fist of the Kirby beast.

But such a full-strength blow also revealed a great flaw in Kirbymon's movements.

Cucumber Fragrant is obviously very good at fighting and fighting, and did not miss this opportunity.

"Right now, use Kick Down!!"

Boom! !
The Fire Monkey immediately landed a sliding shovel and kicked directly on the sole of the Kirby beast.


This caused the Kirby beast to suffer in an instant, and the center of gravity of the body completely lost control. Following the force of the sliding shovel, it fell heavily on the dojo ground.

Long.! !
Due to the high weight of Kirbymon, the damage caused by this kick is also very high, and it fell to the ground, causing the entire dojo to vibrate.

"How about it, my fiery monkey!"

Seeing that the move succeeded, Cucumber Xiang smiled proudly, and it seemed that she was going to win the game directly.

"Fire Monkey, use rock climbing!!"

Firestorm Monkey understood, and his fists slammed into the ground in front of him.

The next moment, the ground beneath the Kirby beast protrudes from the ground out of thin air, and it is necessary to support the former high.


It's just that the three or four-meter-high rock climbing that the Kirby was supposed to climb on top of, this time it was less than half a meter, and it froze in place, unable to continue climbing.
The goal is too heavy to be reached at all.

But this allowed Ash to find an opportunity and immediately shouted loudly:

"Right now, use Taishan to press the top!!"


Kabimon understood, patted his butt and stood up again, and then his lower limbs slammed towards the raised rock platform under his feet.

The huge trampling force caused the rock under his feet to crack open in an instant.

But the Kirby beast has already leveraged its strength, and its entire body is like a butterfly swimming out of the water, and it slams to the target!
This stance is to use the big belly with thick fat to directly crush the fire monkey to death.

But Cucumber Xiang was not an ordinary trainer, and found a countermeasure in an instant.

"Fire Monkey, seize the moment and use leverage to fall!!"

This is a classic move in fighting battles. With the strength of the opponent, the opponent will be smashed and fly out, and the damage will be completely returned to the opponent.

This Fiery Monkey is also of extraordinary quality. Even in the face of the Kabi beast that is covered like a hill, it still does not have the slightest timidity.

One hand came out quickly and directly grabbed the neck and neck of the Kirby beast, while the other hand was caught on the soft belly of the Kirby beast.


Immediately, he turned slightly sideways, snorted lowly, and his entire body slanted forward.

Both hands are exerting force at the same time, and you have to follow the force and fall down the Kabi beast flying from the sky!

It's just that Huo Feng Monkey has just exerted his strength, and his face is suddenly startled.

Obviously, its movements are already very standard, and the part of the grab is also very precise, which is the best part of the force.

But... just can't get it out.

Target, seems too heavy? !
Unable to move the Kirby beast, this posture of leveraging the force of the fall also instantly turned into a fiery monkey capable of resisting the tripod. It was like lifting a weight, and the Kirby beast was lifted on the top of his head on the spot.


A sound of broken bones suddenly sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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