He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1300 Evolutionary Degeneration and Re-evolution

Chapter 1300 Evolutionary Degeneration and Re-evolution

After regaining his mobility, the Lizard King jumped in place, shaking off the shards of ice on his body.

The damage of a blizzard is not low, but it is not a situation where it is four times restrained and directly killed.

"How about it, do you want to do another mega evolution?"

Xiao Zhi had raised his arm behind him and asked loudly.

In a battle, although only one Pokémon can be mega-evolved, it does not mean that this Pokémon can only be mega-evolved once.

It is completely possible to evolve, and then exit and evolve again.


However, the Lizard King shook his head, his breath a little messy.

Mega evolution consumes too much physical strength, especially the colorful and colorful evolution white light special effects between advancing and retreating, which are not caused by strong winds.

It is released by its own energy!
Moreover, this Minas has a strong ice attribute move, and the grass + dragon attribute is not as comfortable as pure grass.

The exhaustion from the last game against the Snake also followed
"Minas, use Blizzard!!"

Xiao Ji struck out again.

As Minas raised his head, the power of ice and snow once again condensed in its mouth, ready to go.

This is still an excellent attribute restraint effect on the Lizard King.

"Lizard King, jump near that pool and use the seed machine gun!!"

Xiaozhi's head turned, and he suddenly commanded.

The Lizard King understood it, flew down in front of the water, opened his mouth and spit out countless bullets of green light energy, which bombarded the water.

Da da da! !

The dense and powerful strafing directly splashed countless water splashes, forming a water barrier.

Although there is no defensive power at all, the water splashes that will shatter at a rush, but the water escapes on the power of defense against ice and snow, but it is the most perfect shield.

The next moment, the wind and snow blew from the sky, freezing everything in contact.


The splash of water splashed by the Lizard King also froze into an ice shield in an instant, protecting the Lizard King firmly behind him.

"Next is the knocking move!!"

Xiao Zhi didn't plan to defend all the time, he took the initiative to attack.

However, I saw the Lizard King jumping up, and the lush needle-leaf tail slapped the ice shield, turning the ice shield into countless pieces of ice, and flew towards the direction of Minas.

"Use hot water!"

Xiao Ji's command was concise and to the point.

This time, Minas opened his mouth and spat out, and the surface of the blue water stream was filled with infiltrating white steam, which was extremely hot.

laugh.! !
When it came into contact with the crushed ice, it instantly melted the latter and covered it in the direction of the Lizard King.


The Lizard King hurriedly flew and dodged, with lingering fears in his heart.

Although this is a water-type move that it has resistance to, it has the effect of high temperature scorching.

Injury is one thing but it must be painful!
"Minas, use frozen light!!"

Xiao Ji kept choosing ice attribute moves to attack.

In the face of the icy blue electric snake pulse, this time the Lizard King did not retreat, but instead advanced, he took the initiative to charge towards the attack.

"Use See Through!"

Along the way, the eyes of the Lizard King also glowed with a strange green light, completely seeing through the frozen light move.

The whole body was stuck to the frozen light like this, the latter shifted an inch, and the Lizard King moved an inch, always keeping the frozen light close to him, but unable to hit him.

Until it rushed to the body of Minas, the movement was going to the extreme.

"Right now, use the Leaf Slash!!"

The Lizard King raised his arm, and the emerald scythe was already stretched out, slashing at the flesh and blood of Minas.

The incomparably sharp knife slashed Minas to the point of falling backwards.

The effect is outstanding! !
"Don't let it go, grab the Lizard King!!"

However, in the process of going backwards, Minas' body suddenly entangled away, entangling the Lizard King.

The scene on the field became similar to the last time, and Minas also put on a snake hunting action.

Don't look at the beauty of the Minas alien, but the essence is still a snake.

Of course, its physical strength is much worse than that of a rice spoon snake, and naturally it is impossible to do anything to strangle and break bones.
"Minas, use hypnotism!!"

Xiao Ji suddenly attacked.

However, he saw Minas looking at the Lizard King almost at zero distance, sitting in the high forest, and his eyes flickered, and began to emit hypnotic fluctuations in circles.

"Lizard King, use Flying Leaf Storm!!"

However, Xiao Zhi directly chose to activate the ultimate move.

The Lizard King understood, although his entire body was bound, a strong green light suddenly appeared on his entire body.

The next moment, countless blades of grass appeared out of thin air around the body, and a strong storm blew up.

Whoosh whoosh! !

The originally ordinary blades of grass, under the blow of the storm, instantly became extremely dangerous.

This time, with the Lizard King at the center, a huge tornado of blades of grass was provoked! !
Bearing the brunt of the brunt, Minas was hit by the flying leaf storm, and the strength of the pain was loosened.


The Lizard King hurriedly jumped and rolled, breaking free.

However, there was a weakened blue light on the body. Flying Leaf Storm's move was powerful, but every time it was used, it weakened the special attack power of the elf itself.

Fortunately, Ash, the lizard king, prefers physical slashes with leaf blade slashes, and the weakening effect is not obvious.

"Minas, use self-regeneration!!"

Xiao Ji suddenly spoke up.

After taking a leaf blade slash and a flying leaf storm, even if Minas was strong enough, the damage would not be light, and his stamina was about to bottom out.


Minas raised his head and let out a high-pitched cry, and a strange healing white light appeared on the surface of his body.

"Don't give it a chance, use Leaf Blade Slash!!"

Xiao Zhi naturally did not miss this opportunity and attacked with all his strength.

The Lizard King's figure was galloping fast on the rocky arena, as fast as lightning, and while waving his arms, two beams of green scythes were already formed again, which looked very sharp.

Just when he just rushed to the position of about three meters within the range of Minas' body, Xiao Ji suddenly looked cold and said:

"Right now, use Blizzard!!"

Minas instantly stopped his self-regeneration, and the skilled movements were obviously practiced long ago.

The ice and snow energy in the mouth was ready to go, and it was sprayed directly to the ground.

It's not that she doesn't aim at the Lizard King, it's just that the latter's movements are too fast, and Minas can't find the aim at all.

swoosh! !

The blizzard that bombarded the ground immediately swept away in four directions. With Minas as the source, the frozen aura of the sky and snow spread to the audience.

Aoe's move, the Lizard King was naturally not spared, and was frozen in an instant.


Just the next moment, the Lizard King had already broken free from the impact of the ice and snow, and the blade light of the Leaf Blade Slash did not weaken at all, and he slashed away with all his strength!

(End of this chapter)

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