He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1291 Manaphy's Egg

Chapter 1291 Manaphy's Egg

Along the way, with their heads lowered, Xiao Zhi and Xia also slowly boarded a giant pirate ship.

It is said to be a ship, but it is different from ordinary ships. The shape is more like a submarine, but in the upper position, it has a structure similar to the deck of a ship.


Little Piqiu carefully shrank in Xia Ye's neckline, but he couldn't see anything unusual.

As for Pikachu.

Pikachu directly performed a speed move, turned into a ghostly blue light that could not be seen clearly in the dark night, and boarded the pirate ship in a flash.

Xiaozhi asked Pikachu to stand by and watch, and come out to help if there is any movement.

"Hey! It's just the two of you!"

"It's you two slackers again! Grinding!!"

It seems that these two unlucky bastards are habitual criminals, and the pirate soldier at the bridge at the entrance of the big ship cursed.

Xiaozhi and Xia also looked at each other, lowered their heads, fooled over with a random "hmmm", and boarded the ship with supplies.

As everyone walked into the interior of the hull, all the doors leading to the outside world were locked and closed.

Wow wow wow!

The pirate ship began to sail and continued to sink until it sank to the bottom of the sea and completely disappeared on the sea level.

After Xiao Zhi and Xia Ye finished unloading the supplies, they stood at the edge of the hall inside the ship along with the other soldiers, acting as silent guards.

Although the interior space of the whole big ship is spacious, because of the sailing in the sea, it gives people a feeling of depression, and the wall is also glowing red, like a furnace.

At this time, in the air of the hall, a cockpit-like chair device slowly fell.

It is attached to the edge of the wall, allowing it to stay in mid-air.

Sitting in the cockpit was a man with a blue-purple beard, a long beard that almost reached his abdomen, and was tied with a belt.

The stature is not tall, on the contrary, it looks a bit squat, and the whole body is wrapped in a large scarlet captain's uniform.

He wears an island hat with the letter "A" engraved on his head, with a fierce expression and a cane in one hand.

Xiao Zhi and Xia Ye hurriedly looked at each other, and the latter nodded solemnly.

It's that great pirate, Fanton!

"Great Captain~! Great Captain~!"

On Fenton's crutches, there was also a colorful parrot bird, speaking human language.

It is small in size, bright in color, and its black head rises upwards with feathers shaped like musical notes.

"This is.?"

It was the first time Xiao Zhi saw this kind of Pokémon, and he said subconsciously.

"DiDi. Noisy Birds, and flying Pokémon in general, have the ability to imitate human speech, and like to chatter and repeat meaningless sounds."

Pokédex automatically identifies broadcast reports.

Xiaozhi: "!?"

Oops, I forgot to mute it!
Although the sound is not too loud, because the surrounding is a completely closed space, the sound of the picture book has become a stereo surround sound and even has an echo effect.

Fanton immediately jumped off the driving platform, and his not-so-tall body fell to the ground, making a heavy sound.


The stern and fierce gaze swept towards the dozens of guards around him.

Since it is full surround sound, no one knows where the exact source is.

However, just when Xiao Zhi thought he was going to screw it up, he interrupted the direct capture of the thief and captured the king first, and took the big pirate in front of him on the spot.

Zizzi boom.! !
There was a sudden explosion from another part of the ship, and the whole ship trembled, alarming everyone.

"Damn, Captain, there seems to be an intruder over there!"

A scrawny co-captain hurriedly reported.

Fenton frowned, ordered a few people to deal with it, and temporarily forgot about the illustrated book.

"Good cover, Pikachu!"

Xiao Zhi breathed a sigh of relief, then secretly reached into his pocket and set his picture book to vibration mode.

The explosion just now, he vaguely heard the movement of [-] volts, it seems that Pikachu is operating.

However, the sudden intrusion of an outsider made Fanton a little worried.

Immediately took a few pirate soldiers and walked to one of the rooms.

Since Xia Ye and Xiao Zhi were at the outermost positions, they naturally followed.

When I came to the room, I saw a thick tube-shaped cultivation warehouse standing in the center, which was filled with liquid and connected to a heavy mechanical device.

With the palm of Fanton press the operation interface.

call out.!

A round egg suddenly popped out of the device below, suspended in the liquid in the incubation chamber.

"This is.!?"

Xiao Zhi hurriedly looked at Xia Ye, who also nodded cautiously.

In the cultivation warehouse, an elf egg was suspended in it.

But this elf egg is different from what Ash has seen before.

A completely transparent surface with a smaller dark blue, translucent egg visible inside.

Among them, a smaller orange circle can be seen, with bright yellow light spots floating around like an embryo.

"Haha, Manaphy's eggs are so beautiful no matter when you look at them.!!"

Fanton laughed wildly, slapped his arms on the surface of the cultivation bin, and stared obsessively at the strange eggs suspended in it.

This is also what he successfully found a few days ago. According to legend, the elf egg of Manaphy, the prince of the sea, can hatch.

But the focus of Fenton is not this Pokémon.

As long as there is Manaphy, the latter can take him to the legendary Sea Temple.

"The big secret treasure in there, the Crown of the Sea, will only belong to me Fanton!! Hahaha!!"

Obviously no one talked to him, but Fanton laughed frantically to himself.

The person who obtains the crown of the sea will become the real king of this sea.
"When the time comes, any black beard or tea beard will only be my defeat!!"

"That's right~! The defeated general~! The defeated general~!!"

The screeching bird on the cane continued to repeat, apparently a bird who was good at flattering.

"black beard?"

This name reminds Xiao Zhi of something.

It seems that the group of powerful pirates he encountered in the Orange Islands had an opponent comparable to the strength of the Alliance Heavenly King. The person headed by him was called Blackbeard?
Looking at the entire sea, Fanton was the weakest pirate, which made him eager to seek new power.

Pokémon battles are a no-brainer.

But the legendary person who becomes the king of the sea will be able to completely dominate this sea.

Not only can you walk through every corner of the ocean at will, but even drive every ocean Pokémon.

Even the legendary sea emperor Kyogre can ride directly under his crotch! !
"Shuiwutong, you useless loser. Let me teach you how to use Kyogre this time!! Haha!!"

Fanton laughed wildly, as if Kyogre was already riding on his crotch.

Obviously, he still knows Shui Wutong.

(End of this chapter)

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