Chapter 1286

The wind speed dog and the blood wing flying dragon attacked the target at the same time, and the moves were also dangerous restraint moves, and the scene was extremely dangerous for a time.
"Banquilas, use Loud Roar!!"

Xiao Zhi suddenly commanded.

Bangelas thought, his mouth opened to his mouth, the roar sounded like a thunder, and burst instantly.

The passionate sound wave even turned into a real storm and spread to the audience, causing the wind speed dog and the blood wing dragon to turn black, and at the same time, they froze in place.

Loud rants can always be trusted.

"Right now, use metal claws!!"

The metal monster immediately waved its steel arm, and the metal fist smashed straight at the incoming target.

But the level of the blood-winged dragon is definitely not low, and it quickly broke free from the discomfort of the loud roar, and the shadow claws continued, and then tore out.

Boom! !
The move collided and exploded, and the metal monster couldn't help but retreat a few meters.

Although Mr. Dawu has cultivated this metal monster to perfection, it has not fully evolved after all, and the strength of the full version of the Quasi-God Blood Winged Dragon is still a little worse.


The wind speed dog on the other side was covered in pink light, and the playful impact rushed out again!
"Banquilas, use the sharp stone attack!!"

Countless sharp sharp stones appeared out of thin air in Banquilas' body, and with the wave of his arm, they shot out in unison.

Whoosh whoosh! !

The dangerous sharp-blade rock that came flying, the wind speed dog can only forcibly stop his playful moves, dodging towards the surrounding.

"It can't be careless."

Hills looked cautious.

This metal monster level is slightly lower, which is a good breakthrough.

But the power of this Banquilas is very tyrannical and cannot be easily attacked by this guy.
"Blood-winged dragon, use rock collapse!!"

Hills pondered in his heart and attacked again.

As the blood-winged flying dragon roared in the sky, countless rocks condensed in the other half of the arena, and then smashed down towards the two beasts below!

"Metal monster, use mental strength!!"

Xiao Zhi quickly commanded.

Not long ago, his own metal monster also evolved into a high-level mental strength. This is how Xiao Zhi sent it out to fight.


The glittering metal's eyes glowed, and the blue light was spreading to the audience.

The countless rocks that were about to fall down were completely frozen in mid-air, unable to continue falling.

"Humph. Wind speed dog, use hot air!!"

Hills just smiled and snapped his fingers.

The wind speed dog raised its head, its brown-yellow mane danced wildly, and countless Martian winds flew out of its fur, turning into high-heat wind and waves blowing into the sky.

Combined with the rocks in the sky, the latter actually burned up one after another, turning into meteors and meteorites.


With the raging hot wind, the temperature of the entire arena rose sharply, which made the metal monster somewhat uncomfortable, and the psychic restraint was also loosened.

The next moment, countless flints fell!

Hot wind and rock avalanche! !
This is Hills' classic combination move!
"Banquilas, Metal Monster, use Iron Wall at the same time!!"

Ash hastily used double defense.

However, seeing the two beasts blocking their arms in front of them at the same time, the surface of their bodies simultaneously glowed with metallic luster, and their defenses were greatly improved.


The flaming meteors continued to bombard the two of them, but they had little effect on Banquilas, which was equivalent to scraping.


However, the noble platinum body of the metal monster was stained with a lot of scars.

"Damn, does this move also bring the flame attribute?"

Xiao Zhi frowned.

Fortunately, the metal monster was not in a state of burns. It seems that the next time I won't be beaten in vain.

"Prepare to fight back, Banquilas, use the wave of evil!!"

After making up his mind, this time it was Ash's turn to take the initiative to attack.

Banquilas roared, and a laser beam composed of countless dark circles blasted out, hitting the center of the arena.

Boom boom boom! !

There was an explosion, and smoke rose, covering the entire arena.

"Blood-wing flying dragon, fly high and wind speed dog, be careful around you!"

Hills is also a veteran of the battle, and immediately responded.

He naturally knew that Xiao Zhi planned to do something under the cover of the smoke. The blood-winged dragon was already flying high at the moment, so he only needed to focus on the wind speed dog below.

However, at this moment, not only the blood-wing flying dragon flew high out of the smoke range, but also another huge figure flew high, chasing towards the position of the blood-wing flying dragon.

But this figure is neither Banquilas nor Metal Monster.
As the smoke dissipated, he saw that Banquilas actually rode directly on the body of the metal monster. The latter was like an alien flying saucer, carrying Banquilas to the sky.

Although the former is very heavy, the flight of the metal monster is not by its own "power", but by magnetic force, which is not a big problem.

"Right now, use Shoot Down!!"

Ash's fingers pointed high towards the sky.

This also allowed Banquilas to seize the opportunity, and suddenly jumped high, one arm was already stained with the power of the rock, and bombarded straight towards the blood-winged dragon!

In a hurry, the blood-winged dragon can only hit a dragon claw with a backhand, barely competing with it.

Boom! !
The power of the two moves was comparable, and although the powers canceled each other out, the additional effect of Banquilas' knockdown move was still retained.

The next moment, the blood-winged dragon suddenly couldn't control his body, and his figure immediately fell from the air, hitting the ground heavily.

"Ow, roar.?!"

And no matter how much he fanned his blood-red wings, it would be difficult to fly again, which made the blood-winged flying dragon in a panic for a while.

As if I had returned to the stage of the baby dragon
Losing the power to fly and switching to other Pokémon may soon get used to it.

Not being able to fly is definitely a huge psychological crit for the blood-winged dragon, and it is completely deadlocked.

"Blood-winged dragon, hurry up and use the dragon's claws!!"

By the time Hills reminded it, it was already a step too late, and another metal monster had already flown, and the fist and arm on one side were covered with rich ice and snow energy.
Frozen Fist! !

Boom! !
Unpredictable, the blood-wing flying dragon was directly smashed by the frozen fist several meters away, and a long mark was drawn on the ground.

The four times the effect is outstanding, and the damage of this blow is excellent!
"Feng speed dog, right now, use big characters to explode flames!!"

Hills was too late to take care of his blood-winged dragon, and hurriedly seized the opportunity to attack the road.

He didn't expect Ash's battle to be so unpredictable, what kind of tactic is flying with Banquilas!
(End of this chapter)

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